One pound of meat equals one attribute point

Chapter 282 Spiritual Power, Silver Cage Heavenly Lamp

This negotiation between the immortal sects and the aristocratic families did not unexpectedly lead to conflicts, but fortunately the final result was good.

Get rid of Taoist Huanglong.

Su Heng did not continue to embarrass Lingxiao Sect and the merchants.

According to the previous agreement, the core members of the two major forces can still leave. But many resources within the sect, the disciples' forces that are intertwined in the periphery, etc., must be separated from their jurisdiction and control and restored to freedom.

As for the future stay of these scattered people, it is up to them to decide.

Some of them will choose to flee.

But some people stay.

Because under normal circumstances, most of the resources are controlled by major forces such as ancient families, immortal sects, and dynasties.

Ordinary practitioners, without background.

It is quite difficult to achieve something in the martial arts. After all, not everyone has the talent and perseverance of Su Heng.

Therefore, the myth battlefield has come.

For these ordinary practitioners, it is not only a catastrophe, but also a shortcut to quickly accumulate resources and improve their cultivation.

And even ordinary people and merchants on the street know that now the world is gradually full of smoke. In addition, the echo of Changshengtian deepened, and demons appeared frequently in various places. Even if he wanted to run, where could he run to in the end? It is better to stay here, maybe he can fight for a bright and clear world.

To be honest.

The Seed of Destruction and the Tathagata Sutra are in hand.

With the spiritual cultivation that Su Heng has now, if he really takes ruthless action, he can refine all the high-level people in the two major forces, Shangjia and Lingxiao Sect, into puppet servants who are at his beck and call.

But this idea only flashed through Su Heng's mind, and he chose to give up.

On the one hand, it is too time-consuming to implement it. And it will also cause panic and suspicion from other forces such as Lieyangmen and Wujijianzong.

As for the other reason...

Those drunkards are really not worth Su Heng's efforts.


A cold wind blew in Fengshan.

The branches above swayed gently, and under the mottled shadows of the trees, a few cherry pink petals floated gently.

Su Heng heard footsteps coming from behind, and turned around. Meng Huan, wearing a black warrior robe, was walking slowly towards him on the winding bluestone path in the mountain. He took off his hat and put it aside, with a relaxed smile on his face.

"It seems that things are handled well." Su Heng nodded slightly and greeted.

"The masters from the Jingming Sect were killed by you in one move. Those people were almost scared to death, so of course they cooperated." Meng Huan laughed and continued, "Do you have anything to arrange for me to come here this time?"

Two things happened recently.

Meng Huan unconsciously put himself in a lower position.

Su Heng didn't care about the polite words. He asked, "Senior Meng Huan, have you ever heard of the demon race?"

"I have heard of the demon race." Meng Huan frowned and answered after a little thought, "In some remote areas of Zhongzhou, this race is occasionally seen. For some reason, the demon race hates human warriors very much. If they see them, they will basically choose to strangle them."

"And if you bring the remains of the demon race, you can exchange them for a lot of resources in the hands of the Zhou Dynasty."

"So, in some There are ghostwriters who specialize in hunting demons in places. "

"However, in the past few hundred years, the number of demons in the Great Zhou Dynasty has been decreasing. If you want to see them, you can only try your luck in Changshengtian."

"I see." Su Heng asked again, "Do you know the specific origin of the demons?"

"I don't know much about that." Meng Huan shook his head, "Maybe like those demon gods, they all came across the border through the cracks in the myth battlefield."

"Why do you suddenly ask this?" Meng Huan's eyes revealed a bit of curiosity.

"I saw a statue of a demon in Jiangbeizhou before." Su Heng mentioned it briefly, but did not elaborate.

Fortunately, Meng Huan did not delve into it.

Su Heng thought that Taoist Huanglong could recognize the magical power of the demons, and obviously had some in-depth understanding of this race.

Unfortunately, at that time.

The situation was too urgent, and Su Heng could not keep him to ask.

If a strong man in the earthly immortal realm breaks away from Su Heng's hands, the consequences of anger are unpredictable.

Su Heng was able to kill Taoist Huanglong in one move, in fact, it was also because of the magical power of the Hundred-Eyed Giant that he caught him by surprise.

Otherwise, it would be a normal battle.

Even if Su Heng could win, it would never be as easy as before.

"Some strong men in the Earthly Immortal Realm seem to have some kind of spiritual secret method that belongs to them, which can bring unexpected effects." Su Heng recalled the details of the previous battle and asked, "For example, how to master the Xuantian Divine Light of King Dingxuan?"

"You mean the magical power?" Meng Huan smiled with a look of understanding on his face.

"Magic power?"

"In general, we call the increase achieved by adjusting the blood and stimulating the potential of the body a secret method. And the series of special effects achieved by mobilizing spiritual power and connecting to Changshengtian are called magical powers."

