This child is really not easy, Ye Zhige smashed his mouth.

"The fire planted by the second generation is about to explode now," Danzo said to Ye Zhige as he walked, "The Uchiha family was isolated by the second generation, and now they are eyeing the upper level of Konoha, and the Qianshou family is very concerned about the Hokage. I am also quite dissatisfied with being assigned to a foreign surname, and Sarutobi is under a lot of pressure now."

Ye Zhige nodded, and he looked at Danzang again.

Danzang smiled, showing his white teeth. .

Chapter [-] The Birth of the Root

Danzang is a person who likes to chat very much. When he was young and when he was old, he seemed completely different. Looking at this sunny boy Ye Zhige, he couldn't help but wonder, child, what did you experience in your old age to become like that.Thinking of this, the way he looked at him changed.

"I lost to Sarutobi at the time," Danzo chatted while accompanying Ye Zhige to Anbu, "Actually, I really wanted to stay when the second-generation adults were asked to stay... I don't know why, Sarutobi said. Earlier than me, you may not believe it... I really want to stay, and the second generation of adults asked me to stay at that time, and I will definitely stay. "

Ye Zhige knew what Tuanzang was talking about. This incident became a knot in Tuanzang's heart. He also mentioned it when Tuanzang died at the end. At that time, the second generation of Hokage was chased and killed, and he was about to die, the second generation said. To stay alone, Sarutobi and Danzo were both present, but Sarutobi spoke first.

Ye Zhige looked at Tuanzang's lost face, and couldn't help feeling pity for him. In fact, according to the plot of the original work, Sarutoi's memory when he died was when Sarutoi was very young and the first and second generations followed him. The boss decided that he was the third Hokage, and Danzo recalled when he died that it was because of this that Sarutobi was arranged as Hokage.

It seems that the second generation was convinced that Danzang didn't dare to speak and said this on purpose, in order to convince Danzang. Ye Zhige couldn't help snickering at the appearance of Danzang's 863. Seriously, it's what your current city thinks. Hokage is just a fool's dream.

But he still wanted to comfort the sunny boy: "I believe it."

Ye Zhige looked at him sincerely: "I really believe it."

No matter how immoral what Tuanzang did later, at least he really wanted to stay at the time, but he was afraid to speak for fear of death, so Ye Zhige really believed it and said it sincerely.

Danzang was moved to tears, and he hugged Ye Zhige on the street and yelled, "Oh my God, Lord Zhige, you are such a good person."

Ye Zhige pushed this strange flower away with a black line, and hurriedly changed the subject: "Don't talk about this, Danzang, you still have to form a root, and this will be your number one in the future."

Danzang pouted: "I don't want to set up this thing, if it wasn't for the village..."

Ye Zhige was stunned by these words. In his impression, Danzang was the head of Gen, and Gen was founded by him. Who knew that Danzang didn't like it at all: "Didn't you propose Gen? You should like this organization very much. .(bfbg)”

Danzo suddenly stopped and fell silent.

This kind of temperament is very inconsistent with the setting of Danzang just now, Ye Zhige is a little confused.

Danzo became extremely serious: "Actually, Lord Zhige, I'll just tell you this. The root seems to be built by me, but in the real sense it belongs to Sarutobi."

Ye Zhige let out a haha, and said without leaving any traces: "The root of course belongs directly to Hokage. It's your opinion."

Danzo shook his head: "Sir Zhige, you don't understand, Sarutobi is now Hokage, but he is alone, he needs strength, he needs to belong directly to Hokage, and he is only loyal to the power of Hokage's will, which is different from the original arrangement of various Anbu, who is a big clan's eyeliner, is also different from the Uchiha clan's garrison, Sarutobi needs a clean, pure power."

Ye Zhige was shocked. He didn't expect Danzo to think of such a deep-seated reason. Sarutobi is now a family with a foreign surname, and the Qianshou family obviously refused to accept him, and Anbu, who originally belonged to the second generation, could not be loyal to the third generation now. Konoha looks like a village now, but it is actually a combination of Uchiha, Chishou, Sarutobi, Shimura and other families. The major families have their own ideas. Sarutobi does not have the prestige of the first and second generations. don't live with them.

