This Uchiha mirror has been forced to stop since the beginning, as if he can't take it anymore, Ye Zhige knows in his heart that he is actually a dish, and others don't understand, but everyone else is embarrassed now.

Danzang pouted secretly, this Uchiha mirror is also real, after forcing it for a long time, there is no one to hold you. He looked at Ye Zhige and didn't speak.

Uchiha mirror doesn't feel embarrassed either. Since the death of the second Hokage, in his opinion, the whole Konoha except me is a fool, so he doesn't like anyone. At this time, someone just came out of his anger.

Qiu Dao Zhanfeng on the side couldn't stand the embarrassment of this one-man show, he raised his hand and said, "They are all Sarutobi's confidants, there is no need for everyone to fight like this, or else, since you are here, Master Zhige , you can completely learn from our new members of Anbu, and if you are bad, you can give pointers."

Uchiha Kyou "cut", as if he was already very good before he made a move, it seems that no one can hold him down without the second generation.

Ye Zhige shrugged his shoulders. He was not afraid of anyone coming. He looked at Qiu Dao to take the wind. As soon as this guy spoke, he could see that this person was also one of the dragons who participated in the Thunder Fire Alliance at that time. It seems that the second generation Hokage is still for the monkey. If Fei left something behind, at least these people can be trusted.

"Okay," he raised his hand and walked into the arena, so come on, anyway, he knew that the Uchiha mirror would come down sooner or later according to the temper of the Uchiha family.

There were only six people in the entire venue except Ye Zhige, and after removing the three old guys, Danzo, Jing, and Qiu Dao Qufeng, Anbu actually only recruited three people now, Qiu Dao Qufeng was rounding the field, although he said Even though these people are juniors, I know in my heart that these are not ordinary people. How can the senior members who are directly affiliated with Hokage's roots be ordinary people.

"You choose one first, these three are not easy." Qiu Dao Qufeng still respected Ye Zhige very much.

Ye Zhige pouted: "Let's go together."

Several people on the field were stunned for a while, come together?Is this man demented?

These three belonged to the Hyuga clan, the Yamanaka clan, and the Oil Girl clan. They were all elites in each clan and were far away from the high-level core of Konoha, so they were selected.

The three of them were very arrogant, and when they heard that Ye Zhige wanted to fight three times, they felt like insulting themselves.

Among them, the young man from the mountain family was the most indignant. He hit Ye Zhige without saying a word. Ye Zhige smiled and quickly avoided the past. The two members of the Oil Girl and Hyuga Clan attacked from both sides. , Ye Zhige knew that these people were veterans of the battlefield, and the three of them were capable of both attack and defense. They deliberately left a small gap. Ye Zhige knew that it was a trap specially reserved for him. He smiled and started from there. side dodged.

"Hmph," Uchiha Kyou snorted coldly, "but that's it."

Several other people on the field could also see that Danzang's face was also somewhat contemptuous, and he felt that Ye Zhige was only pretending.

When Ye Zhige stood there, the seal of the mountain clan was just knotted, and a ninjutsu came over.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????

"Ninja, mind-body transformation!" After speaking, the people of the mountain family fell down.

The field suddenly fell silent, and several people didn't move. Hinata and Oil Girl had a slight contempt on their faces, and they knew that the battle was over.

"Cough cough," Uchiha Kyou coughed deliberately, "It seems that the battle is over, Ayumi Yamanaka, you can cancel the ninjutsu, it's not good that you defeated a senior with a small jounin, and you are still there. What's he keeping it for?"

He deliberately wanted to say a few words to insult Ye Zhige, but Ye Zhige turned to look at him calmly and said, "What are you talking about, it's really interesting that you two fight, why don't you stop fighting all of a sudden."


The people from the Oil Girl Clan were the first to react. He quickly wanted to follow up, but Ye Zhige took a step forward and kicked him away. The Hyuga Clan on the field almost rolled their eyes. , Gossip sixty-four palms flew up, but Ye Zhige escaped them one by one.

Everyone on the field was extremely shocked. Yamanaka Wangfei's body and mind conversion technique had never been missed. It seemed that Ye Zhige didn't move either. Who knows, it didn't work.

Ye Zhige sneered secretly in his heart, I'm atheist, okay, jokingly playing with me about soul conversion, they all said that the settings are different and you fight, soul conversion, right, I don't have a soul at all!Do you understand materialism?

Just as he was complaining like this, the people of the Hyuga clan had already lost to Ye Zhige, and Uchiha Jing jumped over all of a sudden.

