"It's too fast, I didn't see anything, I'll do it again." Iron Man Tony Stark said, and then Iron Man Tony Stark stood up again, but this time he stood up and took a good look, And then squatted down again,

"I saw three men and one woman, all armed," said Iron Man Tony Stark. At this time, those people were walking slowly towards their place.

Then Iron Man Tony Stark and James Roddy stood up with guns from behind the small box they were hiding in, only to see red light emitting from the bodies of the people in front of them,

"Oh my god, I wish I could be wearing my mech at this time," James Roddy said.

"You're right, we need backup." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"Yeah, a lot of backups." James Roddy said, at this time, those few people hadn't discovered the location of Iron Man Tony Stark,

"Guess what's going to happen later?" said Iron Man Tony Shi 15 Tucker.

"Huh? That's it?" James Roddy and Iron Man Tony Stark saw that in the dark sky in the distance, a light was flying over them, and then it became two lights, four lights, many lights group light,

"That's right." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"That's all," said James Roddy.

"That's right." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

Then I saw more than [-] steel mechas quickly flew over the ship from the distant sky, and then formed a circle around the ship.

"Merry Christmas, man," Iron Man Tony Stark said to a surprised James Roddy.

"Jarvis, aim at the heat source body infused with the ultimate creatures, turn on the fire, kill them." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"Yes, sir." The twenty-odd steel mechas answered in unison. All of these steel mechas were controlled by the artificial intelligence Jarvis, and then these steel mechas immediately launched to attack the ship. All the heat source bodies above were scanned, and then it was identified which ones were the heat source body targets injected with the ultimate creature.

"Okay, today is Christmas, what are you waiting for? Kill them." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

Then these steel mechas and the guards on the ship who were injected with the ultimate creatures had a fierce battle. When the steel mechas were about to be dismantled by the guards who were injected with the ultimate creatures, these steel mechas would directly explode. As the guards who injected the ultimate creatures perished together, Jarvis who controlled these steel mechas would not suffer these damages. The only thing that was lost was the materials that made the steel mechas, and with the cooperation of the steel mechas Below, more and more guards were killed.

"Is this what you make when you're off?" James Roddy asked Iron Man Tony Stark.

"Everyone has a hobby," said Iron Man Tony Stark.

The battle affected a lot, causing violent explosions in many places on the ship. At this moment, the exclusive red iron mecha of Iron Man Tony Stark flew over,

"Oh, the time control is just right." Iron Man Tony Stark said, saying that Iron Man Tony Stark put on this iron mecha,

"Yeah, cool, give me a mech, okay?" James Roddy said.

"I'm sorry, only I can wear these mechas." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"What do you mean?" James Roddy said.

"I'll cover you." Iron Man Tony Stark said, and then Iron Man Tony Stark put on a steel mech and flew into the sky. At this time, another set of steel mecha flew from the air to James Rhodey's side. ,

"Good evening, Colonel, how about I give you a ride?" said the steel mecha.

"Oh, this is really interesting." James Roddy said, and then the steel mecha came over and hugged James Roddy and flew into the air.

Tony Stark, the Iron Man who just flew away, found the place where President Ellis was, because there was a fierce battle now, so the place where President Ellis was just hanged was also blown down, President Ellis He was pressed down by many steel frames, because President Ellis was wearing a steel Patriot mech, so he was not hurt, but was pressed down and couldn't move, just in Iron Man Tony Stark When I wanted to rescue President Ellis in the past,

Aldridge Killian suddenly appeared behind Iron Man Tony Stark, Aldridge Killian pressed Iron Man Tony Stark to the ground with his hand covered with red light, Aldridge Killian Li'an's hands pressed on the Iron Man Tony Stark's steel mecha, and the steel mecha immediately turned red.

"Does this look like cooking a little turtle in its little turtle shell? I think you should close your eyes, close your eyes, you don't want to see this." Aldridge Killian said, and then Aldridge said. Derich Killian raised one of his red hands, ready to hit Iron Man Tony Stark on the head,

At this time, a sharp knife emerged from the arm of one of Iron Man Tony Stark's iron mechas, and Iron Man Tony Stark used this sharp knife to block his head, Aldridge Killian Before he could pull back his strength, he punched the iron man Tony Stark's sharp knife. The sharp sharp knife cut off Aldridge Killian's hand in an instant, and Aldridge Killian fell in pain while clutching his severed hand. On the ground, although the ultimate creature enables them to have a strong recovery ability, although their recovery ability is very strong, the pain they experience when they are injured will not be attenuated at all.

