"It's not the way to do this all the time," Ye Zhige looked at Danzang, "Our mission is to keep monitoring."

Danzo smiled: "Of course not, it's still in its infancy, and it's not convenient for us to do high-profile tasks. Seriously, it's good to be able to protect ourselves now."

What does it mean?

It turned out that since Danzo proposed to establish a root organization, the major clans began to oppose it, and Sarutobi refused again and again, but Danzo insisted on doing so. It is not unacceptable to organize to assist the newly appointed Hokage, so on the bright side, this organization has finally been established, and now it is not one or two that are eyeing out...

As they were talking, Hyuga Hiwa on the side brought a list.

"One family with a thousand hands, a thousand hands first, a thousand hands Gangzaburo, a thousand hands see..." Ye Zhige frowned. This is the list of the dead ninjas in the past month, most of which are from the Thousand Hands clan. Accompanied by a small number of foreigners and members of the Uchiha clan.

"What's going on?" Ye Zhige looked at Danzo.

Danzo shook his head: "It's nothing more than a cardinal problem, Qianju is a big family, and its combat power is stronger than most people. When the first and second generations were Hokage, they were very willing to contribute to Konoha, and a large number of casualties were also They have obtained such a high-status capital, and now Sarutobi has become Hokage, relatively speaking, they are not so hardworking, but the recent war situation is too severe, and the Qianshou family still has to provoke the lead."

This is a problem. If the Senju family continues to be used, Sarutobi's political foundation will be shaken, and Hokage's position will always be threatened. But if the Senju family is not used, Konoha will not be able to obtain strong support. Ye Zhige frowned. : "The Uchiha clan should also be a big clan, their fighting ability is not bad at all, why not use them."

Danzo smiled helplessly: 2.3 "It's not necessary, Master Zhige, this matter is too wide-ranging. During the second generation, Master Tobirama did not trust the Uchiha clan. The establishment of the Uchiha Guard Force itself was for isolation. They, now Sarutobi has come to power to implement the New Deal and immediately activate Uchiha.

Ye Zhige thought about it carefully: "We should think of a way to get the best of both worlds, without using the Qianshou clan, and at the same time quickly quelling the forces around us."

Danzang smiled bitterly: "It's easier said than done, few people can deal with the name of the land of the land, Onogi Ryoname, let alone other forces."

hey?Ye Zhige was stunned for a moment, who?

Onogi Ryo's name? .

Chapter [-] The surging river is endless

Danzang was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Ye Zhige's reaction to be so big, he said: "Da Yemu Liangming, today's first-generation Tuying has a rare bloodstain elimination in the world, the power is extremely broad, the city is extremely deep, and the strength is extremely strong. powerful."

This set of qualities of Danzang Sanlian said that the people present were stunned for a while. If Ye Zhige had not seen Liang Ming, he would have been frightened by him, but now he is almost laughing out of his heart, he is serious He opened his mouth and said, "Don't talk about this first. Tell me about the situation around you. It is necessary for us to understand this situation clearly, so as to formulate internal policies."

Danzang looked at Ye Zhige and determined that he was not joking, so he briefly introduced him. He was not in charge of this area, so he didn't know the details, but it was enough for Ye Zhige to understand.

Since the Qianshou clan and the Uchiha clan have joined forces, almost no one in the entire ninja world is their opponent, especially the alliance between Qianshou Hasuma and U15 Chiha Madara, which is even more invincible in the world. World Peace distributed tailed beasts to everyone, intending to contain each other. This trick is very effective and the world has achieved short-term peace.

It was in this golden age that Konoha rose rapidly. Anbu, ninja school, guards, daimyo and one country, one village system all matured during this period, but the good times did not last long. As time passed, Madara Uchiha and Chishouzhu After the infighting, the two passed away one after another. After Tobirama came to power, Konoha lost the overwhelming power of Hasuma and Madara, and the countries began to move.

However, Tobirama's ability has attracted worldwide attention. Practice has proved that Konoha, led by him, can still be on his own even without Hashima. Although he is no longer the leader of various countries, he can still persevere. Raikage asked the second Hokage for help. The phenomenon also reflects from the side that the Kingdom of Thunder is a subsidiary country of the Kingdom of Fire, so it is very politically meaningful for the second generation to send troops to help suppress the rebellion of the Kingdom of Thunder. This not only shows the strong strength of Konoha, but also proves to other countries. The Land of Thunder is a strong ally of the Land of Fire.

However, the reality did not go as smoothly as imagined. The original counter-rebellion that had been in the chest turned out to be the burial place of the second generation. The unexpected appearance of Qianshouban disrupted all the rhythms. The second-generation counter-insurgency failed and died. The prestige has been greatly damaged, and the kingdom of thunder, Raikage, died. National Sarutobi hurriedly came to power for internal and external troubles. In comparison, all countries smelled the opportunity and seized the opportunity to increase their strength.

All countries know in their hearts that the country of fire is currently the strongest, and Konoha has always been their confidant, so the first ninja war broke out quickly. The alliance, the land of the land, Onogi Ryoname is ambitious, but he is very shrewd, but he only promised to form an alliance with the land of thunder and did not really send troops.

