"Yeah, if you didn't say, I almost forgot, I should go back!" After Princess Jade finished speaking, she found that they had wandered around and ran to Wangcheng. .

Chapter [-] Start!

"Thank you for playing with me all day today!" Princess Emerald was about to leave when she suddenly looked back at Ye Zhige, her face blushing a little.

Ye Zhige smiled and nodded.

"No thanks, I should, I have to say, the Emerald Princess I saw today is very cute!"

When Princess Jade heard Ye Zhige's words, she immediately looked at Ye Zhige in surprise, blinked her eyes, and blushed.

"I will help you find that person tomorrow!" After she finished speaking, she ran into the royal city without looking back.

At this moment, there are several soldiers guarding the gate of Wangcheng. When they see someone trying to break into the city, they suddenly look serious and want to stop.

"I'm Princess Jade, get out of the way!" Princess Jade said as she removed the disguise on her body, and her pretty face was full of calm.

It was completely different from the attitude he had with Ye Zhige before!

Ye Zhige touched his nose, and he also saw this scene not far away.

He is not a fool, so he can naturally see the difference in Princess Emerald's treatment, but he doesn't have any resistance to this, just let it be.

Without thinking much, Ye Zhige was about to turn around and leave, when his eyes turned, he suddenly saw two sneaky figures not far away.

Seemingly aware of Ye Zhige's gaze, the two figures suddenly disappeared into the darkness.

Ye Zhige frowned, but he didn't think much about it, so he was ready to go back.

Not long after Ye Zhige left, the two figures stuck their heads out again.

Seeing that Ye Zhige had indeed left, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's so dangerous, I was almost discovered by Ye Zhige."

"I don't think this is what I need to worry about now, but how to sneak into the royal city to assassinate the Emerald Princess?"

"This is not a problem. Although the completion is heavily guarded, for us, it is as simple as searching for something! As long as Ye Zhige is not around, there is no problem!"

When the two said this, they looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Then he directly started to sneak into the Wangcheng.

However, what the two of them didn't know was that while they were discussing, Ye Zhige was standing above their heads, silently listening to their conversation.

"Sure enough, are you going to do something to Princess Jade?" Ye Zhige couldn't help frowning when he saw the two figures surging in the dark.

"Could it be the action of the Gate of Hades again? It's really strange." Ye Zhige frowned. In his impression, the Gate of Hades has always been very low-key and never made any big moves, but he never expected that in Huadu , the gate of the underworld actually caused such a big commotion.

After failing to assassinate the king, he still wants to assassinate the princess? !

Ye Zhige hid his breath and followed behind the two figures. He was not sure whether the two were from the gate of the underworld, so he did not rush.

The two people's ability to hide is very superb, and the movement of entering the king's city is very skilled, as if they have practiced many times, there are many soldiers patrolling around, but they are all escaped by the two of them.

"They know so much about the king's city, and they even know the scope of the patrolling soldiers' activities so clearly... What kind of hatred is it that they bothered to assassinate the king or the Emerald Princess?" Ye Zhige kept following quietly, thinking in his heart. It also raised a lot of doubts.

He couldn't figure out why the Gate of Hades had to attack Wangcheng!

"And Ye Feng, if you just probe the news of the gate of the underworld, you won't be caught and disappear. Could it be that there are other characters involved?" Ye Zhige's mind turned quickly, and he analyzed it carefully. Below, some clues have been found!

Just as he was thinking about it, Ye Zhige suddenly discovered that the figures of the two people in front of him had suddenly disappeared!

Ye Zhige's eyes narrowed, and then the whole person suddenly accelerated and floated towards the place where Princess Emerald lived.

Then I happened to see that the Emerald Princess was changing her clothes.

At this moment, when he was undressing, Ye Zhige saw Bai Huahua...

cough cough...


Ye Zhige swallowed his saliva, withdrew his eyes, concentrated his attention, and observed the surroundings. Those two people must be hiding nearby, and they were going to assassinate Princess Jade directly, but they didn't know how they would sneak into Jade. in the princess' room.

He stared at the surroundings, trying to find out the positions of those two people, but their hidden skills were indeed top-notch. Even Ye Zhige could not be discovered by Ye Zhige without using his divine skills. !

This ability alone is already impressive!

While searching for the traces of the two, Ye Zhige heard a voice from Princess Emerald's room.

"Princess, dinner is ready."

Hearing the sound, Ye Zhige looked into the room and found that two maids walked in one after the other, holding a sumptuous meal in their hands.

Princess Emerald was taking a bath, and she responded when she heard the voice of the maid.

"Just let it go."

After that, he continued to take a shower.

Ye Zhige just glanced at the two maids, and didn't doubt it. When he was about to turn his head, he suddenly opened his eyes.

After the two maids heard Princess Emerald's voice, they walked directly towards the bathroom, and the footsteps were extremely subtle!

Ye Zhige's eyes narrowed, and now he can be sure that these two maids.That's what the two pretended to be!

However, these two people are still very personal, and they did not directly break into the bathroom. Perhaps in their opinion, Princess Jade is already unable to escape!

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