"Sir, it's only a thousand feet from the ground now." Jarvis said inside the steel mecha,

Then Iron Man Tony Stark found out that there was only one last person missing. The others had already been captured by Iron Man Tony Stark. The last person didn't know because he was from Air Force One. The first time to fall from the top is because his body seems to be the largest among these people. Anyway, this last person fell a little faster than the other people. Iron Man Tony Stark knows that there is not much time now. , so Iron Man Tony Stark accelerated down with these people who had been caught by him,

"We only have this last sturdy monkey left, everyone, hurry up and catch him." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

Then Iron Man Tony Stark took them and grabbed the last person when they were about to fall to the sea, and then Iron Man Tony Stark fully activated the propulsion device under his feet, offsetting everyone's whereabouts. After that, Tony Stark, Iron Man, put everyone on the sea surface, and then stopped in the air to check the situation of everyone with the detection equipment. The situation is okay, everyone can swim,

"Yeah, we succeeded." The people in the sea shouted excitedly after the rest of their lives.

"Nice job, guys, great, great teamwork, we're all great," Iron Man Tony Stark said.

"Okay, Jarvis, we're just half done, we have to go to President Ellis." Speaking of Iron Man, Tony Stark flew over the bridge over the sea, and at this time a car The big truck drove over quickly, "Boom." With a sound, Iron Man Tony Stark was hit and torn apart.

Chapter [-]: Prepare to Kill the President

"Oh, my God, where did this big truck come from." Iron Man Tony Stark said to James Roddy next to him. Iron Man Tony Stark had a simulated operation device on his head. He was not wearing a steel mecha. It turned out that there was no Iron Man Tony Stark himself in the steel mecha just now. A set of simulated operation devices are operated on the cruise ship, and the effect is similar to that of Iron Man Tony Stark himself entering the steel mecha to operate. This is also one of the latest technologies developed by Iron Man Tony Stark. With this After technology, Iron Man Tony Stark can take a lot less danger in many times,

"Where's President Ellis?" James Roddy asked.

"Uh, I didn't find President Ellis." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"You are wearing a steel mecha, but you failed to rescue President Ellis. Now that the steel mecha is destroyed, what should we do?" Zhan "[-]" Msrodi said.

"Uh, I said Jarvis, is the time up?" Iron Man Tony Stark asked Jarvis with an analog operation device.

"Are you talking about robot house party plans? Sir," Jarvis said.

"That's right." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

Later, in the ruins of the Iron Man Tony Stark's laboratory that was bombed by their gunships in Hada Mountain, there were many workers cleaning the ruins. At this time, suddenly on the floor of the laboratory's ruins An entrance was opened, and the worker who was cleaning the stones next to him was startled. Then he slowly walked to the edge of the entrance and looked inside. It was pitch black and he couldn't see anything. Just when he was wondering , he heard something coming from inside, and the sound was getting closer, so he stood aside immediately, and then he saw a lot of steel mechas flying out of it quickly, and these steel mechas flew directly up up to the sky, disappeared.

In a base of Aldridge Killian, Aldridge Killian was observing his experiments that had been injected with the ultimate biological agent, when suddenly a burst of voice came over, and Aldridge Killian looked out of the house Go, it turns out that the Iron Patriot Mecha is back,

"Welcome to the ship, President Ellis." Aldridge Killian said. It turned out that Aldridge Killian and their temporary base was on top of a ship, and then they saw the steel Patriot mech heading for Walking in the house, and then walking to the side of Aldridge Keeley, the Iron Patriot Mecha was opened, and President Ellis in the Iron Patriot Mecha was released, because this Iron Patriot Mecha It was transformed by Aldridge Killian, so President Ellis couldn't control this mecha at all in the Iron Patriot mecha.

"Have you heard of the Elephant Cemetery? Mr. Ellis, the elephant was the ship two years ago." Aldridge Killian said, and he brought President Ellis to a In front of the computer, a video is playing on the computer, and there is a boat in the video, and a certain company's logo is printed on the boat.

"This is a Roxen Rock ship," said President Ellis.

