One Punch Hunter

Chapter 22: First Encounter with Wild Beast

"It seems that you are well prepared." Bai Ye said.

Su Ye nodded: "Well, of course, I like to prepare all the information in advance, you see."

Su Ye walked forward, clicking his watch, introducing the information he prepared to Bai Ye.

"These are all the information I collected about the candidates. There are several particularly dangerous guys in it, and I have marked them all."

"The first one is Dr. Sheen. This guy is an absolute perverted killer. His weapon is a scalpel. He likes to remove the opponent's important organs from the body during the battle."

"The second one is called Qi Fei. His specific ability is unknown, but this guy has a nickname called "Newcomer Killer". He is the second most troublesome person."

"The third one is called Amber. She is a cute beauty with amber eyes, but... her second awakening ability is to control objects with her mind. Her strength is probably comparable to Dr. Sheen..."

Bai Ye frowned and interrupted: "Stop, you don't need to introduce me. Anyway, I can't remember what you said."

"Okay." Su Ye scratched his hair, "When you meet a dangerous person, I will remind you."

"Anyway, let's look for the wild beasts nearby first. By the way, when I didn't want to find the wild beasts before, the wild beasts always appeared by themselves. Now I want to find them, and I can't find any of them..."

Bai Ye said with a headache.

In the vision of the two, the surrounding area was quiet and peaceful, and there was no sign of any wild beasts.

"Don't worry about this, here."

Su Ye said, and clicked a few times on the watch, and a holographic projection map immediately appeared. There were various marks distributed near the mountains and rivers on the map.

"This green area is the place where the wild beasts of the beast soldier level appear. The yellow one is the beast general, and the red one is the lord. As for this skull mark, it means that the lord-level wild beasts here are very dangerous."

Su Ye said while pointing out Bai Ye.

Bai Ye said in surprise: "This thing is a bit powerful, where did you get it from?"

Su Ye smiled a little embarrassedly: "Hehe, didn't I say that I like to study some information in advance."

Bai Ye knew that Su Ye said it easily, but the difficulty of this matter was definitely not low.

Things like the information of the assessment contestants and the distribution area of ​​wild beasts, how can ordinary people get it? Even if you look for or buy it on the Internet, it is difficult to be so detailed.

Just like the information that Bai Ye bought in the seventh block, which cost five hundred yuan, it only briefly mentioned some precautions and exam skills. Compared with the information in Su Ye's hand, it was just a stack of waste paper.

"Alas, it's a pity that I can't connect to the Internet to search for information outside the central city, otherwise I can prepare more detailed information."

Su Ye said with a little regret.

The watch has many functions, including making calls and surfing the Internet, but for ordinary people, the permissions of the watch are also limited.

In the central city, the watch can connect to the Internet to query information at will, but once it leaves the central city and leaves the protection range of the particle barrier, the watch can only be used as a communication tool and can no longer connect to Internet data.

Because the communication base stations in the wild have been destroyed by wild beasts, the cost of transmitting data is very high, and the resources are limited. Only people who have reached a certain level and position in the Hunter Alliance and Silver Watch can use it.

This is also one of the privileges of high-level awakeners.

However, from Su Ye's words, Bai Ye could vaguely feel that this guy's attainments in computers are definitely not shallow.

However, the two of them are just partners at the moment, and Bai Ye has no interest in snooping into other people's privacy.

"In that case, let's go this way."

Bai Ye pointed to a green area on the map.

From the distance, this green area is just in front of their left, the closest area.

"That's what I was thinking! Anyway, as long as we collect 15 beast cores of beast soldier-level wild beasts, we will pass. Let's be safe and not try to attack those beast generals for the time being."

Su Ye said happily.

He was a little worried. What if Bai Ye wanted to save trouble and go directly to the beast general-level wild beasts?

Beast general-level wild beasts can be dealt with by fighting hard, but if they are attacked by other candidates in the battle, it will be troublesome.


"It should be here."

Bai Ye confirmed the location of the map on the watch again. They are now in the previous green area.

Su Ye said: "Let's find the wild beasts nearby first. Be careful. Don't be brave when you encounter wild beasts. Tell each other quickly."

"Okay, you go this way and I'll go that way." Bai Ye said, and then he plunged into the vast woods.

"Hey, Bai Ye! Bai Ye!"

Su Ye was startled and shouted twice, and found that Bai Ye had disappeared.

"This guy ran too fast... You left me here alone, I'm panicking..."

Su Ye swallowed his saliva and groped into the depths of the forest nervously.

Suddenly, a fishy wind blew in his face!

Su Ye was startled and quickly dodged to the side, only to see a white giant wolf with a body length of more than five meters, rushing out of the forest!

The giant wolf's eyes were red, its sharp teeth were tightly bitten, and it made a creepy low roar.

"It appeared!"

Su Ye forced himself to calm down, put his palms on his chest, and made a starting posture, which was quite realistic.

It seemed that the giant wolf had been hungry for a long time. It didn't give Su Ye any time to react, and opened its mouth wide and took a bite!

Su Ye dodged sideways again and fought with the giant wolf!

His speed and strength are superior to this giant wolf, and his moves are even more exquisite. However, he has always been a bit timid. Many times, he has missed the opportunity to injure the giant wolf as long as he takes a step forward. .

The giant wolf, on the other hand, was advancing step by step without fear of death. Instead, it made him confused and all his moves were deformed.

At this moment, in the distant forest, the howls of giant wolves also sounded one after another.

"Bai Ye! He should have encountered a wild beast too! Oh no, judging from the number, it seems to be a small herd of wild beasts!"

Su Ziye became anxious, fearing that Bai Ye would be in danger.

Su Ye didn't know Bai Ye's true strength, but looking at Bai Ye's ignorant look, it was obvious that he was a novice!

Su Ye felt that he couldn't cope with such a group of wild beasts, let alone Bai Ye?

Cold sweat flowed down Su Ye's forehead.

When the giant white wolf heard the howling of its companion, the fierce light in its eyes became even brighter, and it roared towards Su Ye!

"No matter what, let's fight!"

Su Ye hesitated, and after avoiding the giant wolf's sharp claws again, he stepped forward and punched the giant wolf hard on the head!


A crisp sound! Su Ye's punch was so powerful that it directly cracked the skull of the giant wolf. Under such heavy damage, blood flowed from the mouth and nose of the giant wolf, and it was also staggering and somewhat unsteady.

Seeing the rare opportunity, Su Ye followed up with another kick, right on the giant wolf's jaw!


This time the giant wolf was kicked more than three meters high, fell heavily to the ground, howled twice, and then became silent again.

Su Ye panted violently, hurriedly stepped forward, took out a sharp dagger from his waist, and took out the green core from the back of the giant wolf's head.

After that, he immediately threw the giant wolf's body aside, turned around and walked back.

"Bai Ye, you must hold on, I'll be there soon..."

Su Ye thought in his mind and rushed towards the direction of Su Qi.

However, before Su Ye took two steps, he saw Bai Ye emerging from the woods opposite.

Bai Ye's body was clean without any blood stains, and he didn't even take a breath.

"Uh...haven't you encountered a wild beast?" Su Ye was a little surprised.

Could it be that the previous howls had nothing to do with Bai Ye? Didn't he encounter a herd of wild beasts?

"It's all solved."

Bai Ye said, reaching out and holding seven or eight beast cores.

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