"Of course, this is just a rough name, and the distinction between the two is not particularly detailed."

Seeing Su Heng nod, Meng Huan continued: "Under normal circumstances, there are two ways to master magical powers. The first way is to condense a unique imprint in one's own spiritual field through diligent study and hard training. As for the second way The method is learned through demon corpses.”

Meng Huan did not mention plundering the statues.

However, considering that the method to achieve this method is extremely demanding, it requires the cooperation of his magic method of transforming the demon and the seed of destruction.

It's better to say that there should be similar magical powers in the prosperous Zhongzhou. But the latter, this kind of artifact that can only be born occasionally in the immortal world, is really rare.

Meng Huan's lack of understanding of this approach is understandable.

On the contrary, it was the second method mentioned by Meng Huan that aroused Su Heng's curiosity.

"Can you also gain supernatural powers through monster corpses?"

"Of course." Meng Huan smiled and said, "As for how to condense it, you will naturally understand it after you step into the third step of Tiangui and really start to come into contact with the power of Changsheng Tian. No matter which method it is, magical power The power depends on the strength of the user's mental strength."

"Some powerful supernatural powers can only be released if their mental strength reaches certain requirements. Otherwise, they will cause damage to their brains. At least, their cultivation level will be damaged and difficult to recover. At worst, they will directly become an idiot, or even suffer backlash on the spot. Sudden death is also possible."

"At least during the time I was traveling in Zhongzhou, I heard about dozens of similar accidents."

"How to confirm the strength of your own spiritual power." Su Heng asked again.

"We can use some tools to assist." Meng Huan held a spell in his hand and muttered something. Not long after, a young disciple wearing a white robe appeared on the path behind the two of them, holding a pot of flowers that looked like white roses and walked slowly over.

"I've met the sect master, I've met Senior Su." The young disciple had a look of awe on his face and bowed to the two of them.

Then he gently put down the flowers in his hands.

Meng Huan waved his hand.

The young disciple left quietly without making a sound.

From time to time there is a mountain breeze blowing, green grass leaves, white and pink flower bones. There are a total of nine flowers on the dark branches, all closed at this time, trembling slightly in the wind, and there is no special fragrance. At first glance, it looks unremarkable, like an inconspicuous wild flower on the roadside, and it is easy to ignore it.

"This is a silver cage celestial lamp. It is a rare thing. Inject spiritual power into it, and based on the degree of blooming and opening of the petals, you can roughly judge the strength of the warrior's spiritual power." Meng Huan explained.

With that said, he also gave Su Heng a little cover-up.

Meng Huan closed his eyes, and an invisible spiritual power spread outward like ripples. Then, like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea, they converged on the silver-cage celestial lamp in front of them.

The white petals are opened one by one. Soon, six of them were opened in succession, and the seventh white flower trembled slightly, but did not continue to move. Obviously, this was the limit that Meng Huan could reach.


With a long sigh of relief, Meng Huan opened his eyes.

His originally clear eyes seemed to be a little more tired now.

"The spiritual strength of a warrior is mainly related to two factors." Looking down at the blooming flowers, Meng Huan explained, "One factor is the strength of the innate spiritual foundation. The other factor is the brain Domain development intensity.”

"A warrior's innate spiritual foundation, apart from divine objects like the Tribulation Lotus, is difficult to increase through other means."

"As for the degree of brain development... it is like the mutated tissue in a warrior's body. Although it is equally difficult and extremely risky to dig out, through certain special skills and the Heart Sutra, and continuous visualization and understanding day and night, Finally, we can get some substantial improvement.”

Meng Huan shook his head with a wry smile on his face.

He is only over 200 years old, but he can reach the level of Earth Immortal. It can be said that he is extremely talented and has unparalleled talent.

But even so, when he mentioned the practice in the spiritual realm, he still looked helpless. Obviously, the difficulties encountered were beyond imagination. Even a person with top qualifications like Meng Huan finds it difficult and dangerous. Every step he takes forward feels like he is facing an abyss and walking on thin ice.

"By the way, little brother Su." Meng Huan reached out and patted Su Heng's arm, pointing to the silver-cage celestial lamp at his feet, "My mental strength has not been improved for quite some time. If I put this thing here, I can't It’s of no use.”

"On the contrary, little brother Su is extremely talented. You can take it away and see your cultivation level growing little by little. As you practice, you will be more motivated."

If it only reflects the growth of cultivation, the realm displayed on the attribute panel will be more intuitive.

However, the above only shows the degree of brain development and does not provide feedback on the spiritual foundation.

"Okay." Su Heng thought for a while and agreed, "Then I'll thank Senior Meng first."

"You're welcome." Meng Huan smiled and said curiously, "You might as well use this silver cage to test your mental strength first."

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