"Hi, Ye Zhige, I'm US captain Steve Rogers." US captain Steve Rogers said,

"Hi, hello, U.S. captain Steve Rogers, haha, is there something wrong with you calling me?" Ye Zhige said with a smile, in fact, Ye Zhige already knew about Aegis Everything that happened on the side of the bureau, the various actions of the agents who infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. were all discovered by Ye Zhige's consciousness, so Ye Zhige was very concerned about what happened on the side of Captain Steve Rogers of the United States. clear,

"Yes, Ye Zhige, you are always so powerful, you can't hide anything from you, I have bad news, Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., was assassinated, and he told me not to believe it before he died Anyone, I feel that the current S.H.I.E.L.D. is in danger, but I don't know who I can trust, and they have secretly made a lot of powerful weapons. I feel that those people must be I'm thinking of those weapons of S.H.I.E.L.D., but I'm very confused now, so I want to ask you what I should do next." Captain Steve Rogers said,

"After I left, so many things happened. I think the only person you can trust in S.H.I.E.L.D. is Romanov the Black Widow. After all, she fought side by side with us. I don't believe her. Will betray, since the target of the group is those weapons made by S.H.I.E.L.D., then I think you can start with those weapons now, and what clues can you find? Well, Captain America, Steve Rogers, Pepper Calling me, she doesn't like me being busy with work while on vacation, that's about all I can give you advice, if it doesn't work, go to the Avengers and find Iron Man Tony Stark and the others to help you Let's go." Ye Zhige hung up the phone after he finished speaking. The reason why Ye Zhige didn't go back to help the US captain Steve Rogers was not because Ye Zhige cared about their lives. The group had a thorough observation, because there was a core person in the group, and that person had a great relationship with the captain of the United States, Steve Rogers, so Ye Zhige did not intend to intervene, and this kind of thing was left to the captain of the United States It is better for Steve Rogers to deal with it himself, and Ye Zhige believes that the captain of the United States, Steve Rogers, has the ability to solve this incident perfectly, so that he does not have to run around so much trouble, by the way, there are more Regarding the assassination of Director Nick Fury, Ye Zhige had already noticed it when Director Nick Fury was assassinated. The reason why Ye Zhige did not rescue Director Nick Fury was because Ye Zhige discovered Director Nick Fury. In fact, he didn't die at all. This time, it was just the old fox, Director Nick Fury, who cheated to death, in order to draw out the secrets of the secret agents hiding in S.H.I.E.L.D. a handful.After hanging up the phone, Ye Zhige continued to observe the situation over there with his divine sense, while continuing to stroll around the mall with Pepper.

After U.S. Captain Steve Rogers listened to Ye Zhige's advice, he immediately planned to take the elevator that Director Nick Fury took him to to check the situation of those weapons, when U.S. Captain Steve Rogers just entered the elevator. After that, another group of people entered the elevator,

"Everyone in the assault team is ready to go to the twenty-fifth floor ¨' ." The leader Kaplan said.

"Hey, Captain America, Steve Rogers, the evidence team found some fibers upstairs, let's go check it out, do we want the combat team in place?" Kaplan said.

"No need," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"I deeply regret the matter of Director Nick Fury," Kaplan said.

The elevator is now going up, and there are many people entering on different floors. These people are all working in the SHIELD building. Captain Steve Rogers of the United States looked at these people in the elevator. Seems to have found something wrong with these people.

"Who else wants to get out of the elevator before starting?" Captain Steve Rogers said suddenly,

Then they took out stun sticks and attacked the American team Steve Rogers. After the American captain Steve Rogers was electrocuted several times, they knocked them all down in the elevator. In a command room of the bureau, a person was watching the situation in the elevator through the monitoring in the elevator, and then the person picked up the headset,

"Notice, dispatch the commando to the twenty-fifth floor." The man said,

Then the elevator that American Captain Steve Rogers took stopped when he reached the twenty-fifth, the door of the elevator opened, and American Captain Steve Rogers saw a team of soldiers standing at the door with guns facing him,

"Drop your shields and surrender, Captain America Steve Rogers," one of them shouted.

