One pound of meat equals one attribute point

Chapter 281 If you don’t want to talk, then don’t talk!

There was a commotion outside the Swallow Tower, but it soon calmed down.

Then there was a loud bang.

The door opened wide.

The huge force directly caused the solid wood door to fall off the door frame. Then it was wrapped up by a force, with a whistling wind, spinning in the air, with a shadow, and hit the wall heavily like a huge cannonball, inserted straight into the earth wall, and sunken in.

And outside the open door, in the sun, wisps of dust were like fog, driven by the airflow to disperse to both sides.

The first thing I saw was a pair of muscular long legs.

The owner of the legs was very tall. Standing there, you couldn't see his head directly. His broad body directly blocked the door tightly. Only in the gap between his body, a ray of light visible to the naked eye was sprinkled.


Then there was another loud bang.

The earth wall hanging down from the upper part of the door was directly torn off by someone.

The man shook his shoulders and bent over to squeeze in from outside. Dust fell from behind his broad body like a waterfall. Outside, young disciples, either in fear or with excitement, stuck their heads out and looked inside desperately.

Only some experienced elders changed their faces, knowing what would happen next, and whispered to the reluctant disciples to disperse.

"You are..." Taoist Huanglong noticed that the man was coming aggressively, and his face changed a little.

He released some of his perception and made a slight contact, but did not perceive any useful information. It was like looking into the abyss, not knowing what was hidden in the deep darkness and the surging shadows.

But there was no doubt that this was definitely a master.

On the other side of the round table, the smile on the face of the elder surnamed Gong from Liuyun Mountain, who also stood up, was restrained, and he took a step back slightly.

He was somewhat relieved at this time. Although he had the same goal, his methods were not as fierce and unyielding as Taoist Huanglong. Now that he encountered an unexpected situation, he finally had some chances to mediate. While everyone was stunned, Su Heng came to the round table where Ling Weizi was sitting as if by teleportation.

Feeling the majestic breath coming from behind, Ling Weizi's thin shoulders tensed up.

Her toes tapped the ground lightly, her five fingers clenched tightly, and she looked a little nervous, but her big and smart eyes were full of expectation.

Su Heng gently pressed one hand on the wooden table, and his eyes fell on Taoist Huanglong.

"You, Taoist Huanglong." When the flying sword sent the book before, Meng Huan also sent a piece of information. By comparing the two, Su Heng knew the identity of the Taoist in front of him.

"Yes, it's the old Taoist." Taoist Huanglong straightened his neck.

Although he felt the amazing pressure from Su Heng, he was unwilling to fall into the disadvantage and lose face.

"Very good." Su Heng snorted and smiled, "You don't agree with what Sect Master Meng said just now."


Huanglong Taoist wanted to admit it directly.

But when the words came to his lips, he somehow softened and said, "I think the plan is a bit inappropriate and needs further consultation."

The dark and fat Mu Yi Taoist next to him, who was wearing a red robe, glanced at him and said in his heart, "Uncle Master, you didn't say that when you came just now."

"Not appropriate..." Su Heng first turned his face and took a breath. Then he exhaled it for a long time, blowing away all the documents on the table, like falling white snow. In the mottled sunlight blocked by the paper pages, Su Heng suddenly showed a grim smile on his face, "If it can't be negotiated, then don't talk!"

"Fuck, I gave you a chance, but you are useless!"


As Su Heng's arm muscles tightened and he exerted force violently, this round table with a diameter of more than ten meters was directly lifted up by him with one hand. The various tea sets placed on it fell to the ground one after another as the table tilted, and there was a crisp sound of ping-pong.

Under Su Heng, Ling Weizi almost jumped up and couldn't help but cheer for Su Heng.

But then she remembered that this was an important occasion for negotiation, and subconsciously covered her mouth. Fortunately, she looked around and saw that everyone around was shocked by the sudden change, and no one noticed her small loss of composure.

Meng Huan showed a relaxed smile on her face, raised the teacup and took a sip slowly, and then threw it down heavily!

The armored general of the Hanzhou Yuan family had a bright light in his eyes, with appreciation.

And Li Wangchuan was even more excited. At present, he was humiliated by Taoist Huanglong in public. Standing here was like a punishment, and he lost face.

In hundreds of years of practice, he had never encountered such a humiliating thing.

If he really couldn't beat him and was afraid of causing trouble for the family, Li Wangchuan would fight Taoist Huanglong on the spot. Now Su Heng flipped the table and smashed it at the two bastards Huang Long and Mu Yi, which really vented his anger.

Elder Gong of Liuyun Mountain reached out to push away a flying teapot with a gloomy face.

The development of the matter was unexpected. He planned to take Shang Mengting away first to avoid the limelight and make plans later.

But just as he was about to leave, he saw Meng Huan looking at him with a sneer on his face.

One of his hands had already lightly touched the hilt of the sword.

