One Punch Hunter

Chapter 31 Abandoned Subway

The next day at 10 am.

At the entrance of the abandoned subway, all 209 candidates had arrived.

Long Ma looked around at everyone.

"Next, announce the rules of the second test."

"Everyone, line up from high to low according to the number of wild beast cores submitted, three people in a row."

After Long Ma finished speaking, a staff member immediately organized everyone to stand in order. Because Bai Ye and Su Ye submitted the same number of beast cores, they were divided into the same row.

After all, the lord-level wild beasts are not something that ordinary candidates can defeat, so Bai Ye and Su Ye are ranked relatively high in the team, in the third row.

By the way, some of the six people in the first two rows also won by numbers, and they are not necessarily stronger than Bai Ye and Su Ye.

"The end of the test is at a terminal station in the subway system of the former A7 Satellite City. As for which one, only I know."

"After the test begins, I will lead the way in front. Your goal is to keep up with me no matter what happens. I emphasize again that no matter what happens, you must keep up with me."

"After I reach the end, I will wait for another half an hour. If you arrive within half an hour, it will be considered that you have passed the test! Do you understand?"

The reactions of the crowd are basically divided into two types, one is smiling without saying a word, and the other is confused.

Could it be that this examiner ran very fast and couldn't keep up?

However, no one raised any questions, because Longma had already made it very clear.

"Very good. Then... Let's go!"

After Longma finished speaking, he turned and got into the dark abandoned subway entrance. Behind him, a long line of many candidates followed closely and entered the abandoned subway entrance.

The subway was pitch black, but there was a dim light source every few meters, which should be the lighting equipment specially arranged by the staff of the Hunter Alliance.

Longma didn't run fast, and all the candidates could keep up without any pressure.

"Su Ye, is there anything about this assessment in your data?" Bai Ye asked in a low voice while running.

Su Ye shook his head: "No, there was no such assessment method in the past. I don't understand what's going on either."

The original A7 satellite city covers a large area, and the subway system not only covers the scope of the satellite city, but also extends to some surrounding marginal counties and cities.

However, after the catastrophe, these satellite cities were completely abandoned, and the subway system has naturally been abandoned for many years.

Five minutes later, everyone had gone deep underground, and at this time, Long Ma spoke again.

"From now on, you don't have to keep the formation."

After Long Ma finished speaking, his pace suddenly accelerated.

Moreover, there were fewer and fewer lighting equipment on the road ahead, and the team began to lengthen gradually.

Suddenly, a scream!


Everyone looked back and found that one of the people in the team was suddenly dragged to the side, and the one who dragged him away was four or five zombies with black blood in their eyes!

These four or five zombies didn't know where they came from, and they directly dragged the candidate to the side.

Two candidates came out of the team immediately to rescue him. They seemed to be his teammates. The others ignored him after a glance and continued to follow the team.

One candidate whispered: "You scared me. I thought something was wrong..."

For the awakened, zombies are not scary at all, because after the catastrophe, most humans have developed antibodies to the Z virus, and the awakened are not affected by the Z virus at all.

Zombies move slowly and are fragile. Compared with wild beasts, they are not worth mentioning. Except for a few mutated zombie kings, ordinary awakened people are not afraid of any zombies at all.

Zombies bite or scratch awakened people, and they will not be infected. Therefore, as long as these awakened people are careful and are not attacked by zombies in fatal parts, they will not die.

The threat of zombies to the candidates is mainly the possible trauma.

It is pitch black everywhere in the subway line. No one knows where the zombies will come out, and no one knows how many zombies there are. This has increased people's fear invisibly.

Most of the candidates on the outside subconsciously leaned inward, and the already bloated team began to become chaotic.

And the route led by the examiner Longma was no longer a straight line, and began to turn east and west in the complex subway line without any rules.

In addition, the visibility on the subway line was extremely low, and the candidates in the middle of the team could no longer see Longma's position, so they could only run forward with the team.

About five minutes later.

Bai Ye looked back and whispered: "Have you noticed that the number of people behind seems to be gradually decreasing."

Su Ye was startled and turned his head to look: "... I didn't notice it, it was too dark."

As the two were talking, someone in front gradually slowed down, passed by Su Ye, and was overtaken by the team.

"That guy... seems to be doing it on purpose." Bai Ye frowned.

Su Ye whispered, "That's Qi Fei."

Bai Ye thought for a moment: "Did you mention the rookie killer?"

Su Ye nodded: "Yes. I think there must be something wrong here."

Bai Ye thought for a moment and whispered: "Follow the examiner closely, no matter what happens. I'll go to the back to see."

Su Ye was shocked: "Bai Ye, don't mess around. If you fall behind, you can't catch up. I don't have the subway map!"

"It's okay. I've written down the number of your watch. I'll contact you anytime."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he slowed down and was overtaken by the team.

"Bai Ye!" Su Ye stretched out his hand to grab him, but he didn't catch him. He didn't dare to fall behind, so he could only continue to run forward with the team.

After Bai Ye fell to the end of the team, he silently followed the team and continued to move forward.

A few minutes later, people came from the transfer station in the middle and squeezed directly into the middle of the team.

Bai Ye's eyes were directly fixed on these people. After more than ten minutes, Bai Ye suddenly discovered the trick.

First of all, Long Ma's route was not a straight line, but there was a suspicion of going in circles. Although he didn't go to the same subway station, he was very likely to be walking in a spiral.

In other words, Long Ma was very likely to know that something would happen, and even acquiesced and condoned the occurrence of this situation.

Secondly, Bai Ye suddenly found that the small group of people in front of him had completely left the main group!

As for when they left, he really didn't notice it.

The route in the subway is very complicated, and visibility is extremely low. Ordinary awakeners can only see two or three rows at most. Bai Ye has better eyesight, but he can't keep an eye on the examiner Longma all the time.

After passing a turn, Longma led people to jump onto the platform and went to the opposite subway route.

But some people in the team did not follow Longma, but continued to go straight, so that all the people behind the team were led to the wrong route.

Soon, these people came to a dead end, and three people appeared at the back of the team, blocking all the candidates from front and back.

"What's going on? How did you lead the way? Follow the examiner?"

Some candidates did not realize what was going on and shouted.

"You still haven't figured out what's going on until now... It seems that you are a complete newcomer. Sorry, the assessment is over."

Among the people leading the way, a very tall candidate turned around and waved his hand. Several candidates immediately formed a circle, surrounding the other four candidates including Bai Ye in the middle.

"You...what are you going to do?"

One of the four candidates asked loudly, but his voice was trembling.

The situation became six to four, and the other party was well prepared, so these candidates couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Although no one would die, these people would definitely be ruthless and prevent them from continuing to participate in the hunter assessment.

"Sorry, I can't always explain it to you young people every time. Okay, the old rules, break your legs, next batch."

The tall candidate waved his hand, and five people immediately surrounded him.

"Dream on!"

The three candidates obviously didn't intend to surrender.

The candidate in the middle drew out an extremely sharp sword, rushed directly to the tall candidate in the lead, and chopped him on the head!

The tall candidate sneered, dodged slightly, and the sword passed close to his side.

Then, the tall candidate grabbed the handle of the sword and kicked the candidate holding the sword in the chest!

With a muffled sound, the knife-wielding candidate was kicked back several steps. Just when he wanted to stand firm and fight again, a short stick behind him hit his thigh directly.

The knife-wielding candidate groaned and fell to the ground, throwing the sword aside.


The knife-wielding candidate looked back and found that the two people behind him had also fallen to the ground, groaning in pain.

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