Then the US captain Steve Rogers immediately knocked the elevator hard with his shield, and then the elevator was knocked down by the US captain Steve Rogers, and fell quickly, and then the US captain Steve Rogers put his shield Put it under the body to withstand the damage when it falls and hits the ground, only to hear a loud noise of "dang.", the US captain Steve Rogers has successfully landed at the door of the first floor of SHIELD, and then the US captain Steve Rogers got up from the ground, swayed and ran outside,

"He went to the garage and blocked the bridge." The man in the control room issued another order.

But it was still too late. Captain Steve Rogers of the United States had quickly escaped from S.H.I.E.L.D. on his motorcycle, and then in the command room of S.H.I.E.L.D.,

"Okay, everyone stand up and listen, now it's on the first-level alert, notify the Ministry of Communications, all the red lights at the intersections of the special zone, block all the runways of the nearby airport, prohibit planes from taking off, and adjust all the surveillance videos in the urban area. Go to this display screen and track all communication equipment, phones, computers, tablets, everything that can be checked, even if someone tweets, I will know immediately." The man said to the many staff in the command room,

"With all due respect, if S.H.I.E.L.D. is going to hunt down U.S. Captain Steve Rogers, we have the right to know why," said Kate, an agent who once pretended to be the neighbor of U.S. Captain Steve Rogers.

"Because he deceived us, U.S. captain Steve Rogers knew the cause of Nick Fury's death, but he was unwilling to tell us. I know it is difficult for everyone to accept, but now U.S. captain Steve Rogers is a member of SHIELD. Fugitive." At this time, Alexander Ambu walked in and said.

After US captain Steve Rogers escaped, he found Romanov the Black Widow,

"Why did Commissioner Nick Fury give you that thing." Romanov the Black Widow already knew that Commissioner Nick Fury gave US Captain Steve Rogers something before his death.

"What's in there," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"I don't know," said Black Widow Romanov.

"Stop lying." US captain Steve Rogers said excitedly, his sobriety is not very stable now,

"I really don't know, I just seem to understand everything, but I know who killed Chief Nick Fury, most intelligence agencies don't believe he exists, and those who do call him the Winter Soldier, In the past fifty years, he has been involved in more than two dozen assassinations," said Romanov, the Black Widow.

".〃So he's like a ghost," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"Five years ago, when I was escorting a nuclear engineer from Iran to Russia, someone punctured my tire and the car lost control and fell off a cliff. We escaped, and the Winter Soldier was there, and he shot through it. Came here, killed the nuclear engineer, and shot me in the stomach, Soviet bullets, no rifling, left a scar on my body, and I can't wear a bikini." Black Widow Romanov said,

"You must be ugly in a bikini now," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"It's unrealistic to track him, I tried, like you said, he's a ghost." Black Widow Romanoff said and gave American captain Steve Rogers a hard drive,

"Then see what this ghost wants," said US captain Steve Rogers.

"Director Nick Fury was brutally murdered, but any normal person would say he was a martyr, not a traitor." At this time, Alexander Ambu was having a virtual video conference with the United Nations Security Council.

"He's a traitor because he let mercenaries hijack his own ship, and Chief Nick Fury used his friendship with you to force the council to delay the Insight program, which he knew would expose his illegal actions, to put it mildly, he I lied to you," said those from the UN Security Council.

"Do you want me to take the blame and resign? I can write a resignation letter now." Alexander Ambue said,

"We can discuss this later." A member of the UN Security Council (Good King's) Council said,

"You really want me to resign," Alexander Ambue said.

"We have already talked to Mr. Minister, and the UN Security Council has decided to restart the Insight Program immediately. If you want to play tricks, hurry up and take advantage of it now," said the UN Security Council.

Then Alexander Ambu had nothing to say, he hated the faces of these politicians.

