The five fingers opened, and the palm of the hand was the first to resist the tailed beast jade. At the moment of contact, the entire palm of the hand turned into a blood mist, and it was forcibly shattered.

The heart-piercing pain awakened the absent-minded Yellow Ape, and the moment the chill in the spine skyrocketed, the elementalization of the speed of light was carried out immediately.

This conditioned reflex made the future yellow ape feel very lucky.

The mottled golden light spots collapsed in the sky and the earth in an instant.

The tailed beast jade that was rolled over smashed the body of the yellow monkey, and with a tearing attitude, it approached the height of the emperor.

Looking at the dignified general Kizaru, the interception offensive launched was destroyed in an instant, the crushed right hand, and the dazzlingly blooming blood flowers were like straws that broke the nerves.

"Hurry up and escape!" The battle-hardened Garp took the lead in drinking violently. .

Chapter 306 The Identity of the Dead


Absurd thoughts quickly sprung up in the minds of Doflamingo and the others.

But what made them feel even more absurd was that Garp and Qingzhi really set off and ran away.

Without any hesitation, with all his strength, he madly fled to the Emperor's Heights.

Looking at this completely unpredictable scene, Doflamingo couldn't react.

Dispersed to the body, in the sky, disperse along the hurricane, listening to Lieutenant General Garp's reminder.

Huang Yuan hurriedly turned his head and looked behind him, accompanied by a shocking explosion.

The red rays of light filled the line of sight within Kiabou's eyes, and the violent hurricane hit him.

It was like a sharp blade, causing the skin of the yellow monkey to ache.

The whole island brought the feeling of shaking the ground and the mountain was under a strong explosion.

The hurricane set off, together with the ability of the devil fruit, quietly suspended in the air, there is absolutely no way to do it.

At this moment, the whole world was shrouded in despair crimson, and Deringer and Rao G, who were chasing back quickly, couldn't stop walking.

I felt the shaking of the earth, the [-]-level hurricane that was rolling in my face, and the red light that exploded into the sky in front of my eyes.

The whole person was involved in the rolling storm and rolled into the ruins.

I don't know how long it took, the shaking of the earth disappeared, the red light in the sky subsided, and the hurricane that dissipated quickly disappeared.

Deringer and Rao G were crawled out of the ruins with difficulty, and they hurriedly looked at the Emperor's Heights. The scene that came into their eyes was like an invisible heavy hammer, shaking people's nerves.

After suffering a blatant sneak attack on the huge Emperor's Heights, the top position was forcibly leveled in half.

Like a sharp blade, it was cut in half by the waist.

It is a pity that the divided imperial palace, rock mountain, and sunflower highland were abruptly erased.

If, at the moment of the explosion just now, they had landed on the high ground of the Emperor, Dellinger and Rao G believed.

Now, I am afraid they have become a cold corpse!

At this moment, Deringer and Rao G, with a trace of joy in their hearts, hurriedly looked up at the sky.

At the moment of entering the target, the whole person is like an electric shock, and his face is full of disbelief.

In the void, the yellow ape floating quietly, overlooking from the sky, has a panoramic view of the shocking scene.

His right hand was still dripping blood, but unfortunately, compared to the crazy idea just now, if he hadn't been reminded by Kapo from time to time.

Kizuna really stood up to stop the oncoming tailed beast jade, but did not elementize it in time.

So now he is probably dead!

Thinking of this, Huang Yuan Gulu swallowed a mouthful of saliva and hurriedly looked up at the sky.

Like fireworks, after rising to the extreme void, the five-color lines that quickly split and spread out, do not know when to stop.

Blocking half of the dead end, with the breeze taking away the last piece of dust, the tenacious prison silk thread was instantly annihilated in the world.

Watching the capable person's incarnation ability dissipate, a terrifying thought appeared in Kizaru's mind.

one strike!

With a single blow, not only did the emperor's heights be razed to the ground, but he also killed the king's Qiwuhai, the young master of the Don Quixote family, Doflamingo!

"Young Master, Young Master, please wake up quickly!"

Torrebo, covered in blood, crawled out of the ruins, using the Devil Fruit ability of the Nature Department.

Torrepo recovered a small life at a critical moment, and with the help of his arrogance, he quickly found Doflamingo buried in the ruins.


Doflamingo, struggling to climb out, his face covered in blood, turned over and lay on the rubble, panting heavily.

"Young Master, are you okay?" Torrebo was overjoyed and quickly stepped forward to ask.

Brother Doflaming touched the blood on his face, and said sternly: "Don't worry, my life is hard, give me three minutes, I will make the Supreme regret, under the sneak attack, no One blow kills me."

Resentful voices echoed in this piece of ruins.

When Garp reminded him, Doflamingo hurriedly dodged.

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