Then one of his men picked up the phone and notified the people in the engine room of the ship to start the machine and prepare to sail. Behind the man, one shot kills the man, and then Black Widow Romanoff and a few other Avengers operatives wipe out all the gangsters in the engine room.

"You guys just be honest with me, what do you want, want to be a hero? I've been waiting too long, hey, go to Bartok, and if I don't hear about the ransom in two minutes, I'll start killing people ." One of the gangsters in charge of the hostages said to the outside that their group of gangsters kept the hostages in a room with only one door, and the door was locked to prevent the hostages from escaping. went out, and then someone guarded the hostages in the room, and there was also a person outside the room who was in charge of the situation of the room,

"Okay, I'm going to inform Bartok." The man outside the room replied.

Then the man just turned around and was electrocuted by a few agents with a stun gun, and then they were about to break in through the window and the door,

"The time is up, which of you will come first, you, catch that girl out." The gangster was about to kill the hostage. At this time, one of the hostages looked at the gangster and didn't speak. He just saw a shadow flashing outside the window. Moved, he knew that the people who rescued them should come, so he was not afraid, then when they were about to move, those Avengers agents suddenly launched an attack, a group of people broke through the window, a group of people Breaking in, he killed all the bandits in the middle in an instant.

"The hostage has been rescued and is being taken to a safe place. Romanov the Black Widow did not come to the meeting point. Captain Steve Rogers of the United States, the enemy is still active." The agent who rescued the hostage said in the headset.

At this time, the captain of the United States, Steve Rogers, came to the control room and threw his shield at Bartok, the leader of the gang, but the shield was blocked by a gangster next to him. Bartok reacted. K immediately ran out,

"Black Widow Romanov, Bartok has escaped, you go back to meet the other agents and protect the hostages." Captain Steve Rogers said in the headset, but at this time he did not know whether Black Widow Romanov was on the way What are you doing fighting with other gangsters, and did not reply to the words of US captain Steve Rogers.

Then when US captain Steve Rogers passed by a computer control room, he saw Romanov the Black Widow inside,

"What are you doing here," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"I'm storing the information inside, which is a good habit," said Black Widow Romanov.

"This is the information of S.H.I.E.L.D., our mission is to rescue the hostages." US captain Steve Rogers said.

"That's your mission, and you've done your job well," said Black Widow Romanov.

"You put the entire rescue operation at risk," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"It's not that exaggerated," said Black Widow Romanov.

Just before they could finish speaking, a gangster suddenly threw a grenade inside, and American Captain Steve Rogers reacted quickly, dragging Romanov the Black Widow and jumping out of the control room window. As soon as he jumped out, the grenade in the control room exploded, and the entire control room was blown up.

"Well, it's my fault this time, you're right." Black Widow Romanov said.

Then they sent the hostage back safely together. , As for the remaining gangsters, they did not pursue them.

After saving the hostages back to S.H.I.E.L.D., Captain Steve Rogers of the United States found Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter [-]: Captain America's Faith

"How could you lie to me in the first place," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"I'm not lying, Black Widow Romanov has a different mission than you," Chief Nick Fury said.

"Don't you feel obligated to share," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"I don't feel the need to tell you," Chief Nick Fury said.

"The hostage may die, Director Nick Fury." Captain America ~ Steve Rogers said.

"So I sent the greatest warrior ever to stop this from happening," Chief Nick Fury said.

"The soldiers trust each other so that they can be called troops, otherwise they are a rabble," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers_.

"Last time I lost a pair of glasses because I believed in others. Listen to me, I don't want you to do things that make you uncomfortable, and Romanov the Black Widow doesn't feel uncomfortable doing any task. " Chief Nick Fury stood up and said.

"When everyone is on a mission, there are other tasks, and I can't lead such a task." US captain Steve Rogers said.

"This is called split management. No one knows all the secrets, so no one can leak them." Chief Nick Fury said.

"Except you," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"Then you're blaming me, I share secrets, and I'm very good at that," Chief Nick Fury said.

After speaking, Commissioner Nick Fury took the US captain Steve Rogers to a secret base. When they entered the elevator, the automatic detection device of the elevator detected the information of the person who entered the elevator.

"American captain Steve Rogers is not of sufficient level and has not been authorized." An electronic voice came over.

"Just write the authorization of Director Nick Fury." Director Nick Fury said,

"Get authorization." The electronic voice came over.

"I know this place may be a little bigger," said Chief Nick Fury.

I saw the elevator they took all the way down, and then the US captain Steve Rogers saw that the underground base was like a city, with all kinds of warships, planes, and other large-scale combat weapons,

"This is the Insight project, three new-age flying aircraft carriers, able to synchronize with the target positioning satellite network, these aircraft carriers do not need to land after lift-off, thanks to the installation of new anti-gravity engines, these aircraft carriers can always cruise on the channel, Iron Man Tony Stark took a close look at our old turbo engines and made some suggestions. These new long-range precision weapons can take out thousands of enemies in a minute. Before the terrorists get out of their hideouts, we are in The latest satellites in space can identify their DNA, so we can suppress a lot of potential threats." Director Nick Fury introduced the aircraft carriers to US Captain Steve Rogers.

"I thought there was a crime to be punished," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"We can't wait so long," said Chief Nick Fury.

"Who are we referring to?" said U.S. captain Steve Rodgers.

"After the Battle of Shea Kee, I persuaded the World Security Council that we need to radically improve our threat analysis and assessment methods, and this time we are finally able to preempt it," said Commissioner Nick Fury.

"Put a gun at everyone, you call it protection," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"You know, the so-called greatest generation of you did a lot of dirty things," said Chief Nick Fury.

"Yes, we compromised, sometimes these things keep me awake at night, we did it to set people free, but you are not free, this is fear," U.S. captain Steve Rogers said.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is looking at the world from the perspective of reality, not from the perspective of expectations, and as this project progresses, it is getting closer and closer to the past, Captain Steve Rogers." Nick Fury said.

"Let's see." US captain Steve Rogers said. After US captain Steve Rogers left S.H.I.E.L.D., he felt that what S.H.I.E.L.D. is doing now does not meet the definition of justice in his mind.

After leaving S.H.I.E.L.D., Captain Steve Rogers of the United States thought about his past. At that time, Captain Steve Rogers of the United States and several other capable fighters formed a battle team called Storm Commando, At that time, their combat team was specially set up to fight against the Hydra, the special force of the Nazis. At that time, the best friend of the US captain Steve Rogers in the storm assault team was a man named Bucky Barnes. People, Bucky Barnes and U.S. captain Steve Rogers, the two of them are good friends who grew up together. The two of them often train together, act together, eat together, and Bucky Barnes is also the storm assault. The only person in the team who gave his life for the country, the captain of the United States, Steve Rogers, can't help but feel a burst of sadness when he thinks of this. He misses his former friends very much, and they were all fighting for freedom at that time, not like now. There were so many complicated fights, and then U.S. captain Steve Rogers went to see one of the last remaining teammates in their Stormtroopers, who was now in his nineties,

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