"We've got to get him out of here first," Ant-Man Scott Lang said.

"Quick, go get that wasp suit." Holm said through gritted teeth. .

Chapter [-]: The end of the Ant-Man plot

The two security guards immediately followed what Dr. Chris said and fired two shots at Ant-Man Scott Lang. When they saw someone pointing a gun at them, Ant-Man Scott Lang instantly became the size of an ant and just avoided After the two bullets, he jumped directly on the shoulder of one of the security guards and knocked the security down with a punch. Then when the security guard fell, Ant-Man Scott Lang took advantage of the strength to attack the other security guard. Jumped over and knocked out another security guard in mid-air, and then Ant-Man Scott Lang changed back to normal size and was about to chase Dr. Chris when two more guns came from behind him. The security guard, after seeing them, Ant-Man Scott Lang turned into an ant and ran quickly towards the front. The two security guards were shooting frantically with pistols in the back, and Ant-Man Scott Lang jumped on a desk. , running forward while dodging those bullets, just when the two security guards were firing, suddenly one of them knocked them both down with two punches, this person is the one who got in. Ryan Anderson in Chris Labs,

"Hey, Scott Lang, how are you, did I save your life?" Ryan Anderson said, looking at the desk, he couldn't see where Ant-Man Scott Lang was now.

"Thank you, Ryan Anderson." Ant-Man Scott Lang said, returning to his normal size.

"We're good people, aren't we," Ryan Anderson said.

"Yes," Ant-Man Scott Lang said.

"Are we really good people? It feels a little weird," Ryan Anderson said.

"Yes, but we still have tasks to do. We will withdraw before this building explodes." Ant-Man Scott Lang said and became the size of an ant, and then immediately summoned Anton Ant and flew upstairs. Go, Ryan Anderson immediately went to inform the others to leave immediately.

Paxton, who was in front of Dr. Chris's laboratory building, heard a lot of gunshots coming from the laboratory building, and many people hurriedly ran out of it, so he ignored Davis and Kucher. They are gone, immediately ran to the downstairs of the laboratory building of Dr. Chris to check the situation and contact the police station to send support,

"Come on, start the helicopter quickly." Dr. Chris said to the pilot inside the helicopter on the roof, and then Dr. Chris saw a lot of ants rushing over from the entrance on the roof, some crawling on the ground Yes, there are those flying in the sky. Dr. Chris was heartbroken when he saw these ants. He picked up the pistol of the bodyguard sitting next to him and started shooting at the dense ants, and then a bullet hit Ant-Man Scooter. The Anton Ant that Troon was riding, "Anton Ant." Ant-Man Scott Lang shouted, but the Anton Ant had been killed by the bullet, leaving only a pair of wings on the ground , Ant-Man Scott Lang then jumped on top of another Anton Ant. At this time, the helicopter took off. With the helicopter taking off, the other ants were blown away by the wind generated by the helicopter. Only Ant-Man Scoo The Anton Ant that Troon was riding followed. In the air, Dr. Chris and the others thought they had gotten rid of those ants. At this moment, Ant-Man Scott Lang suddenly returned to a normal human size and punched him. He shattered the glass of the helicopter, knocked out a bodyguard sitting next to the glass of the helicopter, and then immediately changed back to the size of an ant and continued to ride on Anton Ant. After seeing it, Dr. Chris immediately picked up the pistol and pointed it at him. Shots were fired outside the helicopter, trying to kill Ant-Man Scott Lang, but Ant-Man Scott Lang was too young for Dr. Chris to hit him at all,

"Are you crazy, put down your gun..." the person inside the helicopter shouted, because Dr. Chris had completely ignored everything, he only shot where the Ant-Man Scott Lang was, which would likely kill him. The other people in the helicopter, and then Ant-Man Scott Lang ran into the helicopter along the hole punched by the bullet in the glass, and then quickly ran to the place where the wasp suit was placed,

"Do you really think that you can stop the future by stealing the Hornet's suit." Dr. Chris said loudly with a pistol.

