"Mr. Yixiao, control the rudder to the right. There are islands ahead. Let's go up and pick up the garbage!"

In a smile awe of the time, the voice of the night pupil again.


"Yes, my Lord."

The respect that had just been raised disappeared.

Sure enough, the adult is still that adult!

No matter how the power is expanded, no matter how the strength is improved, it seems that Yetong is very persistent in picking up garbage.

Soon they came to the island.

This is a small island in the new world called Halloween.

However, although the island is small, it has super prosperous entertainment facilities.

What's more, a Christmas Island nearby is also a subsidiary island of this island, which is specially used for planting.

The most special thing about this island is that there is a flag on the island, which is the flag of the red hair pirates.

In other words, the island is covered with red hair!

In the new world, many countries or villages will seek the protection of some big pirates because they can't afford the high sky gold.

For example, Sihuang, qiwuhai, etc.

And they, too, have to pay a certain "protection fee.".

However, it is much lower than the gold in the sky.

"This is the island of the four emperors with red hair and shanks. Our navy is ashore. Some of them may not be very popular."

"Tina thought, very unhappy."

Tina also came with the map and marked the situation on it.

As a sailor, her most important job is to collect Island information besides sailing.

"It's OK. I have a good relationship with shanks."

After Ye Tong finished, he also went directly to the island.

Because he felt the smell of shanks.

This guy, actually appears on such an island, and as the umbrella of this island.


"How can a Navy come here? It's a red haired area. Aren't they afraid to cause a fight?"

"I don't know. It's going to be."

"Will you? This is a special officer of the Navy, grot's night pupil. His combat effectiveness is comparable. General. "


As soon as Ye Tong boarded the island, there were countless voices of discussion.

However, night pupil has no mind to take care of them.

"Collect the garbage, ten thousand bailies, ten catties of garbage, all kinds of garbage

Night pupil directly throws out an electronic scale, then lets Allen guard here, throws him a pile of Bailey, and then enters the island.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, people were still talking about it.

And then these people went crazy.

Garbage for money, and a kilogram is a thousand Bailey.

The main thing is, there is no limit to the variety of garbage!

After that, countless people came to sell the garbage.

Admiral Allen, a decent naval officer, became a rag picker.

A smile is still the same, to gamble.

But when he came to the casino, he found that even the pirates were selling rubbish.

There is no one in the casino.

Soon, night pupil came to a bar.

"Oh, shanks, long time no see!"

Yetong said, and went straight to shanks.

"Night pupil kid, you did me a trick last time

"Why, I want to ask for wine this time?"

Shanks also said heartily.

It seems that I didn't care about the things before.


"I want to To pick up trash. "

Ye Tong finished and started to clean the bar.

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