"Certainly, you'll remember, because it spilled a million gallons of crude oil in Pensacola Bay, dragged you down, and none of the top executives in this company were sanctioned." Aldridge Killian said,

"What exactly do you want from me?" President Ellis asked directly.

"Uh, I don't want anything, Mr. President, I just need a reason to kill you, a reason to kill you in an open and honest way on live TV, I've looked ahead, I've found a new one The political backer, at this time tomorrow, will take over your job. Now hang up President Ellis." Aldridge Killian said,

At this time, Iron Man Tony Stark and James Rhodey have also secretly climbed from the sea to the deck of the ship where Aldridge Killian and them are on. Neither of them has steel mechas yet. , so they came here alone with a pistol, and then the two of them avoided a patrolling guard and hid behind a box on the deck,

"You don't freak out, do you?" James Roddy asked.

"I hope not," said Iron Man Tony Stark.

Then the two of them continued to sneak in quietly, and then they suddenly heard the noise in front of them, so the two of them stopped and looked ahead to see what was going on, and then they saw someone on the front deck holding a camera Facing the mid-air in front, at this time, there were several strong lights shining in the mid-air, and I saw President Ellis wearing a steel Patriot mech hanging in mid-air by two very long ropes.

"Oh my God," exclaimed James Roddy, who went out to check, then he shrank back,

"President Ellis was hanged above the oil tank by them, and they were going to burn President Ellis, man." James Roddy said to Tony Stark, Iron Man,

"Isn't this a Viking funeral? Public execution." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"Yes, burned to death by oil," James Roddy said.

"The live broadcast is about to start, everyone..." At this time, there was a broadcast voice, and then Iron Man Tony Stark and James Rhodey knew that there was not much time now, and they needed to set off immediately. To rescue President Ellis, the two of them immediately ran out from behind the box where they were hiding, and climbed a staircase.

"Now call up cameras one to five, we will do a comprehensive technical rehearsal." At this time, Aldridge Killian was in a control room instructing a technician who was operating the TV broadcast. On the computer on the side, the display Several cameras captured images of President Ellis from different angles.

"Is your pistol loaded?" James Roddy asked Iron Man Tony Stark, at this time the two of them went up the stairs to a place with a lot of shipping containers.

"Go on, what should I do?" Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"You should stay in my six o'clock direction, pay attention to the heights, and don't shoot me in the back." James Roddy walked slowly forward with the pistol and said,

"Six o'clock, high, back, okay." Iron Man Tony Stark said, holding the pistol and turning to aim around constantly,

"Da da da da." At this time, a guard standing at a high place found them and shot the container next to them. After hearing the sound of gunfire, Iron Man Tony Stark saw the man following the sound of gunfire. position, and while looking for cover to hide, he shot a few shots at the person who was standing at a high place and shot at them, but these shots were not hit, and then the two of them hid behind a container, this The position just blocked them so that the person standing on the top couldn't hit them,

"Did you see it? Got 3.4." Iron Man Tony Stark said to James Roddy,

"Yeah, you did break a lot of glass," James Roddy said.

"Do you think I aimed at the lightbulb? It's impossible to hit the lightbulb at such a distance," said Iron Man Tony Stark.

Then James Roddy leaned out and quickly shot a powerful searchlight at a high place. With a sound of "pop.", the powerful searchlight was instantly blown up.

"Attention all members, an enemy attack was found in the East Twelve District." At this time, the broadcast sounded, and then a team of guards with weapons was rushing towards Iron Man Tony Stark and the others.

"You're running out of bullets, how many magazines do you have? Give me some." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"The magazines for my pistol are not the same as the magazines for yours, Iron Man Tony Stark," James Roddy said.

Chapter [-]: The Iron Legion Ends the Battle

"I know what I'm doing, that's what I'm doing, give me a magazine, take your magazine out." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"I don't have the magazine for your gun," James Roddy said.

"You have, you have about five, it's up to me next, look at the wind for me, okay?" said Iron Man Tony Stark, and then Iron Man Tony Stark stood up quickly, then quickly again squatted down,

"Did you see anything?" James Roddy asked,

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