"Yes, Chalmers, by the way, where are we sailing now?" Ye Zhige asked.

"We are now on the western edge of the Pacific Ocean, and we should be able to reach the Atlantic Ocean this afternoon. By the way, breakfast should be almost ready. Let's go, let's have breakfast together," said Chalmers.

"It's so fast, I don't know what to eat for breakfast today." Ye Zhige said.

Then Ye Zhige and Chalmers came to the restaurant of their ship together. The chef in the restaurant had already prepared breakfast. Most of the breakfast was porridge made from some seafood caught in the sea this morning. , or some bread. After eating the nutritious bread, Ye Zhige said goodbye to Chalmers and returned to his room.In the room, Ye Zhige closed the door of the room, and then unfolded his divine sense to investigate the nearby sea area. There are a large number of marine creatures living in the sea area near Ye Zhige and their ship. There are all kinds of big fish and small fish, but there is no Atrates who Ye Zhige and Chalmers are looking for. Ye Zhige and Chalmers don't know yet that they both want to find Yat The Latis people, after a careful spiritual exploration, Ye Zhige finally discovered a seabed city on the seabed in the direction their ship was heading. In this seabed city, Ye Zhige's god Shi saw a lot of blue-skinned people living in it, and they moved very fast in the sea. After seeing all this through his own consciousness, Ye Zhige was able to determine the city he discovered on the seabed. It is Atrates, and those blue-skinned people living in Atrates must be the legendary Atrates,

"Finally found the Atlanteans, I just don't know what the hearts of these Atradis are, whether they are good or evil, if they are good, they can be drawn into the Avengers, but If they are evil, then take this opportunity to destroy them by the way." Ye Zhige thought after discovering the whereabouts of the Atradis, and then Ye Zhige thought of a way to test those Atrates. The Latis approach.

After Ye Zhige thought of a way to test the Atlanteans in the room, Ye Zhige left the room and continued to go fishing, pretending that he was a rich boy.Then this afternoon, the ship Ye Zhige was on had reached the Atlantic Ocean. In a room, Chalmers and several of his men were sitting together in the room discussing some plans.

"Everyone, listen, now that we have reached the Atlantic Ocean, it is not far from the place where the strange fluctuations were discovered by the National Institute of Marine Biology. In the next time, we may encounter Yatra at any time. The people of Des, I believe that the abnormal fluctuations they discovered at that time must have been discovered by the Atlanteans, but now no one believes in the existence of the Atradis, that is they are too ignorant, I tell you , the reason why I can believe in the existence of the legendary Atradis is because my grandfather saw the existence of Atradians when I was young, but other people at that time I don't believe him, and I think my grandfather is a liar, but I know my grandfather can't lie, so I have been studying the legends and various legends of the Atlanteans since I was a child to prove that my grandfather did not lie. After so many years of hard work, I believe that the abnormal fluctuations in the Atlantic seabed this time must be sent by those Atlanteans." Chalmers said,

"But Boss Chalmers, what if we found those Atlanteans, just take a few pictures and prove that your grandfather didn't lie, and it's over, why should we bring so many of our best players together? Called here." A subordinate named Ucevic asked.

"Oh, Ucevic, I wouldn't have called you all over if I just took a few pictures. After all my years of studying the Atlanteans, I've discovered that as long as If I can find the Atlanteans, it will not only help me realize the wishes I have wanted to achieve since I was a child, but also allow us to obtain great wealth." Chalmers said,

"Get riches? From the Atlanteans? Oh, I see, Boss Chalmers, you want it," Ucevic said.

"That's right, Ucevic, there is huge commercial value in the Atradians. After we discover the Atradians, as long as we can capture them, even if it's just one, then we can Pull him to the major cities of the United States for exhibition, this is a brand-new strange race that has never been discovered, and then we can sell the Atlanteans to those human experimental research institutions at sky-high prices, You say that if you can catch one Atradis, then you can make all of us here become multimillionaires." Chalmers said,

"Can an Atlantean man sell so much? This is really a big profit." Ucevic said happily,

"Don't be too happy too early, although I am sure that there are Atradians in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, but it is not difficult for us to capture an Atradians, because in the legends According to the records, the physical strength of Atlantis is several times that of ordinary humans, especially in the water, they can exert great power, so I called all of you experts together to execute This plan, the plan to capture the Atradians this time, is very dangerous. It is very likely that many of us will die in the process of capturing the Atradians. If you are now If anyone is afraid, let me know if you don't want to participate in this plan, and I will not embarrass you, after all, people only have one life." Chalmers said,

"Which of us has never experienced a crisis of life and death, or have we ever been afraid, now there is such a good opportunity to make such a sum of money at one time, this amount of money is completely enough for the rest of our lives, and wealth is at risk. Please, if I die in this plan to capture the Atlanteans, I have no complaints." Ucevic said fiercely.

