The next day, as soon as Marcino’s tavern opened, Karp walked in with his nostrils scratching his nose, and Kim “Welcome, yo, old man Karp is back so soon.”

“Oh, it’s the golden boy, I taught the 3 brats a good lesson, how did you become a waiter in the tavern.”

Marcino brought a glass of wine and put it in front of Karp, and Karp took a large sip: “I said golden boy, how did Brujam’s third-rate pirate group provoke you, you actually ordered the branch to eliminate him.”

Jin scratched his head, “Really, don’t you say it’s third-rate, so if I make a move, it doesn’t seem too boring, of course, they are not worth my shot.”

Karp said again, “Kim boy, you should almost go back, you have been here for a long time.”

Kim looked at the busy Marcino in the distance, “Well, it’s almost time to go back.”

Kim and Karp walked outside, Marcino was busy looking at the counter, there was no Kim’s figure, Marcino quickly walked to the counter, there was a note on the counter “Marcino, thank you for your hospitality, it’s time to return to the headquarters after disturbing you for a long time, I’m sorry for causing you trouble during this time.”

Marcino read the note and hurried to the port, and when he arrived at the port panting, Karp’s warship had already set sail.

Marcino, a woman who seemed to be always smiling, also shed tears for the first time, shouting at the warship, “Kim, you must come back, I will always wait for you”.

Kim seemed to hear a wave of his hand with his back to Marcino, who collapsed to the ground, looking at the warship with tears in her eyes until the warship disappeared at sea.

“Ah, so boring, so boring,” Kim walked around the warship at this time.

Karp looked at the bored Kim “Wow, hahaha, Kim boy, do you want to come and eat donuts with me”, Kim looked at Karp with a surprised face, Karp’s doughnuts are not something that ordinary people can touch.

In addition to Robin, Kim secretly ate once, but was chased by Karp for a long time, and today’s Karp is not normal, definitely not normal.

After Karp sent out the invitation, he saw Jin constantly retreating and looking at himself with skeptical eyes, Karp was very puzzled, he didn’t do anything.

Kim stepped back to a colonel’s side and asked, “I said, don’t you think Old Man Karp is a little abnormal, and actually let me eat his doughnuts.”

The colonel also looked at Karp with a skeptical gaze when he heard it and said, “General Cass, it is indeed a little suspicious, you better not go to eat, in case who knows when Lieutenant General Karp will be again…”, the colonel’s words were not finished, but Jin understood.

Kim walked up to Karp “I said old man, wait to go to Alabastan, I’ll go see Tina, I haven’t seen you for a long time”, Karp didn’t seem to hear the donut stretched out in front of Kim, “You really don’t eat it, but it’s delicious.”

Kim was about to answer, “Hoo, hoo” Karp fell asleep again, and Kim had to order a change of course himself.

It was almost Alabastan and the weather was getting hot, and Karp woke up, “Huh? At this moment, the colonel hurried over and answered that he was about to arrive in Alabastan.

Karp shouted “Kim boy, you actually changed the route, don’t tell me”, the colonel next to him sweated and said, “Lieutenant General Karp, you fell asleep when General Kim was ready to talk to you”, Karp picked his nose “Oh, so it is, forget about letting him go.”

The colonel next to him was speechless, “Lieutenant General Karp, it’s still the same old way, it seems that this situation cannot be changed in this life.”

The warship arrived at the naval branch of Alabastan, and when Kim walked into the branch, he saw Tina, who had begun to develop the bad habit of smoking, and suddenly petrified.

The soldiers of the naval branch looked at the general who was originally fine, and in an instant the petrification was startled, and they hurriedly rushed to wake up the general.

Tina was also attracted by the noise and saw the petrified gold, and quickly walked over, unable to wake up no matter how she screamed, so she had to let the soldiers splash water on Jin’s body.

The water-drenched Kim recovered, and the recovered Kim immediately cried out, “My Tina, actually contracted the vice of smoking”, and then fainted again.

Hearing Kim’s words, Tina immediately threw away the cigarette butt in her hand and carried Kim to her room with a red face under the soldier’s gaze.

Back in the room, Tina looked at her room full of cigarette boxes and quickly packed up, Tina was just halfway cleaned up, and Kim woke up again.

“Whoever brought me Tina, I’m going to kill him” The exclamation came from Tina’s room, frightening all the smoking soldiers in the branch, and hurried back to dispose of any smoke-related items in their rooms.

Kim saw Tina, who was stunned by her shouts, and Tina was still holding a cigarette case ready to throw away, and Kim walked over under Tina’s gaze.

Jin squatted in front of Tina and put her hand on Tina’s chin, and Tina thought at this time, “Badass, it’s still daylight, there are so many people outside, how can this be.”

Kim’s next action stunned Tina, and Kim opened Tina’s pink lips with her hand, but instead of kissing it, she looked around at Tina’s mouth.

Kim nodded and said, “It’s okay, it’s not too long, and I was saved”, this sentence made Tina confused, not knowing what Kim was talking about, and the next sentence made Tina on the verge of breaking out.

“There are no smoke stains on the teeth for the time being, it seems that the situation is not very bad”, this sentence Tina understood, the feelings themselves were self-inflicted, Tina was ready to get angry, and Kim’s words made Tina extinguish her anger again.

Jin looked at Tina with a serious face and said, “Tina, if you are smoking, it will definitely have a bad effect on our children in the future.”

Then Kim looked at Tina with a sad expression and said, “If you continue like this, you will definitely become ugly by then, with pockmarks and acne on your face, and even if I love you again, I will not accept you.”

Tina first looked shocked, then a sad cry and threw herself into Kim’s arms: “Tina is wrong, Tina is wrong, Tina will never be again, Tina promises, brother, please don’t abandon Tina”.

Kim held Tina and gestured with a “V” with her hand behind Tina’s back.

Next, Kim took all of Tina’s cigarettes away in the name of being ugly, and then asked Tina who taught her to smoke, and Tina replied that she always missed Kim, and the hot weather in Alabastan made Tina easily irritable.

So Tina’s friend Smogg, who graduated at the same time, told Tina that smoking relieves stress and irritability.

After Jin understood it, he shouted again, “Smogg, I will never forgive you”, and Kim’s shout startled the soldiers who were cleaning up, but when he turned his head, he was not Colonel Smogg, and he cleaned up separately.

Smogg, lying in his office far away in Rogue Town, sneezed “Cold, strange,” and then continued to smoke a large cigar.

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