That being the case, it's better to enjoy it.

Thinking like this, they actually stayed at the door of the bathroom, quietly opening the curtains, wanting to peep.


But at this time, Princess Jade seems to have just finished washing and even changing her clothes. Just when the two opened the curtain, Princess Jade came out of the bathroom and bumped into the two.

"What are you doing?!" Princess Emerald shouted with a serious look on her face, her pretty face full of majesty.

The two were also stunned, they didn't expect it to be so coincidental.

"What are you doing? You want me to call someone to invite you out?" Princess Emerald is also very angry now. These two maids are really no big or small, and they dare to peek at their baths. Are they jealous of their devilish figure? ? !

But Princess Emerald soon discovered something was wrong. The two maids stood motionless, with weird smiles on their faces.

"Who... who are you?!" Princess Jade suddenly thought of something, and quickly wanted to step back.

But as a princess and a magician, she was not at all a match for the two in front of her. As soon as she stepped back, she was stopped by one of the maids.

"I didn't expect Princess Emerald to have such a good figure. No wonder that fat pig likes it."

"Yes, but it seems that today, it will be cheaper for our two brothers."

With lustful smiles on their faces, the two gradually approached Princess Emerald.

Princess Emerald's eyes widened, and she was about to open her mouth to ask for help, but she couldn't shout, and saw one of them stretched out her hand, and in front of him, a magic circle appeared.

"You can't make any sound, my beautiful Emerald Princess!" He looked at the Emerald Princess with a smirk and walked towards her slowly, like a devil. .

Chapter [-] The reason

Seeing these two getting closer and closer, Princess Emerald's complexion turned pale. She wanted to step back, but couldn't. She panicked and wanted to make a cry for help, but no matter how hard she tried, she still couldn't. A little sound.

The smiles on the faces of the two became more and more intense, and one of them's hand was about to fall on Princess Emerald's little hand.

But at this moment, a ray of light suddenly shone in from the window, and then landed on the side of the person who stretched out his hand to hug Princess Emerald.

The next moment, a dull voice sounded.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, the pupils of the two shrank suddenly, and they wanted to step back, but one of them suddenly found that his right hand, I do not know when, had been broken!

The palm above is unknown, but the most shocking thing is that he has no feeling at all, no pain, no feeling in his palm!

"I..."[-]" my hand, where is my hand?!" He suddenly shouted, his eyes searched the whole room, and then landed at the feet of Princess Jade, where a severed hand was quietly Lying on the ground, the dull sound from before came from the broken hand!

"Who?! Who attacked?!" He hurriedly stepped back again, no longer thinking about his broken hand, being able to cut off his palm so easily without knowing it, without attracting their attention, The person who comes must be a master! !

Princess Emerald also widened her eyes. She didn't know what happened. It was just a flash of light, and then she saw the two people who were about to take action against her, backed away, with an inexplicable vigilance on her face, as if very nervous!

"Two people bully a weak woman, do you think you are great?" Ye Zhige's voice suddenly came from the ceiling.

As soon as his voice appeared, Princess Emerald looked happy.

"Ye Zhige? Is that you?"

The expressions of the two changed abruptly, realizing that Ye Zhige might be on the ceiling, they looked at each other, and then directly used magic to smash the ceiling.

In an instant, the ceiling was smashed to shreds, and a huge pothole was exposed. From here, the night sky could be seen.

But even so, they didn't see where Ye Zhige was?

Just when they were puzzled and were about to investigate, suddenly, they only felt a chill behind their backs, and then their pupils shrank to turn back, but they were a step too late.

"Tell me, who sent you? Why did you want to assassinate Princess Jade?" Ye Zhige appeared behind the two of them at some point, and his hands fell behind their heads, as long as they moved slightly , have to die here!

"Ye Zhige, do you have to get involved? If you do something to us, the leader will not let you go!" One person swallowed his saliva, suppressed the fear in his heart, and said quickly, hoping to let Ye Zhi Ge was a little more cautious.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zhige's expression didn't change, instead he showed a smile.

"Really? Then tell me, who is your leader? Are you qualified to let me give up?"

The two of them felt a chill in their hearts, but they gritted their teeth and didn't speak.

"Ye Zhige, did you save me?" Princess Emerald looked at Ye Zhige affectionately. The scene when Ye Zhige came down just now was seen by her, and she understood in an instant, what happened just now. That's why these two quickly retreated because Ye Zhige was here!

Ye Zhige glanced at Princess Emerald and showed a gentle smile, but did not answer.

Then he withdrew his gaze, looked at the two of them calmly, and said slowly: "Aren't you going to talk? That's a pity, I'm going to let you all die."

After speaking, the two suddenly felt a chill in the back of their heads, and they were shocked, and said quickly, for fear that their lives would be lost if it was too late.

"Wait, Ye Zhige, we can tell you everything you want to know, but you can't kill me!"

The man wanted to turn back, but was stopped by Ye Zhige.

"Now, you don't have the capital to negotiate the conditions, and maybe the things you said are not so valuable to me?" Ye Zhige's tone was still very calm, looking at the two of them calmly, and said lightly. .

As soon as he said this, the two immediately gave up.

"Okay, our leader is the leader of the Nine Ghosts Gate of the Gate of Hades, Xingli Tian Kuanghua!"

Ye Zhige nodded when he heard the familiar name, and let go of the hands that fell behind the two of them.

"It's still sensible, and I didn't think about running away at the first time. If you really do that, the result will be miserable!" Ye Zhige didn't seem to be worried that they would escape, but walked slowly to them, turned his head and smiled. He glanced at them, and then came to the side of Princess Jade.

"Are you scared?" Ye Zhige said very gently...  

Princess Jade looked at Ye Zhige with affectionate eyes, as if she was immersed in Ye Zhige's gentle emotions for a moment, and she remained silent.

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