"I'm doing more than just grabbing battle suits." Ant-Man Scott Lang said, Dr. Chris was stunned after hearing Ant-Man Scott Lang's words, "Boom." Then he heard a huge explosion outside. The voice, Dr. Chris immediately looked out of the helicopter, and saw that his experimental building was blown up not far away, Dr. Chris immediately thought that this was what Ant-Man Scott Lang did, and he had been doing it for many years. The blood is gone.Dr. Chris was completely insane. He immediately picked up the pistol and shot frantically in the direction of Ant-Man Scott Lang. Others sitting on the helicopter saw that Dr. Chris was shooting frantically, and they all dared not move. For fear that Dr. Chris would shoot them, Ant-Man Scott Lang hid left and right and jumped towards Dr. Chris, but Dr. Chris responded quickly and slapped Ant-Man immediately. Scott Lang photographed the outside of the helicopter. When Ant-Man Scott Lang was about to fall, he immediately returned to a normal human size, and then grabbed a door handle under the helicopter and climbed up again, as Ant-Man When Scott Lang just climbed back into the helicopter, he looked up and saw a man in a wasp suit standing there looking at him, this man in a wasp suit was Dr. Chris, he was in Ant-Man. After Scott Lang was beaten away, he immediately went to get the Wasp suit and put it on himself. After seeing Ant-Man Scott Lang climbed back again, Dr. Chris used the laser weapon of the Wasp suit. Launched a laser shot at Ant-Man Scott Lang. The moment the laser was fired, Ant-Man Scott Lang immediately became the size of an ant, evading the laser attack, and turned into an ant in Ant-Man Scott Lang. After the size, the laser attack from Dr. Chris, who was wearing a wasp suit and a normal human size, was difficult to hit Ant-Man Scott Lang, but Dr. Chris still shot wildly at Ant-Man Scott Lang the size of an ant. At the same time, those laser attacks were all emptied, and they had caused huge damage to the helicopter, so that the pilot of the helicopter had to find a place to land immediately, and if they flew into the sky, their helicopter would finally Must have fallen from the sky.

When Ant-Man Scott Lang ran towards the normal-sized Dr. Chris, Dr. Chris in the wasp suit instantly became the size of an ant, and then quickly punched Ant-Man Scott Lang. After the past, the two of them got entangled together. Dr. Chris still issued a laser attack at this time. He can't care about anything now. He just wants to kill Ant-Man Scott Lang, but Chris The doctor is now entangled with Ant-Man Scott Lang. How could his laser attacks hit Ant-Man Scott Lang? Several of the laser attacks hit the pilot who was driving the helicopter. The pilot was directly killed by these laser attacks, and then the helicopter immediately lost control and turned back and forth in the air, Ant-Man Scott Lang and Dr. Chris all lost their balance together. They fell out of the helicopter. During the process of falling from the air, the two of them continued to fight. In the end, both of them fell into a swimming pool. It happened that the owner of the swimming pool was not at home today. , so no one noticed the two of them, ".〃PU." Dr. Chris in the wasp suit flew out of the swimming pool first. Dr. Chris has now become a normal human size, and he was in the swimming pool. Ant-Man Scott Lang is also the size of a normal person, but Ant-Man Scott Lang injured his hand when he fell from the air into the swimming pool, so Ant-Man Scott Lang did not get out of the swimming pool for so long. Crawled out, and then Dr. Chris, who was wearing a wasp suit, looked at the Ant-Man Scott Lang who had just emerged from the swimming pool and smiled, "Goodbye, Scott Lang." Dr. Chris said, and finished Dr. Chris activated the laser gun weapon on the Wasp suit and launched a laser attack on Ant-Man Scott Lang. The wounded Ant-Man Scott Lang could no longer avoid this laser attack. The man Scott Lang was about to die under this laser. Ye Zhige, who had been paying attention to their situation since the beginning of the battle, took action. Ye Zhige used the power of space to attack the Ant-Man Scott Lang. A space barrier was formed in front of him, and the laser attack was directly bounced to other places after hitting the space barrier.

"Huh?" Dr. Chris and Ant-Man Scott Lang, who were wearing the wasp battle suit, were both shocked. At this time, Ye Zhige teleported between them (Li's good),

"Who are you?" Dr. Chris asked in surprise.

"Me? I can now say that I am a member of the Avengers for the time being." Ye Zhige said.

"Oh? Are the Avengers also interfering with my plans," Dr. Chris said.

"That's right, your Hornet suit must not be sold. In view of your previous actions, your Hornet suit is temporarily handed over to us for safekeeping," Ye Zhige said.

"Oh, buddy, I didn't expect you to be a member of the Avengers. You have been helping me before. Thank you so much." Ant-Man Scott Lang said.

"I'll talk to you after I've dealt with him first," Ye Zhige said.

