Chapter [-]: Nick Fury's Last Words

"Captain of the United States, Steve Rogers, I'm a Level [-] agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Kate, I was sent to protect you," said the agent Kate, who was disguised as a nurse.

"Who sent you here?" U.S. captain Steve Rogers asked.

Then this agent named Kate came in and saw that Chief Nick Fury was shot and fell to the ground and passed out.

"He sent me here." After saying that, Agent Kate ran over to inspect the injury for Director Nick Fury.

"Chief Nick Fury was shot and passed out. Send support immediately." Agent Kate took out a walkie-talkie from his arms and said,

"Did you see the shooter?" A response came from the walkie-talkie. At this time, Captain Steve Rogers of the United States saw a figure flashing on the roof of the opposite house.

"Tell them I'm chasing." US captain Steve Rogers said, after that, US captain Steve Rogers immediately broke out of the window, jumped from their building to the opposite building with a shield, and then The US captain Steve Rogers ran towards the roof quickly. After reaching the roof, the US captain Steve Rogers saw a person who was about to jump off the edge of the roof, and then the US captain Steve Rogers forcefully held him in his hand. He threw his shield at the man, and when the shield was about to hit the man, the man seemed to have a feeling, he turned around immediately, and caught the shield of the American captain Steve Rogers with one hand. It turned out that this man was Tian Tian The man who chased and killed Commissioner Nick Fury in the middle of the road, and he used his robotic arm to catch the shield thrown by the American captain Steve Rogers, and then the man was the American captain Steve Rogers. The shield was thrown back at the US captain Steve Rogers. After the US captain Steve Rogers took back his shield and looked up, the man had disappeared on the roof.

Then the people who came to support SHIELD soon arrived. Nick Fury, the director of SHIELD, was sent to the operating room in the best hospital where the operation was being performed, and then the black widow Romanov rushed to the hospital.

"Can he survive it?" Black Widow Romanoff asked U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"I don't know," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

, "Tell me about the shooter." Black Widow Romanov said,

"He's fast, he's strong, and he has a metal robotic arm," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"The bullets taken out of his body are Soviet-made bullets." At this time, Agent Hill came over and said,

In the end, Chief Nick Fury still couldn't be rescued and died from this serious gunshot wound.

"Why did Commissioner Nick Fury end up in your apartment." Black Widow Romanov said,

"I don't know," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"American Captain Steve Rogers, they told you to go back to S.H.I.E.L.D." a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent came over and said at this time,

"Okay, wait for me." US captain Steve Rogers said,

"They want you to come over now," the agent said again.

"Okay, I see," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers, and the agent left,

"You won't lie at all." Black Widow Romanov left after saying this. After all, the death of Chief Nick Fury had dealt a heavy blow to her.

After the US captain Steve Rogers came to the SHIELD, he saw an officer in the SHIELD,

"Hello US Captain Steve Rogers, I'm Alexander Amber." Alexander Amber said,

"Sir, it's an honor to meet you," said US captain Steve Rogers.

"It should be me who feel honored. My father served in the [-]st Airborne Division. Come in." Alexander Ambue said.

"This photo was taken when Commissioner Nick Fury met me for the first time." Alexander Amber said and gave some photo information to the US captain Steve Rogers,

"Nick Fury was the local director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and a group of terrorists attacked an embassy. My decision at the time was to negotiate with those terrorists, but this was the first time that Nick Fury didn't listen to me. As a result, he rescued more than a dozen government workers that time, including my daughter." Alexander Ambue said,

"So you promoted him," U.S. captain Steve Rogers said.

"I never regret, Captain America, Steve Rogers, why Nick Fury was in your apartment last night." Alexander Amber asked.

"I don't know either," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"Did you know that you were being tapped there?" Alexander Ambue asked.

"I know, Commissioner Nick Fury told me." US captain Steve Rogers said,

"Then did he say that he ordered to monitor you? I have to show you this first." Alexander Ambue said, and after he finished speaking, he opened a video, and a person appeared on it, and that person was the United States above. Bartok, the leader of the gangster that Captain Steve Rogers met when he was on a mission,

"Bartok, who are you hired by." One of the video asked,

"Is this a live interrogation?" said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"Yes, we found him yesterday in a safe house in Algeria," Alexander Ambue said.

"You say he's a suspect, but Bartok is not good at assassination," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"No, things are more complicated than this. Someone anonymously hired Bartok to attack the Lemuria, the ship that belongs to our S.H.I.E.L.D. The money was dispersed, 910 transferred among seventeen fake accounts, and finally transferred to the account of a holding company whose registrant was named Jacoby." Alexander Ambue said,

"I think I know who that is," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"Unlikely, Jacob died six years ago. When I met Nick Fury, his mother lived next door to Jacob," Alexander Amber said.

"If you really know Nick Fury, you know it's impossible," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"Why do you think I'm talking to you, to work on the council, not by my will, but at the request of Commissioner Nick Fury, we're all realistic, despite diplomatic cooperation, nice words, wanting to build a really better The world, sometimes it means destroying the old world, it will create enemies, they will say you are shameless and dirty, because you do not hesitate to do shameful things, just to create better things, when you think about how leisurely those people are now Being comfortable makes me very annoyed, Captain America, Steve Rogers, you were the last person Nick Fury saw before his death, I don't think it's a coincidence, I think you think so too, so I'll ask you again Once, why is he with you." Alexander Ambue said,

"He told me not to trust anyone," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"Including him?" Alexander Ambue said.

Chapter [-]: Captain America is wanted

"Sorry, those were his last words, sorry." US captain Steve Rogers pushed the door and left after saying that.

"United States captain Steve Rogers, someone killed my friend, I have to find out the truth, stand in my way, I will make him regret it, no matter who." when he said,

"I see." US captain Steve Rogers said. Now the mind of US captain Steve Rogers is very confused. He feels that these people in S.H.I.E.L.D. seem to be lying. He doesn't know who else is. He can trust only one person, Ye Zhige. For Ye Zhige, U.S. captain Steve Rogers absolutely trusts him, because Ye Zhige has the most powerful strength among them, but still maintains humility He is kind and full of justice, so the captain of the United States, Steve Rogers, is now ready to seek Ye Zhige's help and let Ye Zhige come to point out a clear path for himself.

But after arriving at Ye Zhige's house, he was told by the housekeeper that Ye Zhige and his girlfriend Pepper were on a trip and were not at home now, so US captain Steve Rogers called Ye Zhige,

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