Sarutobi Hizan stood up and walked over. 15 His stature was relatively short, so he raised his head to look at Ye Zhige: "Lord Zhige, welcome back, I will see you as soon as you come."

Oh?This surprised Ye Zhige. When he came, he was a little suspicious. How could a second-generation Naruto be so suspicious that he didn't even have a guard? How could the Anbu ninja in the village be able to deal with the recent emergencies? .

Sarutobi smiled. He pointed to a crystal ball next to him. The crystal ball showed the gate of Konoha Village. Ye Zhige suddenly remembered that this is called the technique of telescopes. When people stole scrolls, the three generations of Hokage used this ninjutsu to find him.

This made Ye Zhige look at the three generations of Hokage a little higher, and he was able to find himself without being found by himself.

The three generations of Hokage took a deep breath and looked out the window: "Master Zhige is back, should it be a friend rather than an enemy?"

He is only a young man now, and he already looks good when he smokes old cigarettes. Ye Zhige was secretly surprised. He felt that Sarutobi Hizan was far more experienced than ordinary people, as if he was not talking about a middle-aged man. It is an elder who has experienced vicissitudes of life.

Ye Zhige smiled: "Of course I'm not an enemy. Whether it was Qianshou Hashirama or Madara, they had a different relationship with me."

Of course it's not ordinary, and hating each other is also an extraordinary relationship.

Sarutobi smiled: "I know, the first generation has explained this, and even Tobirama-sama has said that if you can come back, it should be a strong helper of Konoha. Fortunately, you are back."

Ye Zhige waved his hand, he didn't like the feeling of being dominated, as if the third Hokage naturally thought he could order himself.

Sarutobi still smiled, he just handed over a list, Ye Zhige frowned, he was a little puzzled.

"Rebel," Sarutobi said lightly, "One of Konoha's rebellion."

A betrayal and forbearance, there is no need to see it with himself, Ye Zhige's heart was broken, but his eyes widened when he took it, and then he looked at Sarutobi Hizan: "Senju Banma? Is he still alive?"

Sarutobi nodded and looked at him with a smile.

This smile once again made Ye Zhige feel the existence of Qianshou Zhuma, but Sarutobi and Zhuma are different. The smile of Zhuma is hearty and grand, while the smile of Sarutobi is low-key and gentle, but the same is that they are both the same Black-bellied, smiling on the surface, it's them, the ghost knows what terrible thoughts are hidden behind the smiles of these guys.

Ye Zhige realized that Sarutobi Hijian has an unusual ability to understand people's hearts. In these short exchanges, he knew his thoughts without speaking. It seems that the first and second generation selections were correct. Yes, this person is really not simple.

It is this kind of simplicity that makes people uncomfortable. Ye Zhige wanted to stay away from this guy, so he asked, "It doesn't say where he is recently. I need to know more about it. I want to go out and look for it."

"You don't need to go out to find it." A woman pushed open the door, followed by a man with a cross on his chin. Ye Zhige was stunned for a moment. This woman is called Xiaochun, a high-level executive of Konoha. When the character who opposed Tsunade's policy appeared, the man became more familiar, the legendary leader of the roots, Shimura Danzo.

The two of them are still very young, and they are doing things resolutely. After a little chat with Ye Zhige, they introduced the current situation.

It turns out that before Ye Zhige came, Qianshou Zhuma and Qianshou Tobirama both explained that Ye Zhige is the fairy of Shibone Forest and will not threaten Konoha, so let Ye Zhige come to be the wood. Ye's high-level executives have become one of the decision-makers. Of course, this statement was told to Ye Zhige by Sarutobi Hizan. As for whether there is any way to deal with Ye Zhige's disadvantage to Konoha, it is estimated that there are. Ye Zhige knows the second generation of Hokage. He has always worked flawlessly, and he will definitely prepare for Ye Zhige's betrayal, but Ye Zhige doesn't care, he is only interested in the things in front of him.

On the premise of confirming Ye Zhige as a high-level executive, Xiaochun and Danzo made a brief report on the recent events. It turns out that Senshou Banma was already a dead ancient person, but after the death of the first Hokage, Konoha suddenly appeared around him. Due to many delicate situations, various countries are eager to use the tailed beasts allocated from Senshou Hasuma as a military force, which is far from the previous opinion of Senshou Hasuma 843.

Tobirama has an extremely keen perception of the occurrence of dangerous things. He immediately realized that it was not a mistake in the previous policy, but someone was secretly making a fool of himself. As for who has such a large amount of energy, it is unknown, Qianshou Tobirama All kinds of spies were dispatched to various places to carry out espionage activities, and at the same time, they secretly carried out a carpet search of strange things that happened in recent years, and finally found two huge clues.

These two clues were proposed by the very outstanding ninjas of the younger generation. One was named Jiraiya. At this time, when he was only a teenager, he performed the task of exploring the distance away from Konoha alone. He was originally espionage in the Land of Thunder. Accidentally discovered that a person can use Fei Lei Shen, and he was careful and did not find the specific warlock of Fei Lei Shen. This matter is very important. You must know that the only person in the world who can use Fei Lei Shen is only the second-generation Hokage, so he Remember it firmly.

The second clue was discovered by a person named Orochimaru. He is different from Jirai. He usually likes to do some ninjutsu research. At a very young age, he published an article about reincarnation and corpses.

It is this theory that reminds the second Hokage of an old incident.

Ye Zhige frowned, he knew something was going on. .

Chapter [-] New clues

This result of Orochimaru's research is very valuable and attracted the attention of Konoha executives. In his paper, he discussed in detail the possibility of using the corpse's transformation technique to complete the fake death with the help of the corpse. Of course, the corpse must be with the person being forged. There is a certain relationship, this relationship may be blood, or it may be the nature of chakra metamorphism, etc., all of which are theoretical things, and experiments are needed for real practice.

