However, he never imagined that the power of a sneak attack could reach such a level.

Doflamingo felt unwilling at the thought that the hard-earned game had turned into a wedding dress for others.

"Bastard, Supreme I will make you regret it!" Doflamingo clenched his fists and said angrily.

Unfortunately, just after the voice fell, a shadow fell from the sky and reflected in Doflamingo's pupils.


Looking at the figure of this uninvited guest, Brother Doflamingo's pupils could not help shrinking slightly, struggling to stand up.

".〃Dover, don't you think your life is tough? If I told you that I deliberately saved your life, would you believe it?" Ye Zhige's lips pursed slightly, revealing a playful smile.

The inexplicable words made Torrepo's nerves suddenly tense, and he quickly stepped forward and stopped in front of Doflamingo to defend.

Looking at Torrebo, who was loyal to the Lord, the stiff expression on Doflamingo's face also eased a little or two.

Ye Zhige greeted him with a playful gaze, and a playful smile appeared on Brother Doflamingo's pale cheeks, and said, "Supreme, it seems that you are planning to take this opportunity to kill me and Crocodile. Let’s recruit under the banner of fairies as well!”

"This may be a very good opportunity, but you still don't compare me with Crocodile. The ambitions between me and him are completely different levels. If you want me to join the goblin, you need to pay a big price."

(of money) a big price?

The smile that appeared in the corner of Ye Zhige's eyes became even more prosperous. This smile made Brother Doflaming panic a little bit.

It's a pity that Doflamingo didn't wait for him to say any more words, and the sound of words that fell under this sky shook his mind.

"Yes, I plan to recruit you into the goblin, so I gave you a sigh of relief, but don't think too much, I just need dead people."

Ye Zhige stepped forward slowly, paused and continued: "No, to be correct, Crocodile joined the goblin's command as a dead man."

The identity of the dead?

Doflamingo was stunned for a moment, remembering what Aokiji said not long ago, as well as the so-called oath confession by Smoke.

Crocodile, the sand crocodile, may have died three days ago, as they say.

I just don't know what means the Supreme used to resurrect him. .

Chapter 307

"Supreme, what nonsense are you talking about?" Doflamingo reacted in a trance, staring straight at Ye Zhige.

After a pause, he said, "There is no such thing as a resurrection in this world. What means did you use to control Crocodile, just like in the battle of the top, controlling the yellow monkey."

"The drawbacks of this method should not be small. If you really want to cooperate, I am very willing to become an ally on the same front with you. With the power I have been running for a long time, joining the goblin will definitely make you stand out from the five emperors. "

The voice of Erchang's words echoed under this sky, and there was no way to disperse it for a long time.

"This is really a good idea. Being able to control a country is probably the idea of ​​many Qiwuhai!" Ye Zhige chuckled lightly.

Hearing this appreciative remark, a smile appeared on Brother Doflamingo's cheeks.

It's a pity that this smile has just emerged, and the words that fell in his ears made his expression immediately stiff.

"It's just that I prefer a puppet for a dog that will bite back at any time, and you think that this kind of superficial means, trying to deceive time and heal yourself, would be an idiot!"



Brother Doflaming was furious for a while, and he never thought that the dignified king, Qiwuhai, and even the king of Dexrosa, would become a dog that bites people on the other side's mouth.

After a stern murderous intent flashed in the depths of his pupils, the right hand hidden behind his back suddenly swung out.

"Five-color thread - sickle saw!"

The awe-inspiring sound of breaking through the air only protruded, and the five-colored thread that was thrown out, like a sickle, tore the air out, and went straight to attack Ye Zhige.

"Torrepo, buy me time, I need a minute!"

Doflamingo forcibly endured the heart-wrenching pain that came from his body, and suddenly stood up on the ground, and hurriedly escaped from the injury.

It was the first time in his life after he became famous that he had encountered such an embarrassing encounter.

Thinking of this, Doflamingo gritted his silver teeth.

Torrebo had already come to his senses. At the moment Doflamingo erupted, his body was surging rapidly, turning into a wave of mucus, covering Ye Zhige head on.

There was even a little fire in his hand, which was extremely conspicuous.

perish together!

In the face of the unfathomable Supreme, Torrebo's only way is to use the explosive (bffd) nature of the mucus to die together with Ye Zhige.

The thought of being able to come this far for Doflamingo made Torrebo's pupils look decisive.

He hurriedly glanced at Ye Zhige, and the moment his eyes met, his pale eyes made him tremble.

Before he regained his senses, the target under the mucus wave disappeared without a trace.

The strange scene caused Torrebo's complexion to change dramatically, and he was madly driven to see and hear a domineering figure, and instantly captured a figure.

I hurriedly turned around and followed the figure, but unfortunately the scene that caught my eye made Torrebo froze in place!

"Supreme, you can't kill me. Without my reins, this sea will be completely riotous, and Kaido will never let you go easily!"

Doflamingo said sharply.

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