Chapter [-]: The Atlanteans Appear

"That's right, what we all do is to earn money with our lives. As long as there is enough money, what are we afraid of if we risk our lives." Several other subordinates also said that they are all overwhelmed by money now. minds, but they themselves are very greedy people, otherwise they would not be able to do this kind of work as long as they have money.

"Okay, now that all the brothers have decided to join the plan to capture the Atlanteans, about the spear guns, sedative guns, and fishing nets that we need to use in this plan, I It's all ready, and I put it in a box on the deck. I also secretly hid several machine guns in another box. If those spear guns can't deal with the Atlanteans, then we will use machine guns directly. Even if we are killed, if we can get the body, although it is certainly not worth living, it should be able to sell for a lot of money. , our goal is to try to catch as much as possible, and if the resistance of the Atlanteans is too fierce, we will directly shoot to death." Chalmers said,

"But Boss Chalmers, our boat is still with that rich boy named Ye Zhige. What should we do with his words~?" Ucevic asked.

"Hmph, as for this rich boy named Ye Zhige, if he dares to hinder our plan, he will kill him directly and throw it into the sea to feed the fish. Anyway, he used his connections to join us in going out to sea. In the fleet, if he is troubled by himself, then we will not be blamed. The big deal is that when we go back, we will directly say that there was a storm, and then he was hit into the sea by the waves, although some people may come to trouble us at that time. , but as long as we capture the Atlanteans at that time, after we have the money, do we still need to be afraid of them, then the sky will not let me fly." Chalmers said, and then he smiled evilly Now, the other subordinates laughed happily and wickedly at their plan to get rich overnight.

After Chalmers and the others discussed their plans in the room, it was already afternoon. At this time, Ye Zhige had fished from the deck and returned to his room. Today, Chalmers and the others discussed All the plans were revealed word for word by Ye Zhige, who was sitting on the deck fishing.

"Hmph, I didn't expect this Chalmers to look like a good person on the surface, but he was such a person who would do anything to achieve his goals, and this Chalmers kept saying that he was searching for Atraty. The trace of the Sri Lankan is to help his grandfather to prove that he did not lie. I think he is not to help his grandfather, but to take this opportunity to capture the Atlantean people and use it to make money. Exactly, With this group of greedy people, I can revise my plan, not only can I get rid of these greedy people, but also make those Atratis people have a good impression of me, so that I can increase the pull The possibility of them joining the Avengers." Ye Zhige thought after returning to the room.

Then Ye Zhige went out of the room to eat dinner at dinner time, and then he went directly back to his room. Through the investigation of his divine sense, Ye Zhige already knew that the boat he was on had left Atrazine. It's very close, so Ye Zhige can start to implement his plan now, Ye Zhige sat down on the chair in the room, and then Ye Zhige first took out the ether particle and used the ether particle to enhance his strength, Then Ye Zhige cast out a lot of space power in an instant. On a sea area far away in the Atlantic Ocean, there was a huge storm falling on this sea area, the sea was choppy, and the sky was raining heavily. The power of space controlled by Ge appeared on this sea area, and then the power of space quickly shrouded the dark clouds and storms in this sea area, and all the storms in that sea area seemed to be frozen. Then, under the traction of Ye Zhige, these dark clouds and storms that were frozen by the force of space disappeared in this sea area in an instant, and this sea area immediately returned to calm, with this At the same time, in the Atlantic waters where Ye Zhige and their ship were located, a large cloud of dark clouds suddenly appeared here, and suddenly there was a gust of wind here. Above them, Chalmers knew that this meant that a storm was coming to them. It was a very terrifying thing to encounter a storm in the ocean. The power of human beings seemed very small at this time. If there is a storm and they do not escape in time, then the life and death of their crew will be decided by God, so Chalmers immediately shouted to the crew after discovering the dark cloud: "The storm is coming, Turn the bow immediately and move forward at full speed." These crew members are also relatively experienced crew members, and they all know the power of the storm in the ocean, so they all work very hard to turn the ship. Head, full speed ahead.But it was too late. A few minutes later, the storm had come, and Ye Zhige's boat was completely shrouded in the storm. At this time, someone had come to inform Ye Zhige that they had encountered a storm and told him not to leave the room. Then Chalmers and others carried out emergency response operations on the deck, throwing all the anchors into the bottom of the sea, to consolidate their ship from being overturned by strong winds and waves.When they had just lowered an anchor, a huge wave hit them,


· · · Flowers · · ·

"It's over, am I going to die in the storm without even seeing the Atradis this time?" Chalmers thought after seeing the huge wave.

