"I have lived my life, and my biggest regret is that you don't have your own life. What happened to you." The old comrade-in-arms was very depressed when he saw the US captain Steve Rogers.

"As long as I can remember, I just wanted to do the right thing, I think I don't know what that is anymore, and I thought I could put myself back in, follow orders, serve the country, it's just not the same ." U.S. captain Steve Rogers said with a smile.


"You're always so dramatic, listen, you saved the world, we'd rather mark it," the old comrade said.

"You're not, you helped build S.H.I.E.L.D., that's why I stayed," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"The world has changed. No one can go back to the past. All we can do is do our best. Sometimes, that means starting over again." The old comrade-in-arms said, and then he fell asleep because he was too sick.

At this time, Director Nick Fury in S.H.I.E.L.D. seemed to figure out something after a conversation with Captain Steve Rogers of the United States, so he found the Minister of Defense of the United States,

"Helms, I want to come to you to do me a favor, I want to postpone the insight plan." Chief Nick Fury said.

"Aren't you kidding me, this matter has to be discussed with the UN Security Council and it will take a long time," Helms said.

"There may be no problem, I just need time to confirm whether there is no problem." Chief Nick Fury said.

"If there is a problem," Helms said.

"Then we should be thankful that those aircraft carriers didn't lift off," said Chief Nick Fury.

"Okay, but you have to call Iron Man Tony Stark to my niece's birthday party," Helms said.

"Okay, thank you sir," Nick Fury said.

"It doesn't matter if you can't fly, you have to play with her," Helms said. .

Chapter [-]: Chief Nick Fury is Assassinated

After Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., came out of the U.S. Department of Defense, Director Nick Fury was going to go back to S.H.I.E.L.D., and then in the car, Director Nick Fury got on the phone of Agent Hill,

"Agent Hill, I need you to return to the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters in Newark right now," said Chief Nick Fury.

"I'm in Washington right now and I'll be there in about four hours," Agent Hill said.

"Okay, you still have three hours." Chief Nick Fury said.

Then Commissioner Nick Fury hung up the phone, and when he was driving past a traffic light intersection and waiting for the green light, a police car suddenly drove over from the side and hit Commissioner Nick Fury's car, and then immediately rushed from the back and the front. Two police cars came over and hit Chief Nick Fury's car. These three police cars directly stuck Chief Nick Fury's car in the middle of the road. Then several police cars came, and more than a dozen got off the police cars. "[-]" people in police uniforms took weapons and opened fire on Chief Nick Fury's car, only to hear the sound of "Dangdang, Dangdang." None of those bullets penetrated the bulletproof of Chief Nick Fury's car. Glass and a special metal door, but at this time, Chief Nick Fury, who was in the car, broke his left hand when he was hit by another police car.

"After the system detects that there is no police record in this area." At this time, the artificial intelligence voice system in Chief Nick Fury's car said,

"Start the engine acceleration system immediately," said Chief Nick Fury.

"The engine acceleration system is starting, and it will take about three minutes." said the artificial intelligence voice system,

"Help me contact Agent Hill," Chief Nick Fury said.

"The communication system is damaged and Agent Hill cannot be contacted," said the artificial intelligence voice system.

"Start autopilot and get out of here quickly," said Chief Nick Fury.