"Do you want my life? It's not that easy." At this time, Dr. Chris had completely lost his mind. Dr. Chris used the wasp suit he was wearing to frantically launch a laser attack on Ye Zhige, but when Ye Zhi In front of Ge's power, the attack from Dr. Chris' wasp suit was like a child's attack, and it was useless at all. Then Ye Zhige directly used the power of space to give Dr. Chris from the wasp suit. After pulling it out, the Wasp suit lost its controller and immediately fell to the ground, and Dr. Chris was knocked unconscious by Ye Zhige's hand knife.

Chapter [-]: Mission Conflict

"Okay, I'll leave this Dr. Chris to you. I have to take the Hornet suit." Ye Zhige said.

"Oh, okay, no problem, thank you so much," Ant-Man Scott Lang said.

"By the way, do you want to join the Avengers?" Ye Zhige asked.

"Really? Can I really join the Avengers and become a superhero like you?" Ant-Man Scott Lang asked excitedly.

"Yes, that's right, you have this ability. After this matter is resolved, you can go to the Avengers to find Captain Steve Rogers of the United States. I believe he will let you join." Ye Zhige said.

"Okay, I'll definitely go." Ant-Man Scott Lang said excitedly, because after he joined the Avengers, he would be able to get the support of the US state, so the police wouldn't treat him like Wanted as a thief, he will become a righteous hero so that he can meet and get along normally with his daughter Kathy.

"Okay, since there is no more trouble now, then I'll go, let's meet the Avengers." Ye Zhige said, and he left here after saying that, because now Ye Zhige has successfully put the ants away The man Scott Lang was pulled into their Avengers, so it would be a very simple matter to ask him to provide data for his research project on superpowers, so Ye Zhige has solved the problem here. After the incident, he directly opened the time-space shuttle tunnel and returned to the real world.

In this way, Ye Zhige's superpower research plan added another superpower who provided research data for the 713 experiment, and then Ye Zhige planned to take a short break to accompany his girlfriend Pepper. It's important, but your girlfriend is more important, so for the time being, everything on the Avengers side is going on step by step. It's time to study the superpowers of the superpower experiment, and other Avengers superheroes usually do the same. Go out some quests around.

Until one day, Captain Steve Rogers of the United States was running and exercising in a base of the Avengers. At this time, Captain Steve Rogers of the United States received a mission notice, and then he came to the command and war room of the Avengers. Black Widow Romanov and a few others are inside,

"What's the matter, what's going on." US captain Steve Rogers came over and asked,

"In the Atlantic waters, a ship was hijacked by a group of robbers." Black Widow Romanov said,

"What do they want? Money?" said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"Yes, they want $[-] million." Black Widow Romanov said.

"Why, how can it be so much." The US captain Steve Rogers said,

"Because this ship belongs to S.H.I.E.L.D.," said Black Widow Romanov.

"I'm sure there must be a better reason for them to do it," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

Then they agreed on a battle plan, and then set off in an Avengers fighter plane. When the fighter plane flew (bfbf) to the top of the S.H.I.E.L.D. ship, the captain of the United States, Steve Rogers, took the lead. A man infiltrated the ship to deal with the guards.Captain of the United States Steve Rogers jumped directly from the battleship,

"Did he bring a parachute?" asked an action on the fighter plane,

"Oh, he doesn't seem to have a parachute," replied another.

U.S. captain Steve Rogers did not bring a parachute when he jumped down. U.S. captain Steve Rogers jumped directly into the sea, and then swam quietly from the sea to the hijacked ship, only to see it on the deck There were four or five gangsters patrolling there with guns. Captain Steve Rogers of the United States sneaked into them quietly, and then suddenly attacked. Captain Steve Rogers of the United States first threw his shield and smashed it at the furthest gangster. , and then immediately launched an attack on the nearest gangster, knocking him down with two punches. At this time, the shield of US captain Steve Rogers bounced back after knocking down the farthest man. In the hands of US Captain Steve Rogers, then US Captain Steve Rogers used his shield to cleanly get rid of the remaining few people. At this time, Black Widow Romanov and several other Avengers The agents in the alliance parachuted to this deck,

"We have to rescue the hostages now." Black Widow Romanov said.

Then the black widow Romanov and the US captain Steve Rogers quietly sneaked into the cabin together.At this time, in a room where the hostages were being held, several gangsters were looking after the hostages with guns.

"I told Jason Czech long ago that we should kill a few hostages and show the bodies to the Avengers so they will give us the money obediently, I have a bullet here, Do you want a shot in the head?" one of the gangsters complained unhappily.

Then in the captain's control room, the leader of this gang of gangsters and several of his subordinates were inside,

"Tell Durand, I don't like to wait, get the boat ready, and leave as soon as the ransom is received," said the bandit leader.

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