In the early morning, the sun slowly rose, and Jin found that the three imps had run away in the early morning, saying that the resilience of the three imps was really strong.

Jin slowly went out again, the bandits saw Jin go out, and said “slow walk” at the same time, Jin waved his hand back, and the figure gradually disappeared.

Yesterday Kim saw the town behind the walls while wandering around the ruins, but yesterday he was looking for Luffy and the three of them, so he didn’t go in to take a look. Jin was ready to go to see it today, and walked to the ruins, and many people saw Jin from a distance and immediately let go, it seems that they also know about yesterday’s events, but it saves a lot of trouble.

Kim came to the so-called gate, at this time the guard guarding the door, to search for Jin, Jin looked at the guard who wanted to search himself, “Are you sure?” “。

The guard saw Jin’s lofty eyes, and was immediately frightened, and directly let Jin enter.

Jin looked at the towns and people who were completely two worlds outside the door, and probably understood something, and Jin continued to walk towards the town.

Seeing a ramen restaurant, Jin remembered it, Jin walked into the ramen restaurant, “Welcome”, Jin looked at the man with a mustache in front of him, “Bring me a separate room”.

Bazi Hu immediately said “Yes, respected guest”, and then a decent waitress came to Jin to lead the way, and the waitress took Jin to the VIP room in a few steps.

Kim came to a separate room and asked, “Give me a copy of the best things?” The waitress suddenly said with some embarrassment, “Sorry, we only have ramen here”, Jin said speechlessly, “Forget it, give me the best ramen”, the waitress bent down “Yes, you wait” and left.

Jin looked at the departing waitress and thought to himself, “Cut, there is only ramen, I thought there was all the food.”

After a while, the hot ramen came, Jin looked at the ramen, some previous memories came to his eyes, and gradually the ramen also became cooler, Jin was still in the memories and did not wake up.

Until a sound of glass breaking woke up Kim, Jin got up and came to that room, Bazihu saw Jin, and hurriedly bowed “I’m really sorry to disturb your meal”.

Kim shook his hand “It’s okay”, how much money, “a total of 500 Baileys”, Jin walked to the waitress and took out a gem, and then put it on the waitress’s chest, “The rest, is your tip”, after speaking, Kim walked out, leaving only the dumb waitress and the figure eight beard.

Kim chased after the three imps, saw the fleeing Sapo as if he had been shouted at and then turned around and fled again.

Kim came to the person who called Sapo and asked, “Who are you from Sapo”, the man saw Jin and asked “Who are you from Sapo”, Kim smiled and replied “I am Sapo’s brother, what about you” The man “I am his father is a nobleman, I don’t care what purpose you have to approach Sapo, but please stay away from him, otherwise I will be unkind to you”.

Jin laughed as if he heard some joke “It’s up to you, hahaha”, Jin’s laughter also attracted the attention of people around, probably someone recognized Kim, and a woman walked towards Kim with several people who seemed to be also nobles.

A woman came to Jin’s side and said, “I am the royal family of the Goya Kingdom, Gris, and on behalf of the Goya Kingdom, I welcome your honorable General.”

Sapo’s father looked at the royal family he all respected, and showed respect to the person in front of him, still representing the kingdom.

“Wait what the royal family called him just now, General, by the way, this seems to be a general promoted by the previous navy, or an order from the highest power in the world.”

Thinking of this, Sapo’s father was sweating at this time, and Kim said something in Sapo’s father’s ear, and Sapo’s father nodded and agreed.

Jin and Gris of the Goya royal family walked towards the center of the kingdom, and Sapo’s father looked at the distant Jin as if showing fearful eyes.

Not long after Jin stayed in the Goya Kingdom, he left, walked to the forest and sensed the location of Luffy’s three, and rushed over.

Discovering that the three stole a bottle of wine from Dadan, and then prepared to bow down like the original, “Ace, Sapo, Luffy, I said who allowed you to drink”, a figure appeared behind the three themselves.

The three swallowed saliva at the same time, and then slowly turned their heads, “Dangdang” The big bag appeared on the head of the three again, “Sorry, brother” The three bowed and apologized, and Jin saw the wine on the stump.

Kim smiled and said to them “Are you going to worship, I’ll join in too”, the three nodded “um”, and then took the wine and drank together, Luffy was choked by the wine and said not to drink in the future, Kim walked up to Sapo and said to him “Sapo, your father should not come to you again, I helped you convince him”, Sapo pulled his hat “Thank you, brother”.

A few days later, the village elder and Marcino came to see Luffy and Kim, and Luffy, Ace, and Sapo also put on the new clothes made by Marcino.

Marcino walked towards Kim on the side, “Kim I also helped you make a new suit”, Kim laughed “yes, it’s really bothering you Magino”, Marcino smiled “Making clothes for Kim is the happiest thing for me”.

In the evening, Marcino and the village chief stayed to cook dinner, and everyone was eating the dishes made by Marcino, and a person from outside the house came over and “dang” into the trap dug by the three of Ace.

The three were still talking about their dreams of going to sea, and suddenly a group of mountain thieves spewed out the wine in their mouths, and Jin saw the figure behind the three and showed a playful smile.

Ace, Luffy, and Sapo were puzzled, “You actually want to be a pirate, a bunny”, Luffy and Ace squirted all the juice in their mouths.

Karp’s figure appeared, and Karp raised his fist angrily: “The old man has long said that you want to become the strongest navy, have you forgotten the old man’s words.”

“When,” Ace and Luffy collapsed with bags on their heads, Karp yelled at Da Dan, and then another “Dang” Da Dan also fell, “It seems that you didn’t teach the two imps a good lesson and let them know that they are going to become a navy.”

Sapo was sweating profusely and said after retreating, “Old man Karp is not the abominable grandfather Luffy said”, Karp turned his head to look at Sapo who retreated, “Little ghost, you seem to be saying pirates or something”.

At this time, Luffy was resurrected, with a large bag on his head, and said to Karp, “His name is Sapo, we have worshiped, and we will become pirates together, old man”.

Karp clenched his fists, “Luffy, you actually dare to call your grandfather an old man, and this little devil named Sapo is also going to be a pirate, it seems that the little king bastard that the old man wants to teach has added another one”, Luffy shouted with Ace and Sapo.

Jin went back to Windmill Village with Marcino and the village chief, Marcino put her arm around Kim and said “Luffy has two brothers, it’s good”, Kim interjected “What, it’s three, and me”, the village elder interjected, “I said Kim, you’re older than them, you become their brother, what about Magino?” Luffy treats Marcino like a mother”, Marcino blushed, “Village chief, what are you talking about”.

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