Elder Gong's face suddenly changed and he stood still.

Among all the people present, the most horrified and emotionally changed was naturally Taoist Huang Long.

He looked up suddenly.

He saw that the wooden table, which should have been ordinary, was wrapped in strength.

The strong force, like the tide of the sea, twisted the air and raised black smoke. What was even more terrifying was that as the Seed of Destruction slowly beat in the chest, the corrosive power was activated, and the wooden table was covered with a thick layer of fungal carpet visible to the naked eye, and countless fine tentacles crawled along with it.

At first glance, under the influence of the force, it was like a black heavy hammer wielded by a giant god, smashing down on the head.

It actually gave Taoist Huanglong an irresistible sense of crisis of life and death.


He roared and his face changed suddenly.

Under the gust of wind, his long gray hair flew back.

The golden copper ring wrapped around his left arm vibrated and swelled with blood, and then a heavy artillery-like punch blasted forward.

The two collided with a loud bang.

The terrible force swept in like a landslide.

It can be clearly seen that the loose sleeves on Taoist Huanglong's arms first bulged outward in circles, spread toward the shoulders, and then tore, leaving the exposed arms gray and black.

This was caused by the collision just now, and the blood vessels under the skin burst directly, oozing blood.


The wooden table fell on his head, and the ground sank downward.

The entire Swallow Tower was shaking violently, cracks spread, and dust fell from the ceiling above. There was a burst of terrified screams outside.

The table collided with the ground, raising a large piece of gray and black dust.

In the dust, Taoist Huanglong was no longer as arrogant as before, his hair was disheveled, and his body was covered with blood.

His face was distorted, and his expression was shocked and angry. At this time, he activated the immortality unique to the earthly immortals and wanted to return to the peak, but found that it was particularly difficult to heal his injuries, which were suppressed by another ancient evil force.

"What on earth are you?!" Taoist Huanglong widened his eyes, sensing a trace of the dangerous aura of a demon from Su Heng.

"I don't need to explain so much to a dead man." Su Heng grinned and took a step forward.

"You want to kill me!" Taoist Huanglong screamed, "Do you know who I am?"


Su Heng responded by slapping him on the head.

His five fingers spread out, driving the rolling power like smoke and clouds.

The palm quickly expanded and transformed, while releasing part of the domineering martial arts, and the speed and strength further soared.

In the vast chest cavity, three hearts beat synchronously. The rolling blood rushed through Su Heng's blood vessels like a river, and even made a roaring sound like a dam releasing floods.

For a moment, everyone present felt the terrifying aura emanating from Su Heng and changed their faces slightly.

And Taoist Huanglong's heart kept sinking.

In front of him, Su Heng, who obscured the light and cast a shadow, really turned into the legendary unparalleled evil demon.

His muscles tensed subconsciously, and he raised his hands upward. All his strength was like a hundred rivers flowing into the sea, pouring into his arms and blocking forward.

But at the critical moment, when his aura was about to reach its peak.

A flash of white light suddenly flashed across Su Heng's eyes.

Taoist Huanglong focused his attention on Su Heng, and naturally captured this tiny change.

But in the moment of staring at each other, his mind became rigid, and even his exposed neck showed obvious petrification marks. This magical power was the petrification beam that Su Heng obtained from the four-armed, hundred-eyed giant.

At this time, he was still a little unskilled in using it.

It was regarded as a strange move, but it achieved quite unexpected results.

Taoist Huanglong's aura slightly dispersed for a moment, and he quickly reacted, with an incredible expression on his face, "The magical power of the demon, how is this possible!?"


Su Heng was surprised, and did not expect to be recognized by Taoist Huanglong.

But it was useless to recognize him. It was too late. Su Heng had already slapped him. From head to toe, Taoist Huanglong disappeared in an instant.

The ground exploded with a bang. Dust and smoke mixed with gravel, like black reeds blooming, bursting outwards, carrying white airflow tails, sinking into the surrounding walls, and large areas of the walls collapsed.

Since he has decided to tear his face apart, he will just be a villain to the end.

Su Heng snorted coldly.

The power in his hand rolled, and a large amount of power carrying erosion special effects poured into the remains of Taoist Huanglong. At the same time, the second heart beat faster, and the golden veins spread along the blood vessels on Su Heng's body to the palm.

The temperature rose rapidly, and high-energy radiation particles were like a torrent, repeatedly washing.

With two-pronged approach, Taoist Huanglong only had time to let out a scream.

With a "hiss" sound, wisps of green smoke emerged from Su Heng's hands.

A powerful earthly immortal who was quite famous outside, fell completely in Su Heng's hands.

When Su Heng turned around calmly, the elder of Liuyun Mountain Palace who had the same origin as Taoist Huanglong suddenly felt a chill in the crowd.

With a stiff smile on his face, he slowly raised his hands...

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