After a day in the branch, Kim and Karp set sail again, Tina stood in the port to deliver Kim, after not seeing the shadow of the warship, Tina clenched her fists and said with anger on her face, “Smogg, Tina is angry, Tina is angry, actually lied to Tina, Tina almost became ugly, Tina almost lost her brother, Tina will definitely not let you go.”

The soldiers next to them saw the angry Tina, and quickly took another step to the right en masse, only to feel safe.

At this time, Karp and Jin, who were sailing on the sea, were fishing fish, and next to a colonel and many soldiers, Jin’s luck seemed to be very good today, and when he arrived at a big fish, the colonel said “General Jin”, it turned out that they were competing in fishing.

Jin kept having fish hooked, and Karp looked at the busy Jin and looked at himself who hadn’t caught one for a long time, and felt very uncomfortable.

At this time, Jin’s fishing rod caught a big fish, and Kim was about to pull the fish up, and Karp smashed something towards Jin’s fishing line, and “snapped” Kim’s fishing line broke, and Kim and everyone looked at Karp who was still in a posture of losing something.

Karp immediately closed his eyes and snored, blew bubbles on his nose, and said “old man, fall asleep”, and everyone shouted “liar”.

Jin wanted to find Cap, and the soldier quickly hugged Jin and took him away.

Karp opened his eyes again and looked at Jin, who was persuaded by everyone to leave, and laughed loudly: “Jin boy, the old man is still the most powerful.”

Kim looked at Karp, who was pretending to be asleep and now waking up again, and shouted, “Dead old man, you actually cheat, I will never forgive you”, and was taken to the cabin by everyone.

Karp poked his nostrils “It doesn’t matter.”

At dinner that day, Karp just sat down on a plate with fish and flew to Karp’s face, Karp suddenly became angry “Little king bastard, see how the old man teaches you”, after a loud sound, it ended with Kim’s defeat, Jin and all the soldiers in the house were lying on the ground with several large bags on their heads, and smoke was still in their mouths, Karp clapped his hands and walked out.

However, the soldiers outside were first shocked when they saw Karp, and then held back a smile, and when Karp left, the soldiers laughed wildly, and it turned out that Karp also had a big bag on his head.

After a long voyage, they finally reached the headquarters, and at this time, the soldiers of the headquarters saw that the soldiers on the Kapu warship had a large bag on their heads, which was very strange. When he went up and asked, “Did you encounter a powerful pirate”, some soldiers were ready to speak, but with a cough, the soldier who was ready to open his mouth closed his mouth.

The soldiers of the headquarters looked towards the place where they coughed, and a colonel who was about to disembark was similar, but the bag on his head was smaller, and then some officers in the headquarters port were shocked and came over to see what was happening.

A quarrel sounded in everyone’s ears, “Why does the old man want to fight”, “Little Wang Baegg, do you want to be repaired by the old man”.

Everyone in the headquarters looked at the place of quarrel, Jin and Karp slowly quarreled and walked down, Jin and Karp found that all the people in the headquarters looked at themselves, and suddenly turned their heads and said, “Why, what are your opinions.”

Everyone in the headquarters quickly shook their heads and then quickly left under the leadership of a vice admiral, you say how not to stop it, there is a disease, one is the general of the headquarters, the other is the vice admiral Karp of the naval hero, you are not afraid of death, go ahead.

Jin and Karp quarreled and walked towards the headquarters and came to the Sengoku office, the two were still arguing, and the Sengoku looked at the two in front of them with a headache and there was no way.

Qing Zhi woke up and saw that it was Jin and Karp who were arguing and continuing to sleep, and the yellow ape was drinking coffee and watching the two arguing with relish.

At this time, a lieutenant general came in to deliver documents, and the two who saw the quarrel persuaded “General Jin, Lieutenant General Karp, at this time the marshal’s office please be quiet”, and suddenly the whole room was silent and calmed down.

