One Punch Hunter

Chapter 21 Doctor Sheen

"Sorry, I'm late. Is it over?"

Bai Ye came to the inspection area and found that there were only a few dozen people left.

"Let me see the invitation." Long Ma said.

Bai Ye handed the invitation to Long Ma.

After Long Ma checked, he found that the invitation was fine, so he accepted the invitation and registered Bai Ye's basic information in the system.

"You are late. Ask other candidates about the rules." Long Ma said, and then ignored Bai Ye.

"Oh." Bai Ye was a little confused, looking at the people present, not knowing who to ask.

"Um... would you like to team up with me?" Someone behind Bai Ye whispered.

Bai Ye turned around and found that there was a little fat man wearing a dark gray combat uniform behind him.

In fact, it's not really a little fat man, but this person's height is slightly shorter than the average height of men, and his face is rounder than normal people, probably baby fat.

However, the physical fitness of awakened people is far superior to that of ordinary people. Although this little fat boy looks like a nerd who is often bullied at school, as an awakened person, his physical fitness must be much better than that of ordinary people.

"Um, my name is Su Ye, hello."

The little fat boy said, and stretched out his hand hesitantly.

Bai Ye smiled and shook hands with Su Ye: "My name is Bai Ye."

"Um, are you willing to team up with me?" Su Ye asked.

Bai Ye nodded: "Yes. Uh, is teaming allowed in the assessment?"

Su Ye nodded: "Allowed. However, others think I am too weak and are unwilling to team up with me."

Bai Ye smiled: "In that case, you should know the rules of the exam, right?"

Su Ye nodded: "Of course."

"Okay, let's get on the road." Bai Ye said, patted Su Ye's shoulder, turned and walked towards the mechanical door.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Su Ye hurriedly chased after him, "Should we call a few more people to form a team? It's not safe if there are only two people."

Bai Ye looked around: "But, there are not many people left."

Su Ye looked and saw that, as expected, the remaining people had already formed teams and set off. The two of them were basically the last group.

"Let's go, it's okay." Bai Ye patted Su Ye's shoulder again and turned to walk out of the mechanical door.

"Hey, Bai Ye, wait, wait for me!" Su Ye hurriedly chased after him.


After leaving Hanhai City, the candidates entered the vast wilderness area.

The first group of people who set out had disappeared. Obviously, they left Hanhai City immediately and quickly, and hid carefully to prevent being tracked.

From the name, the wilderness area seems to be a barren land, but it is not. The concept of wilderness area is just to distinguish it from human settlements.

The real wilderness area refers to all areas that cannot be controlled by humans.

In the wilderness area, nature has regained the ownership of this land from humans, especially in the mountains, which are completely covered by dense forests.

If you walk in a straight line from Hanhai City to Base 47, more than half of the journey will be through mountains and dense forests.

Of course, you can also walk along the previous railway line, but this will make the distance longer and it will be difficult to hide yourself, and it is easy to be exposed to danger.

Bai Ye and Su Ye chose to walk in a straight line, crossing mountains and dense forests.

"In short, these are the rules of the first assessment, do you understand?"

Su Ye said after introducing the rules of the hunter assessment to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye nodded: "I understand, it doesn't sound difficult."

Su Ye shook his head: "In fact, the key difficulty lies in the other candidates. I bet that there will definitely be candidates who will snatch the beast core directly from others."

The two continued to walk forward.

Suddenly, a strange laugh came from not far ahead.

Su Ye's face changed, and he said, "It's him!"

Bai Ye was a little confused: "Who is it?"

"Come, hide."

Su Ye led Bai Ye to hide behind a bush, and secretly observed through the gap.

A sturdy man with a skull tattoo on his left face and a man with long blond hair were confronting each other.

"You dead sissy, I finally waited for you, hum, the examiner said that as long as you don't kill anyone, you won't be disqualified..."

The sturdy man with the skull clenched his fist, making "crack" and "crack" sounds.

"Oh, hehe, you're right, so what are you going to do? Break my spine? Or remove my hands and feet?"

The man with long blond hair smiled sinisterly, and took out a very small knife from the pocket of his white gown.

The skull-headed man laughed loudly: "Is this knife used for trimming toenails?"

Su Ye whispered in Bai Ye's ear: "Be careful, this guy is extremely dangerous."

Bai Ye asked: "Are you talking about the guy in white clothes and golden hair? Who is he?"

Su Ye whispered: "His name is Sheen, and he is a doctor. I remind you, don't mess with doctors."

Dr. Sheen pinched the small scalpel with his thumb and index finger and licked it on his tongue: "Come here."

The skull-headed man had a fierce look on his face, and rushed over like a heavy truck!

The muscles on the man's body were all bulging high, and his huge fist smashed directly into Dr. Sheen's head!

Dr. Sheen's body twisted in an extremely weird way and flashed past the strong man!

The strong man was a little surprised when his punch missed. Just when he was about to turn around and fight again...

The strong man suddenly felt that he had lost control of his body and fell heavily to the ground.


"I... How could I..."

The strong man struggled to stand up, but no matter how hard he tried, his hands and feet would not listen to his control!

Dr. Sheen squatted in front of the strong man with a wicked smile, and licked the blood on the scalpel with his tongue.

"Take something off your body, familiar?"

Dr. Sheen's hand was a bloody spine.

"You... you..." The strong man's eyes were full of disbelief. It was not until this moment that he felt a piercing pain!

"If possible, I wanted to take out your brain and heart and slice them for research."

"But... the rules stipulate that you can't kill people, so I took this thing to collect."

"Thank you for your outstanding contribution to human medicine. Goodbye."

"Oh hehe..."

Dr. Sheen laughed and turned away.

The strong man drooped his head and fainted completely!

After seeing Dr. Sheen walk away, Su Ye breathed a sigh of relief and crawled out from behind the bushes.

"I was scared to death. I met that guy as soon as I went out." Su Ye said with lingering fear.

Bai Ye asked: "You knew that guy was very powerful?"

Su Ye nodded: "Of course, that guy is one of the most dangerous people in this batch of candidates. He is a completely perverted murderer."

It has been repeatedly said in the first chapter and this chapter that killing is strictly prohibited in the assessment. All those who seem to be killed are just incapable of action. People from the Hunter Alliance will be responsible for treatment. Talk about killing too many people and review seriously.

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