The banquet lasted all night.

During this period, Luffy mistakenly entered Bellemere's cemetery in search of raw ham and cantaloupe, and was symbolically threatened by Ken.

He also promised not to bully Nami.

When it was daytime, the bustling Cocosia Village also pressed the stop button at this time.

At the banquet site, villagers sleeping soundly can be seen everywhere.

As for the Straw Hat Pirates.

Luffy was sleeping soundly while stuffing meat into his mouth.

Sanji and Zoro somehow slept upside down together, stroking each other's faces with their feet.

Nami and Nokiko snuggled up to each other and fell asleep sweetly.

Usopp was sleeping among a group of people. He had boasted to them last night.

As for Bai Ye, he fell asleep early last night, so he was sitting aside, watching the scene with a smile on his face.

After a while, when everyone woke up and prepared to continue the banquet, a neat sound of footsteps came from far away.

"It should be here."

Smoker came in front of everyone, took a quick look and said straight to the point:

"Let us take over the Arlong Pirates and Colonel Mouse."

Looking at Smoker's slightly fierce expression and the navy behind him.

The village sheriff Ken stood up and said that he would lead the way.

Then, except for Smoker, the navy also followed Ken to the place where Arlong and Colonel Mouse were imprisoned.

As for Smoker, he looked at the rest of the people, compared the information in his mind, and quickly found the people of the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Hmph, you didn't run away when you saw me?"

After talking to Sengoku on the phone, Brian revealed all the information about the Straw Hat Pirates according to the agreement with Bai Ye.

So at this time, Smoker also knew that the people in front of him were pirates who did not fly the pirate flag.

In theory, when pirates meet the navy, their first reaction is to run away.

But after seeing him and others coming, the people in front of him had no reaction at all.

The boy in the straw hat even continued to eat meat.

In fact, he really can't be blamed for this, it's all Bai Ye's fault.

Since Zoro got on the ship, these people have seen Bai Ye and the navy chatting and laughing more than once.

So when they saw the navy again, they naturally subconsciously thought that Bai Ye had called them, and of course they wouldn't be afraid.

Even Luffy, this guy, has learned his lesson after being beaten several times.

In a word, don't run when the navy comes, listen to what Bai Ye says first.

It's just that such behavior makes Smoker feel offended.

Is it because he doesn't look scary enough?

So he snorted again and said:

"Sure enough, he is a daring pirate!"

Not only did he dare to cooperate with the navy, he even called the marshal.

Thinking of this, Smoker looked at Bai Ye with some admiration. He naturally knew who was the mastermind of all this.

Is it courage or ignorance?

At least from the point of view of their defeat of the Arlong Pirates, it should not be the latter.

"So, are you here to arrest us, Mr. Navy?"

Hearing Smoker's words, Bai Ye was not panicked at all. After Smoker showed up, he was already sitting on the Diaoyutai.

He had a strong smile on his face because he was confident that Smoker would not arrest him.

You know, in the original work, the Straw Hat Pirates were deliberately let go by Smoker in Alabasta with a bounty.

And now, although he and others did not make a feat of saving a country.

But they also have the credit of saving twenty villages.

So Bai Ye was confident that according to Smoker's character, even if Sengoku issued an order to arrest him and others, he would not arrest him and others.

Bai Ye's guess was right.

Before going here, Sengoku's order was indeed [to act on the situation, it is best to arrest the Straw Hat Pirates directly].

But Smoker was not prepared to listen.

Just because he was not prepared to arrest the Straw Hat Pirates, it did not mean that he could not deal with the people in front of him.

As for the reason, it was really that Bai Ye's fearless look was too much.

It seemed to be silently saying: I have seen through you.

Who can tolerate this?

"What if I say yes?"

Smoker said dully.

As soon as he said this, he found that the atmosphere on the scene had changed.

Bai Ye still had a smiling face, without any change.

It was the others who changed.

Luffy stopped first

He stood up while holding down the straw hat on his head, his expression calm.

Zoro and Sanji stood side by side, the former tied a headscarf, and the latter lit a cigarette.

Even Nami and Usopp stood up without hesitation, picked up sticks and slingshots and looked at Smoker.

It seemed that in an instant, everyone who was laughing just now turned into determined warriors.

Although he didn't say anything, it seemed that he had said everything.

Seeing the changes in the few people, Smoker was stunned at first, then grinned:

"You guys are unexpectedly good!"

What Smoker didn't expect was the performance of the villagers of Cocosia:

"Are you going to take our little Nami away?"

"Are you in cahoots with that mouse colonel and are going to bully our benefactor?"

"Mr. Luffy and the others are our guests, and we will never allow you to act recklessly!"

"The navy is really a big bad guy, you are not allowed to take away sister Nami and brother Bai Ye."

In the end, even some children shouted at Smoker.

"When we needed to be saved, it was Nami and her companions who saved us."

Nojigo stood in front of everyone at this time, opened his arms and shouted loudly:

"You bastards who are not reliable at all, if you plan to take them away, step over my body first!!!"

"That's right!!!"

"You have to step over our bodies!!!"

Seeing this scene, Nami's eyes became moist.

Zoro smiled.

Sanji's eyes softened.

As for Luffy and Usopp, they were so moved that they hugged each other and cried bitterly.

Bai Ye: Are you two idiots? ? ?

As for Smoker, he didn't expect that just one sentence could cause such an effect.

It even aroused the villagers' rebellious psychology against the navy.

If Sengoku was here, he would definitely curse Smoker.

But who made him Smoker, so he was just slightly surprised and continued to smoke his cigar.

Who cares about him, this kind of thing should be a headache for those navy who care more about face.

He looked at Bai Ye, who had been confident just now, and couldn't help asking:

"You, or what is your purpose?"

Bai Ye naturally knew what Smoker was asking.

From the perspective of the navy.

Luffy and Bai Ye started from defeating Alrita and coming to Shields Town.

They have been challenging pirates in the East China Sea with bounties exceeding 10 million.

And every time, they must let the navy know.

That's right, in Marshal Sengoku's analysis.

Bai Ye cooperated with the navy not for the bounty, but to let the navy know their record.

Although those who want to be pirates have more or less some problems.

But even Sengoku, who is known as a wise general, couldn't think of their purpose for a while.

He could only give Smoker a task and let him find out the purpose of several people.

Bai Ye was not surprised at all by Smoker's question, and even felt that he had finally waited for it.

He opened his mouth softly and said:

"In order to let the navy, or the whole world-"

"Witness the birth of a legend!"

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