Seeing that Ye Tong began to sweep the floor, shanks and his party continued to drink and eat meat.

They're used to this guy's situation.

After all, anyone who has a little intelligence ability knows the existence of the Navy's favorite garbage collector.

"Ha ha ha, night pupil kid, you still haven't changed!"

At this time, lackey said with a smile.

"Yes, I haven't changed."

"But what about you?"

"Has it changed?"

Night pupil will be here after the garbage cleaning, but also a face of doubt answer.


For a moment, lackey couldn't speak.

Because he didn't know how to answer this sentence.

How much do ye Tong know about their affairs and their attitude towards them now.

Lackly looked at shanks on one side.

"Ye Tong, do you want to touch the abyss?"

Shanks put down his glass and said slowly.

"You're not an abyss. Maybe for me, you're not."

"Shanks, do you want to be an abyss?"

Ye Tong also picked up a bunch of rum and drank it.

For a moment, everyone was silent again.

The kid who met in Windmill Village at the beginning has grown up to be afraid of by them.

"By the way, shanks, how's the koala?"

"And how long have you not seen Roger?"

Ye Tong asked again after drinking a glass of wine.

Hearing the names of the two men, the other crew instantly pulled out their weapons.

"Why, what are you so nervous about?"

"Actually, I know a lot about it."

"What's more, teachers, they know it. It's just that we have no interest in such things. "

"Let me take care of your business. I might as well pick up more rubbish."

The night pupil says with a smile.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

"Ye Tong Xiao Gui, a person who can always stick to his belief and carry it out."

"You are one of the few things I see."

"I can make you a new five year old star. Do you have any idea?"

Said shanks directly.

After hearing shanks' words, Yetong also smiles.

"I don't think I'm old in my twenties."

"By the way, shanks, sometimes, don't put what you think is a goal on others."

"Luffy, it's my brother."

After the night pupil finished, he directly put down his glass and left here.

Then, we began to clean the streets of this town.

After the night pupil left, shanks and they were not in the mood to drink.

The most important thing is that they don't know how much the night pupil knows.

Moreover, even if it is confirmed that Ye Tong knows their secret.

Knowing what the nobles of the world wanted to hide, and knowing lavdrew

They can't do anything.

If the night pupil is pushed out, the happiest estimate is Xiao.


"White beard, he White beard, he contacted Xiao

At this time, a little brother rushed in and said in a flustered way.


"White beard, do you want to subvert the world?"

"Two of the four emperors are in touch with Xiao, plus the original golden lion!"

"Some, trouble..."


Shanks has a headache.

Pirate, always a double-edged sword!

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