"Okay, you should go to the side to take a rest." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

Then Iron Man Tony Stark stood up immediately, and then Iron Man Tony Stark found a grenade, and he took the grenade and stuffed it into the mouth of Aldridge Killian who was on the ground,

"I see if you can still recover now." Iron Man Tony Stark said, and after Iron Man Tony Stark opened the lead of the grenade,

"Boom." With a loud noise, Aldridge Killian was blown to pieces in this explosion, and this time the event of the ultimate biological agent also came to an end with this explosion.

Then in the end Pepper only contacted Aldridge Killian for a while in the early stage, and he did not encounter any danger, but Ye Zhige believed that if he did not intervene in the end, and Iron Man Tony Stark could not stop Aldridge Killian's words, then Aldridge Killian will definitely start with Pepper in the end, so after that, Ye Zhige made up his mind, next time, as long as anyone with bad intentions comes into contact with Pepper, Then you have to get rid of them immediately, and you must not leave any hidden dangers.

After the last event of the ultimate creature was over, Ye Zhige officially included Elizabeth in their superpower research institution, because the technology of the ultimate creature that Elizabeth had researched would indeed affect his 803s. The experiment is of great help. If the ultimate creature can be applied to a human without side effects, then that person will first obtain a very powerful life recovery ability. If the ultimate creature does not consider the side effects now, it can give The greatest recovery ability brought by people should be equivalent to the recovery ability of Wolverine Logan.

Although there is still no deadpool Wade Wilson's near-immortal recovery ability, as long as it can have the same recovery ability as Wolverine Logan without side effects, it is enough, because after having the same powerful recovery ability as Wolverine Logan, everyone In the future, when conducting human clinical experiments, there will be less scruples, which can help those participating in the experiment to better resist the possible side effects of the experiment.

After arranging for Elizabeth to join, Ye Zhige found that the current Avengers superheroes still have the strength, but their combat experience is not very rich, or they used to rely on their own The super powers are fighting with ordinary people, so it will be very easy to fight, but once they encounter people who rarely fight with them and their strength is similar to them, most of the superheroes in the Avengers League performance will be worse.

Because when they are still using those methods to deal with ordinary people to deal with superpowers whose strength is almost the same as theirs, this obviously will not have much effect, and using them will often suffer fiasco, Taking this into consideration, Ye Zhige felt that a special training session should be conducted for the superheroes of the Avengers, the purpose of which is to train the superheroes in the Avengers how to play against other superheroes. Show your greatest strength, instead of being defeated by the opponent every time you just make a move.

So Ye Zhige thought of a way to solve the Avengers.

Chapter Two Hundred: Ye Zhige's Exercise Program

So Ye Zhige thought that since the superheroes of the Avengers have too little experience in fighting with people of the same strength, to solve this problem, the best way is to let these superheroes of the Avengers They go to fight with those who are similar to them or even stronger than them. The more times you fight, the better. This will not only quickly increase the actual combat experience of the superheroes of the Avengers, but also be very effective. enhance their strength.But where are you going to find so many people whose strength is similar to the strength of the superheroes of the Avengers, and they have to deal with the superheroes of the Avengers with all their strength and try not to cause casualties. About Ye Zhige had thought of a perfect solution to this problem.

After Ye Zhige thought about the plan to exercise the strength of the superheroes of the Avengers, Ye Zhige called all the superheroes of the Avengers to have a meeting in the new Avengers base .

"Okay, everyone is here." Ye Zhige said in the new conference room of their Avengers. At this time, Captain America Steve Rogers, Iron Man Tony Stark, Deadpool Wade Wilson, etc. Superheroes have come here,

"Yes, all the superheroes in our Avengers except the researchers have arrived." Captain Steve Rogers said,

"Okay, then everyone listen to me first. The purpose of calling you all to come to this meeting today is that I have found some problems in various tasks before, so today I want to talk to you here today. Let's discuss together." Ye Zhige said,

"Problem? Do we have any problems? I feel fine." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"Oh, come on, Iron Man Tony Stark, you have the most problems," Thor said.

"What's wrong, those are force majeure factors, and I don't want those things to happen." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

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