"Sarutobi," Xiaochun on the side said, "This kid named Orochimaru is a little dangerous. Even if he can come up with these theories, he may not be an ordinary person. He shouldn't do these corpse experiments on his own."

"Don't worry," Sarutobi smiled, "I plan to accept him as a disciple and supervise him well by my side in the future."

Ye Zhige pouted in his heart, thinking that you can pull it down, but he is more interested in the follow-up now, and hurriedly urged Sarutobi to finish this.

After Orochimaru published this technique, the second Hokage personally found him, and took out the abnormal death information over the years for comparison. In the heavy archives, the only thing that saw the truth is that the outside looks like a child, but the heart is too ordinary. Of Orochimaru, he immediately chose Senshou Banma in the file and said that it was the most likely to perform this kind of corpse transformation.

The second Hokage attached great importance to this clue, and combined with the information provided by Jiraiya, he decisively identified Senshou Banma as a traitor. This is also the first time Konoha has identified a corpse as a traitor since its establishment.

"At that time, we all felt that the second generation was too sensitive," Sarutobi said, and he let out a long puff of smoke. "There is no need to mention such an old thing. The words of the two children cannot be true."

Danzo on the side also nodded: "Yeah, now that I think about it, the second generation is really wise. This kind of sensitivity to unknown dangers is really not comparable to us."

Ye Zhige was very surprised. The Danzang in his impression was a very gloomy and dark person, but now it seems that this Danzang is not only willing to praise the second generation, but also has no murderousness about him. He is a hot-blooded young man. With a tyrannical demeanor, he paid more attention to Danzo's words, so he asked, "Remember now? Did something happen recently...〃?"

Sasuke Sarutobi nodded and told a thrilling fact, even Ye Zhige never thought that the history that was not mentioned in the original work turned out to be like this.

The Thunder and Fire Alliance was a conspiracy from the very beginning. The Gold and Silver Brothers of the Kingdom of Thunder wanted to coup with the help of the six-path artifact and the remnants of the nine tails. This is what Raikage knew. He wanted to use the power of the Kingdom of Fire. When the second generation of Hokage arrived The time is when Raiying and the Jinyin brothers have a decisive battle. The alliance of the second generation is false, and sending troops to suppress the rebellion is true. Everything should have been smooth sailing. Who knew that when the two sides were about to fight, Jinyin brothers suddenly appeared. master.

"It's terrifying," Danzo said, with horror in his eyes, "I've never seen such a terrifying person in Shimura Danzo, he has amazing speed and recovery ability, and he can hardly get hurt, Sarutobi's When the golden hoop hit him, most people would have been broken and broken, but he was unscathed, and even the speed of the second-generation target Fei Lei Shen could not escape, and that person seemed to have the ability similar to Fei Lei Shen."

The third generation is relatively calm: "It is true that such a powerful person has never existed before, Lord Hashima is one, but the first generation has always been peaceful and docile, with benevolence in his heart, and he is not as decisive as this person, if it weren't for the two Dai has rich experience and strong command, and the entire Konoha senior management will probably have to explain it there. Even so, the second generation was seriously injured, and he could not be healed after returning..."

It's a thousand-shoubanjian, it must be a thousand-shoubanjian!Ye Zhige concluded this fact at the time. No one except Banjian has this ability. An ultimate mystery has finally been revealed. When Ye Zhige read the original book before, he felt very strange. As for the group killing of the second-generation Hokage, it now seems that when the second-generation is left alone to block the opponent, it is not only the Jinyin brothers and the elite johnin, but also Qianshou Banma.

I didn't expect this guy to be so maddened that he didn't even let off his biological brother. What was his intentions?

This conclusion has been affirmed by Sarutobi Sasuke: "We now also expect this person to be Senshou Banma. When the first generation of adults was the patriarch, he already held a grudge, but I didn't expect this hatred to last so long. A formidable enemy of Konoha."

"Leave him to me," Ye Zhige blurted out, "I have been with him for a long time."

"Leave it to you? Humph." Xiaochun on the side suddenly spoke up. She didn't comment too much, she only expressed her distrust of Ye Zhige with one word.

Ye Zhige feels very uncomfortable about this humming word. I'm not bad if I want to help you. You dare to compare blindly. You should call me Uncle Sheng when you talk about seniority. Do you know?

Danzo on one side began to smooth things out: ".〃Oh, Lord Zhige, don't be angry, after all, you are just here, otherwise you can go to my side to help organize Anbu first, we are planning to set up an organization called Gen, Directly under Hokage."

Ye Zhige became a little interested after hearing this. This organization called Gen was actually established at this time. Sasuke Sarutobi nodded. He looked at Ye Zhige. Ye Zhige understood that it was not convenient for him to take the limelight when he first arrived. By the way, it is necessary for him to understand the current situation of Konoha in detail, after all, he has the responsibility to protect Konoha.

I don't know, I don't know, when Ye Zhige carefully probed a wave of Konoha, he couldn't help taking a breath. What kind of powerful Konoha Village is this? This is simply a tired egg under the nest of internal and external troubles. In the original work, when Tsunade just took over Konoha, he said that it was the weakest moment in Konoha's history, but (King Qian's) is still insignificant compared to Sarutobi. Konoha, who Saruto took over, faces Uchi. The rebellion of the Bo clan and the covetousness of the countries outside, the key is that Sarutobi has no power yet.

Anyway, Tsunade has Kakashi and Jiraiya to assist him, Sarutobi has only a stupid Danzo, and Danzo has no city government yet, and the entire Konoha high-level is almost supported by Sarutobi alone.

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