Just when the huge wave was about to hit their boat, a tall man with blue skin suddenly appeared on the wave. On top of the waves, and then stomped, the huge wave suddenly fell, turning into several small waves,

"It's the Atlanteans, my God, the Atlanteans are exactly the same as the legends, they are covered in blue cloaks, and the strong among the Atradis can control The power of the sea, I have finally found you, Atradis." Chalmers thought after seeing the Atradis save them,

"Brothers, the Atlanteans have appeared, everyone is ready, hehe, it would be better if he didn't save us, since he saved us, then I can only say that it is really God's will that we get rich, Later, everyone will see the opportunity and find an opportunity to attack." Chalmers said to his men.

Chapter [-]: Capture the Atlanteans

"I know Boss Chalmers." Ucevic said,

Then, from the deep sea of ​​this sea area, many blue-skinned Atradians emerged. I saw that these Atradians had the ability to walk on the sea, and they all followed the highest The Atlanteans approached their ship from behind,

"Thank you for your life-saving grace, I'm Chalmers, an academician of the National Institute of Marine Biology." Chalmers shouted to the tallest Atlantean man,

"I don't care what your identity is, I want to tell you human beings, you have invaded the sea area of ​​our Atlanteans, you should leave here quickly." The tall Atradis said,

"Okay, we will leave soon, but can you allow us to collect data on marine life in this seabed first." Chalmers said,

"Didn't you hear our king tell you to leave? Why don't you get out of our waters quickly?" said an Atradian beside the tall Atradian at this time. The tallest Atlantean is their king, Namor Mackenzie,

"Seven Five Zero"

"Okay, Ginobili, anyway, when we were still living on land for many years, we Atradians and humans were still very good friends, although there are many bad people in the human world now, But let's not think of all human beings as bad people. It's okay if you want to collect data on marine life in this sea area, but you must not affect the marine life in this sea. Over the years, you humans have been rampant Fishing has seriously affected the ecological balance of the ocean. I will give you one day. If I find out that you have done something harmful to marine life, then I will not spare you, Manu Ginobili, you will Stay here and watch over them humans." Namor McKenzie said,

"Okay, don't worry, I will strictly monitor them." Manu Ginobili said,

Then Namor McKenzie led the other Atradians back to Atradis on the bottom of the sea, and there was only one Atradis left on the sea, Ginobili.

"Uh, Manu Ginobili, come to the ship, come and sit here, aren't you just monitoring our actions anyway, so you can better monitor all our actions on the ship." Char Moss said after seeing Namor McKenzie leave with other Atradians, he found that there were too many Atradians, if he shot at that time, it would be just one of them. The king of the Atlanteans, Namor MacKenzie, can’t be right, but it’s true that if they don’t die, they will be blessed. Now even God is helping them, and now other Atlanteans They've all gone, and only this Atlantean man named Ginobili remains here. This is really a good opportunity to make a move. Just wait a while and secretly shoot this Ginobili. The Latis people were caught, and then they sailed away immediately. Those other Atradians might not be able to find out that Ginobili had been captured by them so quickly, as long as they escaped fast enough, After escaping to the land, as long as they hide in the inland, these Atratis people living in the sea must have nothing to do with them, so now Chalmers will call this Gino first. The Atlanteans of Billy were tricked into the ship,

"Well, okay, then I'll come to your boat and sit, but you don't want to play any tricks, I won't accept your bribes." Manu Ginobili said,

"Haha, don't worry, Ginobili, I sincerely invite you to supervise us, how can I bribe you." Chalmers said,

It may be because this sea area is already the territory of their Atlanteans, or because Ginobili is really too simple, he went directly to Chalmers and their ship without any precautions.

"Come on, get a cup of tea right now, and bring a chair over here," Chalmers said to his men, and then used his eyes to signal that his men could start moving, so their men pretended to go Pour tea and get a chair, in fact, go to the tranquilizer gun and tools, and weapons,

"Okay, Boss Chalmers, the tea is here." One of his men came over with a cup of tea, and then handed the cup of tea to Ginobili, the Atlantean man.

"Wow, is this tea? It's delicious, you humans just enjoy it, and I really envy your human world." Ginobili sighed after drinking a sip of tea. At this moment, he hid behind his subordinates. Ucevic pointed at Ginobili with a narcotic gun, "Bang." With a shot, a narcotic bullet hit Manu Ginobili precisely,

"Ah, what do you want to do?" Manu Ginobili said angrily after being hit by a narcotic bomb.

"Hey, what do we want to do? Didn't you just say that you are envious of our human world, I'm here to take you to see our human world, you don't have to be grateful to me, then I will sell you and get Treat the money you paid me as your return." Chalmers smiled sinisterly,

"You humans really have bad intentions, and you actually want to capture us Atlanteans." Ginobili said,

"Hey, you're right, you'll be the first Atlantis we capture, don't worry, you won't be the last, we'll catch more Atrates in the future. The Teess are here to accompany you," said Chalmers.

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