However, the lieutenant general did not think so, and Kim and Karp in front of him did not argue, but they were looking at him with horror.

Jin said “Warring States old man, didn’t say anything”, Karp “That guy in the Warring States didn’t say anything about us”, and then the two punched together to make the lieutenant general fall down with two big bags on his head, and the two stood together and held their fists very tacitly and said “You actually, let’s be quiet”.

Then the two found that something was wrong and separated again: “I said old man, am I familiar with you, don’t be so close to me”, “Little Wang Baegg, you are saying it again and trying”.

Sengoku looked at them and finally had to have a headache and continue to wear the papers, the two suddenly stopped arguing again, and each did it separately, Jin drank tea, and Karp ate donuts.

The yellow ape was looking energetic, and suddenly the two stopped arguing, and asked suspiciously, “Why don’t you guys argue.”

Kim sipped tea and said “dry mouth, drink tea, moisturize your mouth”, and Karp “hungry, eat something”.

The two of them said at the same time, “Why, yellow ape, what is your opinion?” The yellow ape hurriedly said, “I have no opinion”, and the two “hummed” at the same time, and continued to do their own thing.

Sengoku looked at the two who had calmed down and finally got angry and slapped the table: “You two, as vice admirals of the navy, actually ignore the quarrel on your faces, what kind of system”, Jin asked “Uncle Karp, go to dinner, you don’t go”, Karp replied “Jin boy, say it earlier, the old man is hungry for a long time”, after saying that, the two walked out laughing together.

Warring States was stunned at this time to watch the two who were reconciled walk out, and sat down weakly, at this time Qingzhi also stood up, “Eat, I’m also hungry, it’s really troublesome” After saying that, he also left, and Sengoku felt as if a flock of crows flew over his head.

Not long after Jin, Karp and Qingzhi left, the yellow ape also stretched out and stood up, saying to the Warring States, “Marshal of the Warring States, do you go to eat”, seeing that the Warring States did not answer, the yellow ape also left.

Sengoku has the heart to kill Kim and Karp at this time, it’s just……. Hey, don’t say it. Sengoku sorted out his clothes and also walked out, you asked where to go, of course it was to eat, stupid.

The next day, Sengoku looked at the two who were still arguing yesterday, and laughed on the sofa as if they were fine, Sengoku really didn’t understand when Jin was also infected by Kapu, Kapu’s infectious ability was too strong.

At this time, in the village of Shimashiki in the East China Sea, a girl with short hair and a white blouse full of heroism was trying to compete with a green-haired imp who used three knives.

The girl gently picked the wooden sword in her hand, and the three wooden swords of the green-haired imp flew away, and the girl put the wooden sword on the neck of the green-haired imp, “Solon, you lost to me for the 1100th time, oh”, “Damn, Gu Yina, you are too strong, but I won’t give up”, Gu Yina ran to the long-haired girl who was sitting on the side and looked at the two.

“Sister Robin, why didn’t the big colored wolf come to see us”, Robin laughed, “Don’t you usually hate him?” Why do you still want him to come to see you”, Guina put Robin’s arms and said coquettishly, “Whatever, people usually hate him”.

Solon came to the side of the two and asked, “Who is the Great Color Wolf?” Is he strong? Gu Yina suddenly said to Solon dissatisfied, “Shut up, brother can only call him Big Color Wolf, you are not allowed to call him”, at this time Koshiro came to Solon’s side, “Solon, he is your senior brother in previous sessions, and my most outstanding disciple, he is a man standing at the top of this world, a man who is almost as strong as the Hawkeye you want to defeat.”

Solon asked, “Master, what is his name, I will challenge him”. Guina grimaced at Solon “You want to challenge your brother, your brother can defeat you with one finger”, Solon asked unconvinced, “Master, is it true?” Koshiro smiled and said, “Solon, now you can’t even win Guina, how can you challenge him.”

Solon shouted, “I will definitely defeat Senior Sister Guina first, then defeat Hawkeye, and then surpass him.”

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