One Punch Hunter

Chapter 38 Killing Time

"Bai Ye, you are finally here. I was scared to death! I thought you were going to have a blast!"

Su Ye hurried to meet him, still a little nervous.

Bai Ye smiled. Although he was very embarrassed, he finally brought these people to the end of the test safely.

The twelve candidates who had arrived at the scene a long time ago had a flat reaction. After all, Bai Ye and his people just arrived on time. These twelve candidates naturally felt that Bai Ye and his people were much weaker than themselves.

However, the 19 people who followed Bai Ye out knew very well that it was incredible that they could get here on time!

These people looked at Bai Ye with admiration.

Even a little awed.

On the way, Bai Ye almost continuously dug a passage from the ground and walked in a straight line to the destination.

Jiang Jiayi knew very well that it was not too difficult to break the underground wall, and it was not too difficult to quickly dig a passage underground.

A relatively strong second awakener could do such a thing.

But, to maintain this intensity for half an hour? Maintain 8.3 kilometers? This is almost an impossible task.

But... Bai Ye did it!

Jiang Jiayi couldn't help but wonder what Bai Ye's strength was. Could it be that he was close to a four-star hunter?

It was incredible!

Having said that, although there were many doubts, Jiang Jiayi and others still felt very lucky!

It can be said that without Bai Ye, they would not have been able to pass this assessment. Even before they could unite, they would have been defeated one by one by Qi Fei.

Therefore, these people were sincerely grateful to Bai Ye.

"Okay, time is up."

Long Ma looked at the watch on his hand and announced: "The second assessment is over. 32 people passed the second assessment."

Everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

The second assessment still maintained a very high elimination rate, and those who were able to pass were very lucky!

"Everyone, return to the military base to rest. Tomorrow at 10 am, we will take the UFO fighter to the next test site and disband."

After Long Ma finished speaking, he walked straight to the medium-sized manned aircraft not far away.

The 32 candidates finally relaxed and took the aircraft back to the military base to study, recuperate, and rest.

Those injured candidates were treated by special personnel.

At 10 am the next day.

The 32 candidates gathered at the military base on time.

On the helipad inside the military base, a UFO fighter was on standby.

The UFO fighter is expensive, and the shell is made of alloy materials, which can resist the attack of lord-level flying beasts.

At the same time, the UFO fighter is equipped with heavy firepower such as laser cannons and laser cannons, and also has a certain stealth function. It is the main means of transportation for long-distance flights.

Under the leadership of Long Ma, the 32 candidates entered the UFO fighter.

"It's so spacious here..."

Coming to the interior of the UFO fighter, Jiang Jiayi looked at the huge space in front of him and couldn't help but be amazed.

In the fighter, there is not only a passenger cabin, but also some independent rooms outside the cabin, but they are all locked and I don't know what they are used for.

Su Ye said: "This should be a military UFO fighter, or it may be a special fighter for a big shot, which is different from civilian ones."

"Why do you think so?" Jiang Jiayi asked.

Su Ye roughly explained to Jiang Jiayi and Bai Ye.

UFO fighters consume a lot of energy every time they fly, so in order to carry more passengers, ordinary civilian UFO fighters gather all the space and transform it into a cabin.

In civilian UFO fighters, the seats are often very crowded, and comfort is not considered.

But this fighter has spacious and loose seats, and there is a table in front of each seat, as well as red wine, champagne, etc.

Moreover, in addition to the cabin, this fighter has many independent rooms that seem to have different uses, which means that this fighter is very likely to be the exclusive fighter of a big shot.

"You guessed right. In our Hunter Alliance, every four-star hunter will have a UFO fighter. This UFO fighter is the exclusive fighter of Phil Negrino, the chief examiner of this exam."

Long Ma came to the side of the crowd at some point and introduced to everyone.

"Becoming a four-star hunter can have an exclusive UFO fighter? Awesome..."

Many people are already swallowing their saliva secretly.

For ordinary people, it is difficult to save up a ticket for a UFO fighter, but a four-star hunter can directly own an exclusive UFO fighter!

This makes these hunter candidates feel fascinated.

Long Ma smiled, as if he had expected the candidates to have such a reaction.

"Not only that, after you join the Hunter Alliance, you will find more surprising privileges." Long Ma smiled.

While everyone was talking and laughing, the system sound in the cabin came.

"The UFO fighter is about to take off. Please fasten your seat belts. The estimated flight time is 7 hours and 32 minutes."

After hearing the system prompt, everyone sat down and fastened their seat belts.

Examiner Longma didn't care at all. He didn't sit down at all, but walked around the cabin casually.

Soon, the UFO fighter moved, and the scenery outside the window began to fly backwards quickly.

Suddenly, a strong thrust came, and everyone's body was pressed tightly on the chair, unable to move!

However, Longma stood still, as if this strong thrust did not exist at all.

"So strong! This guy is worthy of being a three-star hunter!" Su Ye couldn't help but marvel.

In fact, there are strong and weak three-star hunters.

Du Wenxuan is also a three-star hunter, but compared with Longma, he is far behind.

Although Longma is young, in terms of actual combat power, he can already approach the four-star hunter, but because he is too young and has insufficient qualifications, he cannot be promoted for the time being.

The UFO fighter took off quickly and soon reached the highest speed, flying towards the location of the third exam!

After a while, the thrust on everyone gradually disappeared, and the UFO fighter entered a uniform flight state.

"Okay, you can move freely. If you feel bored, you can play a game with me."

Longma said, and walked straight to the independent room at the end of the cabin.


Everyone was a little curious, and many candidates unbuckled their seat belts and followed Longma to the independent room.

Su Ye and Jiang Jiayi were also a little curious, so they dragged Bai Ye to follow.

However, Dr. Sheen and Mo Nai didn't seem to be interested and didn't stand up from their seats at all.

The candidates came to the door of the room and found that the room was very large, with an area of ​​more than 50 square meters.

The room was covered with dark holes, whether it was the walls, ceiling or floor, up and down, left and right, and each hole was about 40 cm in diameter.

These holes were all over the room, and they looked densely packed. The whole room was like a huge honeycomb.

When they walked into the room, everyone felt their feet sink.

Jiang Jiayi frowned and said in confusion: "This feeling is so strange..."

Longma seemed to see everyone's confusion and explained: "This is the training room, the gravity is three times that of the outside world. Here, you can train your speed, strength and reaction."

The last stage of the assessment is about to begin, which is more complicated than the previous two times. There are three updates today, in addition to 12 noon and 8 pm, there is also a chapter at 11 pm.

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