One Punch Hunter

Chapter 55 Relieved

The door of the conference room opened.

The moment the door opened, everyone in the conference room seemed to feel a warmth spreading from outside the door.

An old man with gray hair and beard walked into the conference room.

This warmth is a diffuse wave, which spreads in a spherical shape with the old man as the center, covering the entire conference room within this spherical range.

The old man's eyebrows were drooping, his face was full of wrinkles, and he looked more than seventy years old, but his face was filled with a faint smile, as peaceful as Buddha.

This very strange feeling made Bai Ye guess the identity of this old man in an instant.

Chairman of the Hunter Alliance, Lin Bingzhu!

Unexpectedly, there was no pressure or aura on Lin Bingzhu, except for that faint warmth.

He was like a carefree old grandfather next door, looking at everyone in the conference room with an extremely doting look.

Phil immediately stood up and bowed respectfully to Lin Bingzhu: "Chairman!"

Before the candidates present had time to stand up, Lin Bingzhu had already laughed and waved to everyone.

"Sit down, sit down, don't be restrained. Phil, don't be so formal, it makes the little guys nervous."

Lin Bingzhu said, and directly pulled over a chair and sat down casually.

Behind him, a staff member placed a vermilion tray in front of him.

On the tray, there were five neatly arranged hunter badges.

Lin Bingzhu reached out and picked up the first badge, which was Mo Nai's badge.

The five candidates opposite hurriedly stood up.

Lin Bingzhu handed the badge in his hand to Mo Nai, who took it with both hands.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a badge, you just sit down." Lin Bingzhu said happily, and picked up Dr. Sheen's badge.

Although he said so, who dared to sit down? In addition to the most basic courtesy, this respect also comes from Lin Bingzhu's strength and status.

Just some legends about Lin Bingzhu are enough to make these people worship the chairman like a god.

The strongest awakener of mankind, the third awakening.

Phil is also very strong, but compared with Lin Bingzhu, his strength can be said to be a dimension less.

As for the reactions of the five candidates, they are also different.

Amber was a little excited, like a star-chasing girl seeing her idol.

Su Ye looked at Lin Bingzhu with extremely respectful eyes.

Bai Ye was thinking about when to find a time to hand the black crystal to Lin Bingzhu.

Dr. Sheen's eyes were full of a fighting frenzy.

As for Mo Nai.

At this time, his originally white pupils changed and turned into gorgeous colors, and they flowed slowly like watercolors!

But his body was shaking slightly uncontrollably.

Doctor Sheen beside him felt this and was a little confused: "What is this guy afraid of?"

After Lin Bingzhu distributed all the badges, he still said to the five people happily: "Little guys, from today on, you will officially become a hunter."

"On behalf of the Hunter Alliance, I welcome you to join. I hope you can always remember the mission of hunters, take hunting wild beasts as your own responsibility, and become a sharp sword in the hands of mankind."

"Come on, little guys."

Lin Bingzhu smiled and finished this official speech, turned to Phil and said: "Okay, the next thing is up to you, Phil."

Phil nodded respectfully: "Yes, Chairman."

Seeing that the chairman was about to leave, Bai Ye hurriedly said: "Chairman, there is something I want to report to you privately."

Lin Bingzhu seemed to have expected it long ago, and nodded with a smile: "Come with me."

The two left the large conference room one after another, and walked to the small conference room at the end of the corridor one after another.

After being stunned for a moment, Phil quickly came to his senses.

He should be more familiar with the personality of this chairman.

Lin Bingzhu has no airs and never cares about rules or hierarchy, but he knows everything in this world.

Therefore, Phil will never be curious about the decision made by Lin Bingzhu.

The other candidates also looked at the direction where Bai Ye left with some curiosity, especially Su Ye.

However, Phil soon coughed twice and pulled everyone's attention back.

"Welcome everyone to become two-star hunters. It is a great honor to be awarded the hunter badge by the chairman in person."

"Next, let me explain to you the special functions of the hunter watch and the hunter code."

Phil said, handing five special watches to everyone.


In the small meeting room.

"On behalf of the Hunter Alliance and all mankind, thank you."

Lin Bingzhu's random words directly stunned Bai Ye.

"Uh..." Bai Ye hesitated whether to take out the black crystal stone that Situ Yuan gave him here.

Lin Bingzhu smiled: "Don't worry, no one in my domain can hear what we say, it's very safe here."

Bai Ye took out the black crystal from his arms and held it in his hand.

"You knew it a long time ago?" Bai Ye asked.

Lin Bingzhu smiled: "I just had some guesses based on some information before. But I was sure after seeing you. After all, the crystal is too obvious, and it's impossible to pretend not to see it."

Bai Ye was stunned: "Can you feel this crystal?"

Lin Bingzhu nodded: "Yes, I felt it as soon as it entered my domain."

Lin Bingzhu took the black crystal from Bai Ye's hand and looked at it carefully in his palm for a moment.

His movements were very careful, and his face was also a little solemn.

Lin Bingzhu was a little cautious, and Bai Ye found it even more difficult to imagine what this crystal was.

After a moment, Lin Bingzhu let out a long sigh.

"Anyway, I'm relieved that this thing didn't fall into the hands of bad people. Thank you for sending it from afar."

Bai Ye shook his head: "I just accepted the trust of others and I will do my best."

Lin Bingzhu smiled and said: "Don't be modest, little guy. With your strength, you can live in this world without caring about anyone's face, but at this critical moment, you still chose to stand on the side of humans."

"I was a little worried, but now, I'm not worried at all."

Bai Ye was stunned.

"Chairman, you..."

Lin Bingzhu smiled.

"In the eyes of me, a third-level awakener, it is still easy to see who is strong and who is weak."

"But... I can't tell how strong you are, and I don't even know if I can beat you. Hahahaha... It's really weird."

"You little guy is obviously just a second-level awakener, why are you so strong..."

"I can only say that it's a good thing that I don't have to fight with you."

After Lin Bingzhu finished speaking, he laughed again.

Bai Ye's heart was extremely shocked. Although he didn't know who was stronger between him and Lin Bingzhu, he couldn't see Lin Bingzhu's strength at all, but Lin Bingzhu could clearly see his strength.

This old chairman really deserves the title of "the strongest in the world".

Lin Bingzhu put away the black crystal and said to Bai Ye: "As a thank you, I can promise you one thing."

"If you are willing, I can directly arrange a five-star hunter position for you, how about it?"

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