"Autopilot to start," said the AI ​​voice system,

Then Director Nick Fury's car automatically moved out of the place where it had just been stuck under the control of the artificial intelligence system, and drove fast in the direction of S.H.I.E.L.D. At this time, the others who wanted to kill Director Nick Fury The man immediately got into the police car and followed the back of Chief Nick Fury's car to pursue Chief Nick Fury frantically. During the pursuit, he also leaned out of the car from time to time to shoot at Chief Nick Fury's car. Then, when Director Nick Fury was driving a car to run away quickly, Director Nick Fury suddenly saw a man dressed in black and wearing a mask standing in the middle of the road not far away. A weapon, and then I saw the one standing in the middle of the road picked up the weapon in his hand and fired a cannonball at Director Nick Fury's car. I have to say that what the security protection facilities of Director Nick Fury's exclusive car did was Really good, this cannonball hit Director Nick Fury's car, but the car was not blown up, but just overturned by the shock wave of the explosion of the cannonball, and then the The man standing in the middle of the road walked towards Nick Fury's overturned car. He saw that one of the man's arms seemed to be a mechanical arm, and he directly pulled the cab door down, but he was driving. There was no Director Nick Fury in the room. He looked around a lot and found that there was a sewer where the car had turned over, and the manhole cover of the sewer had been cut open. Director Nick Fury must have been Escaped through this sewer.

Tonight, U.S. captain Steve Rogers just returned from the outside to an apartment where he lives now. When U.S. captain Steve Rogers just went upstairs, he met a little nurse who lived next door to him, the nurse. I was taking a basin of clothes and was going downstairs to the self-service washing machine to wash clothes.

"Hey, if you want, you can use my washing machine, after all, it's cheaper to use my washing machine than the self-service washing machine downstairs." US captain Steve Rogers said.

"Really, how much does it cost to use your washing machine?" the nurse asked.

"Just a cup of coffee," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"It's still not good, I've already put a basin of clothes in the self-service washing machine downstairs." The nurse said.

"Okay." US captain Steve Rogers said helplessly.

"This is because my shift today is an infectious disease ward. My work clothes can't be washed in your washing machine. I'm afraid that an infectious disease will be passed on to you. By the way, you seem to have forgotten to turn off the sound when you go out. "The nurse went downstairs with the basin of clothes after saying that.

Then the US captain Steve Rogers listened at the door of his house, and sure enough, he heard the sound of music coming out, but the US captain Steve Rogers clearly remembered that he had not turned on the stereo and listened to music for a long time. So there must be someone inside when the US captain Steve Rogers was not at home... So the US captain Steve Rogers gently opened the door, then walked quietly into the house, and then the US captain Steve Rogers opened the door gently. The captain saw a person lying on the sofa in his room. That person was Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. who successfully escaped the pursuit during the day.

"I don't remember giving you the keys," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"Do you think I need a key, I was kicked out by my wife," said Chief Nick Fury.

"I didn't know you were married yet," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"I still have a lot of things you don't know." Chief Nick Fury said,

"So, Commissioner Nick Fury, this is the problem." US captain Steve Rogers said and turned on the light,

At this time, Director Nick Fury gestured to US Captain Steve Rogers to turn off the lights, and then pointed his cell phone to US Captain Steve Rogers. US Captain Steve Rogers saw a few words typed on the phone, "Someone is monitoring us here."

"I'm sorry to come to you, but I have nowhere to go." Chief Nick Fury said, and after that, Director Nick Fury typed a few words on the phone, "Sorry, I came to you."

"Who else knew you had a wife," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

Then Director Nick Fury typed a few more words on the phone: "S.H.I.E.L.D. has an accident." "And my friends know." Director Nick Fury said,

"Do we count?" said Steve Rodgers, the US 1.7 player.

"That depends on what you think." Chief Nick Fury said, just after Director Nick Fury finished saying, "Bang bang bang." Several shots were fired, and bullets came in from the outside through the wall. The bullet pierced through the wall and into the body of Director Nick Fury. Director Nick Fury fell to the ground. Captain Steve Rogers of the United States immediately ran over and saw something that Director Nick Fury was holding in his hand. Handed it to U.S. captain Steve Rogers,

"Don't trust anyone," said Chief Nick Fury.

At this time, there was a sound of kicking the door, "Captain Steve Rogers?" At this time, a woman's voice came over. It was the voice of the little nurse who was the neighbor of US Captain Steve Rogers. US Captain Steve Rogers The probe went out to take a look, and I saw the little nurse walking slowly over with a pistol.

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