But this trend changed the whole world pattern. The Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Wind expressed their positions one after another, to unanimously split Konoha and hit the Kingdom of Fire. At this time, Konoha was troubled by internal and external troubles, relying on the strong strength of the Qianshou family and Yuzhi. Wave's deterrence barely corresponds, and now Sarutobi is stretched thin, and the documents to activate the combat power of the Uchiha clan are always on Sarutobi's desk.

Ye Zhige nodded. The current situation is indeed very tricky. There are only two possibilities. The first is to enable the Uchiha clan to participate in the war, which will lead to the collapse of the front line due to the disobedience of the Qianshou clan. If Uchiha is not allowed to participate in the war, there will be two situations. One is that the Senju family can't stand the Konoha defeat and cease to exist, and the second is that the Senju family wins the war and gains a higher status and influence, and Sarutobi becomes a puppet. regime.

In either case, it was extremely unfavorable for Sarutobi.

"What if we can solve the foreign aggression," Ye Zhige said quietly, "If we can break the Thunder-Earth Alliance without using the power of Qianshou and Uchiha at all, wouldn't the situation be more favorable?"

After saying this, Tuanzang's eyes lit up instantly, and then slowly dimmed: "Lord Zhige, stop joking, how is this possible."

Ye Zhige waved his hand: "You don't need to worry about it. In this way, I will discuss this task with the third generation. If the third generation can be approved, it will be completed as the core task of our roots. If not, you can continue the current task."

After saying this, he quickly came to the office of the third generation. He knew that Sarutobi was the core leader now, and Sarutobi would think about things more comprehensively than them, so he did not hide his relationship with Onoki Ryoname back then. Tell him, Sarutobi frowned and considered for a long time, and gave an answer that was beyond Ye Zhige's expectations. He refused the request.

It's good if I'm willing to help you with things, how dare you refuse me?Ye Zhige's heart was full of fluctuations: "Why? Don't you believe me?"

Sarutobi smiled: "Lord Zhige, it's not that I don't believe you, it's that I believe you too much."

Speaking of this, he took out a document, Ye Zhige looked down, it said Uchiha, Ye Zhige picked it up and read it. 890

"It was written by the patriarch of Uchiha, requesting to revoke the root organization. The reason is that the organization is useless and disrupts the military's heart, making people suspicious of each other." Sarutobi said leisurely.

Ye Zhige was angry: "Are the Uchiha clan idiots? Now Konoha can't keep them and they are still doing all kinds of things."

Sarutobi smiled helplessly, he was obviously accustomed to dealing with this kind of thing: "The brains are not strong enough to come together, they think they are very strong, even if Konoha is gone, they can still survive, Master Zhige, if you leave Konoha now, If the Uchiha family really can't collapse, I can't hold them down."

Ye Zhige was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Sarutoi to give him so much trust, he believed Sarutoi's words, all the great people are the same, and the foolish people are all fools in their own way, and they pick things up at the most critical time. The people of the Uchiha clan did it.

"The key is not this," Sarutobi said. "It's been too long, and the friendship between you and Onoki Ryoname is nothing in the face of real interests."

Ye Zhige frowned, he didn't believe Sarutobi's words, after all, Liang Ming was the first to express to him that the river was endless.

Sarutobi looked at him and said another startling fact. .

Chapter [-] International Missions

Ye Zhige didn't express his feelings, but Sarutobi seems to have the ability to read people's hearts. Last time he answered all his questions without Ye Zhige speaking, and this time it is still the same, he said. There is a piece of information that many people can't believe.

"Even if Liang Ming really insisted, he still remembers his friendship with you, that would be of no use. You may not know that, Mr. Zhige, Liang Ming is old, and everything in the land of the land now seems to be It's Ryoname's agent, but the real ruler is Wu."

none?The name is very familiar.

Ye Zhige thought about it, Wu was reincarnated by the pharmacist using dirty soil in the later stage of Naruto. He was a ninja with bandages all over his body. This ninja was very powerful. He has an extremely rare bloodline such as Bloodstain Elimination and Dust Shield, and his invisibility can't even be perceived by Naruto, who had reached the nine-tailed mode at the time. It is the strongest of the previous movies.

Is this guy already in power now?That was really a bit troublesome, Ye Zhige frowned, but he didn't think he could handle it well, no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't possibly be his opponent, he just didn't agree to kill him with one punch.

Sarutobi smiled, obviously seeing what Ye Zhige was thinking, chatting with him Ye Zhige almost didn't need to speak, he knew what Ye Zhige wanted to ask: "Even if it's useless to kill, senior Konoha The cross-country killing of the future earth shadow of the land of the land, if this spreads out the bad influence, I am afraid that it can no longer be undone.”

Ye Zhige clenched his fist. For the first time, he felt the powerlessness of having power that was useless.

Sarutobi patted him on the shoulder, all as comfort: "Don't worry, Master Zhige, you are a huge pillar for me, and it will be much easier for me to have you here."

Ye Zhige looked at Sarutobi Hizen, and he seemed to understand some of the reasons why the first and second generation chose Sarutobi as the heir.

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