"Make it for me!" Uchiha Kyou yelled.

Several people on the field are all Yi Rin, and they all know that Uchiha mirror's illusion is extraordinary.

The field fell silent again.

Ye Zhige was about to laugh out loud, it was still a familiar formula, and a familiar embarrassment, you really deserve to be of the same clan.

Seeing Ye Zhige holding back his laughter, everyone knew that he was not in the illusion, and the silent scene was very embarrassing for a while.

This time, it was Uchiha Kyou who spoke first to break the embarrassment: "Hey, why are you okay?"

Ye Zhige nodded, um, just being shameless at you has surpassed several seniors. .

Chapter [-] The Root's Mission

In the Anbu headquarters, a huge root sign stood in the middle, Ye Zhige, Danzang and others sat on both sides and began to discuss the next issues.

Uchiha Jing's attitude towards Ye Zhige has changed a lot now, and he doesn't feel embarrassed at all.

Ye Zhige actually didn't have a bad impression of this person, or the previous Uchiha people had impressed him so deeply that he felt that Uchiha Jing's performance was normal, or even pretty good.Danzo secretly pulled Ye Zhige to tell him not to mind, Uchiha Jing was actually a very good person, he waved his hand to indicate that Danzo thought too much.

After a few people officially sat down, they began to talk about the establishment of the root. Among them, Qiu Daofeng and Uchiha mirror are not the high-level members of the root, but they are just assisting the Danzo to complete the construction of the root. They "nine three zeros" and their tasks. , Ye Zhige nodded to show his understanding, Sarutobi has only a few henchmen in total, and he is so busy every day that it is impossible to arrange everyone in the same place.

Ye Zhige has no task for the time being. He is the deputy leader of Root temporarily, as the second person in charge, and the other three are members of Root. That is to say, the real Root is now only a team of three people with Danzang. The process of the meeting is very simple. , Uchiha Mirror and Qiu Dao Qufeng acted as internal third-party witnesses. After the three-person team completed the oath and other contents, the two of them left.

"Let me introduce you," Danzo waited for all of them to leave and began to take Ye Zhige to formally introduce the members of the Root Organization. Not to mention, it turned out that these people had special identities and special tasks.

Hyuga Hyuga, the eldest son of the Konoha Hyuga clan, the future patriarch, has a great voice in the entire Hyuga clan. He is gloomy and reserved and does not like to talk. In addition, Hinata can be ranked fifth, and the strength is high, the key is that they are close to Sarutobi, so Hiyori is the key training object of the roots.

Yamanaka Netizen, an elite ninja of the Yamanaka clan, is proficient in illusion and mind control, and has the ability to transmit voices in the brain, and his influence can reach the entire Konoha Village.

Oil Girl Yihan, an orphan of the Oil Girl Clan, can master the smallest nano-level insects in the Oil Girl Clan, and has extremely strong reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

After listening to Danzo's introduction, Ye Zhige nodded. These three people are all elite ninjas. While they have great strength, they also have different special abilities. From the perspective of root cultivation, Sarutobi's current situation It's really not good. Hyuga and Hinata are providing political capital to Sarutobi. As long as Hiyori still has a position in the root, the big family of Hyuga will definitely be attached to the Sarutobi family, and the other two can be contacted and the other can be investigated.

"So, Gen's main task is to fight internally rather than externally?" Ye Zhige said leisurely.

Danzo directly admitted this: "It's like this, Sarutobi's current regime is unstable, so let's not talk about the outside world. In principle, Qiu Dao takes the wind outside, and Uchiha mirrors inside. Our roots are actually in Uchi. Under the wave mirror, but Jing has no intention of being here, and is more willing to cooperate with Qiu Dao to take advantage of the wind to fight, so now the actual host is the two of us."

Ye Zhige understood. Now, the root organization is Uchiha Kyo, the agent of Danzo, and the real decision-making is Sarutobi Hizen, who has never touched his hand. He is like a ghost now. Although he can't control Konoha, he has always been Watching everything in the dark.

"So now there is your eyeliner everywhere in Konoha Village?" Ye Zhige looked at You Nu Yihan, You Nu Yihan stuck out a finger, and countless little bugs gathered and covered it with a thin layer: "Basically, these kinds of bugs are placed everywhere. The relative density is much lower in the perception clan like the Uchiha clan or the Hinata clan, and some real secret rooms are generally inaccessible by formation methods."

Ye Zhige scratched his head, this oily girl's words are really serious.

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