"The first rule of escape is to walk and not run." At this time, Black Widow Romanov and US Captain Steve Rogers were walking down the street.

"If I had run with these shoes, they would have fallen off," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers, who both put on very casual outfits that looked exactly like their usual outfits. It's different, they now need to go to the trial computer in the computer store to read the hard drive that Nick Fury left to Captain America Steve Rogers, and see what is in it to cause such a big thing in S.H.I.E.L.D. confusion.

"The computer here uses an ordinary system, and the people of SHIELD will be able to track us soon." Black Widow Romanov said after connecting the hard disk to the computer,

"Then how much time do we have?" asked US captain Steve Rogers.

"From now on, about nine minutes, Director Nick Fury's guess is correct. Some people want to hide something on the original SHIELD ship. The drive in this hard disk is protected by some kind of artificial intelligence. I'm reorganizing myself and resisting my orders." Black Widow Romanov said. .

Chapter [-]: The True Face of Chalmers

"I believe you, Grandpa, I believe you didn't lie, the person who can survive in the water must exist." Chalmers said firmly, after hearing his favorite grandson Chalmers believe in himself, Grandpa finally left with a smile, but Chalmers' father and mother didn't believe Chalmers' grandfather. They thought that grandpa was unconscious when he finally died, and was still talking nonsense.From that time on, the little Chalmers was determined to find the person who could survive in the water to prove that his grandfather was not wrong, so Chalmers began to study hard since he was a child, and then he He studied marine biology at the university, and then engaged in the research of marine life, in order to have more opportunities to find the kind of people that his grandfather said can survive in water. For so many years, Chalmour has Si also searched a lot of information, and finally let Chalmers find a person who can survive in water in an ancient legendary book, that is, the Atradis, but the legendary Atradis It has been many years since the appearance of people, and it is impossible to study the authenticity of this transmission, but Chalmers always believed that the people his grandfather saw who could survive in the water were the Atlanteans. Since his grandfather could still see the Atlanteans decades ago, it means that the Atlanteans did not disappear into the long river of history, and he must be able to find the Atlanteans. of clues.This time on the voyage, because Chalmers obtained data from the US Bureau of Marine Biology that there seemed to be some unusual fluctuations in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, so Chalmers took the initiative to request to go to the Atlantic Ocean to find out, if If he can really successfully discover the Atlanteans, then this will be a major scientific discovery. Not only can he prove that his grandfather was right 953, but he can also benefit himself greatly from it. After so many years of life experience, Chalmers has more than just wanting to prove to his grandfather in his heart, but also a desire for power and money.

Therefore, this time on the voyage, Chalmers and those accompanying people are all good people, because if the Atlanteans are discovered by then, but there is no way to capture them, then All this will be meaningless.

Then Ye Zhige and Chalmers got into the car and went to sea. Looking at the boundless sea in the distance, Ye Zhige couldn't help sighing at the beauty of nature. During this day, Ye Zhige took a chair on the deck and sat on it. There was fishing while basking in the sun. There was already a lot of fish in a bucket beside Ye Zhige. These fish were all caught by Ye Zhige. Ye Zhige did not use any special ability to fish. Instead, just like an ordinary person, he put down the bait and waited quietly for the fish to take the bait. Ye Zhige enjoyed this leisurely and peaceful time, which allowed Ye Zhige to relax both physically and mentally. This voyage to the sea made Ye Zhige recall what happened in One Piece before, and went on an adventure with the hot-blooded pirates to find treasures. This time Ye Zhige is also going to find it.

In this way, he spent a leisurely day. In the morning of the next day, Ye Zhige woke up from his room. After that, Ye Zhige washed up and walked out of the room to the deck. The morning sun shone on Ye Zhige. Zhige's body made Ye Zhige feel very comfortable.

"Hey, Ye Zhige, it's so early to get up." At this time, Chalmers was also looking at the ocean in the distance from the deck.

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