"But Sarutobi is Hokage," Danzo continued, "There are some things that Hokage can't say, he can't say that he doesn't trust the original Anbu, and he can't say that he doubts the loyalty of all races, so he needs one person, someone else. Come to propose this opinion, he will even reject it, and then the person has to ask him repeatedly before reluctantly agreeing, so that that person attracts all the hatred, and Sarutobi can accumulate strength."

Ye Zhige suddenly realized: "So Sarutobi is actually suggesting that you propose to build a root, not what you want to build, right?"

Danzo suddenly smiled, and this kind of smile was terrifying: "No, no, Master Zhige, Sarutobi didn't say that, but I know."

After saying this, Danzo walked straight away, leaving only a back.

Sarutobi, what you can't speak, I'll speak for you, what you can't do, let me do, you are Hokage, you are gorgeous, I am Danzo, I am dark and cold, you are Konoha bathed in sunlight , I am the root buried deep in the soil, Sarutobi, you go forward with big strides, all the darkness, I will bear it.

Danzo raised his head and looked at Yingyan of the second Hokage, "Konoha, Konoha." He muttered to himself.

Danzang's back gave Ye Zhige a great shock. Looking at Danzang's appearance, he couldn't help but realize that protecting Konoha might not just be a simple blow to the Qianshoupan. The strength of the outside world is easy to say, and the interior is divided. What should I do.

Just thinking about it, Danzo, who was far away, came back, and he looked strange.

"What's wrong?" Ye Zhige asked.

Danzo smiled: "I just patronized the handsome and pretended to be coercive. The road to Anbu is not this way."

Anbu's location is very remote. Not only does it go all the way, but it also extends underground. Danzo has obviously just taken over, and it seems that he is still very divided. It took him a long time to find a huge basement. There are five ninjas in it, among them One stood still, and the remaining four competed against each other in pairs.

Ye Zhige took a little look and found that these people are not simple. The best people who wear worms and sunglasses are the oily girls, the fat people are also easy to recognize, they are the Qiu Dao family, and the ones with red eyes are easy to recognize. The Uchiha family... hey, how can there be Uchiha?

Listening to the previous statement, the Uchiha family should be incompatible with Konoha. How can the establishment of such roots allow them to participate.

Danzo smiled and patted the man on the shoulder: "This is Uchiha Mirror, a student of the second generation of adults, don't worry, it is very trustworthy." Ye Zhige understood as soon as he said this, this Uchiha Mirror It has appeared in the original.

"Hmph," Uchiha Jing glanced at him and snorted coldly.

I rubbed and hummed at me, you should call me uncle in terms of seniority, you know?

Ye Zhige couldn't help but feel helpless, you Uchiha clan are so untidy. .

Chapter [-] Uchiha is not embarrassed

In fact, there is a reason why Uchiha Mirror looks down on Ye Zhige. He has committed a common problem with the Uchiha family and is willing to use his eyes to judge a person's strength. Ye Zhige's strategy system is artificially modified. The kind that is born is different. Uchiha Kyou found his economic system very strange and subconsciously felt that it was a demon who was obsessed with evil.So he didn't care about him at all, and he began to speak yin and yang strangely.

"Lord Sandaimu is really thirsty for talents, and all cats and dogs are brought in." The corner of Uchiha Kyo's mouth raised a sneer.

By the way, this is the rhythm, Ye Zhige thought to himself, you Uchiha clan really like this set, he is already used to it.

"It's just a waste person who has abolished the Lianjinglue system. What qualifications do you have to come to the head of this Anbu."

Mmmm, Ye Zhige agreed in his heart, and you continued.

"It looks like a chunin level at most, such a person is in my hands - but three moves."

Still a familiar recipe.

"If you don't believe that you can give it a try, I can kill you on the spot even if you don't need to write round eyes."

That's right, it's finally here. After waiting for a long time, it's finally here. It's this routine. Ye Zhige moved his muscles and bones, eats, sleeps and beats Uchiha. Life is really beautiful.

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