"~~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil is obviously relieved)"

"Whoosh~...Fortunately, it's not broken."

After a careful inspection, Saitama finally confirmed that the things were not broken and finally put down the heart that had been hanging. However, Saitama still looked at Uchiha Madara with a bit of hostility, as if Uchiha Madara had done something unforgivable. This look is like a chef looking at a scum who destroys ingredients or wastes food.~!

"Throw~. (Uchiha Madara throws the scroll to the bald devil)"

"Since you are so careful, you can keep it by yourself."

Uchiha Madara put the goods into the item scroll again. After putting all the goods into the item scroll, Uchiha Madara directly threw the scroll to the Bald Demon King.

Obviously, Uchiha Madara didn't want to hold this troublesome thing, and it would be thankless if he held it. In this case, it would be better to give it to the Bald Demon King. With this idea in mind, Uchiha Madara also threw the scroll directly to the Bald Demon King.

"~~~~~~~~(The bald devil with a curious expression)"

""Bara, how do you use this thing?"

Saitama looked at the light scroll in his hand and couldn't figure out how such a small thing could collect a lot of food.

After thinking for a long time, Saitama still couldn't figure it out. In the end, he had no choice but to give up thinking about this very profound question and asked Uchiha Madara how to use this scroll?

"(Uchiha Madara glanced at the bald devil with a puzzled expression)"

"You just need to throw it on the ground."

The item scroll made by Uchiha Madara is actually very convenient to use. You can store items by using an extremely simple technique, and taking out items is even simpler. You only need to use a little force to collide with them. It can be regarded as a one-step scroll specially made for people like the Bald Demon King who don't like to use their brains and only like to use their hands.

"It's so convenient. This thing is very useful. Why don't you give it to me?"

"~~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil with a flattering expression)"

Hearing Uchiha Madara say that this scroll is so convenient to use, Saitama looked at the item scroll in his hand and couldn't let it go, so Saitama asked Uchiha Madara for this item scroll directly. Saitama also asked with the idea of making money if he could. If he could get it, Saitama would be more happy, if not, it didn't matter, Saitama cared most about the food in the item scroll.

"~~~~~~~~~(The lazy look from the daily Madara-sama)"

"This scroll was created by me using my ability. It can only last for about a week. If you want it, I can give it to you."

"The method of using the scroll is also very simple. You just need to spread the scroll on the ground and then put the item on the scroll and silently say"collect" in your mind. I have just said how to take things. Just use force to collide."

Uchiha Madara would naturally not be stingy with such an item scroll that he created with his ability. Since the bald devil wants it, he will give it to him. What's more, this item scroll is just a consumable scroll with a time limit.

This item scroll created by Uchiha Madara's ability can only be used for a week before it loses its function and becomes an ordinary scroll.

"~~~~~~~~~(The disappointed bald devil)"

"What? It can only be used for a week. I thought it was some kind of amazing tool."

Saitama was very happy to hear that Uchiha Madara was willing to give him this scroll. However, when he heard that Uchiha Madara said that this scroll could only be used for a week and was a consumable item, Saitama was immediately disappointed.

"Tap tap tap~....Trample Trample~......(Uchiha Madara walking)"

After looking at the bald devil who was still complaining beside him, Uchiha Madara did not say anything but turned around and walked away

"In that case, let's go home, hahaha~, let me show off my skills!!"

"Step~..Trample Trample~.....(Bald Demon King is walking)"

Seeing that Uchiha Madara ignored him and turned away, Saitama stopped chatting and punched with full energy and took the lead to walk towards his home.

"Step~.....Tap tap tap~.......(Two people walking)"

".......(Busy streets, lots of people, different voices)"x99

"~~~~~~~~(Two people slowly walk through the busy street)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~(The two gradually walked into a remote area)

Uchiha Madara followed Saitama and set out on the road home on the streets of Z City....

Since Uchiha Madara and Saitama both walked quite fast, they soon walked out of this unusually busy neighborhood and slowly walked towards a very remote area.

"~~~~~~~(Remote areas with sparse population but beautiful environment)"

"Step~..Trample Trample~.....(Two people walking)"

Uchiha Madara looked at the scene with appreciation. This place is completely different from the lively streets just now. There are few people here and the land is all the kind of bumpy dirt road. There are irregular trees all around. You can tell at a glance that this is a suburb or a remote uninhabited area.

However, the air here is very good. The environment can't be considered beautiful, but it can also be considered a pastoral scenery.

"Whoosh whoosh~....(Madara looks at the beautiful countryside in front of him and breathes a sigh of relief.)"

"This place is pretty good, with beautiful mountains, clear water, and good air, and without the hustle and bustle and intrigue of the city. It is a very good place to live."

Uchiha Madara opened his arms and took a few deep breaths of the air on this refreshing country road, and then slowly praised the bald devil. It is obvious that Uchiha Madara summarized Saitama as a master who hides in the city and hides in the forest.

"~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil with a smug expression on his face)"

"Of course, here, not only are the mountains and waters nice, the air is good, but most importantly, the rent is low!"

Honest Saitama doesn't care about those poetic and picturesque emotions. For Saitama, cheap things are good things, and this place can satisfy this need.

"~~~~~~(From Madara-sama's contempt)"

Looking at the bald devil who is honest but has a completely different worldview, Uchiha Madara can only choose to shut up and turn around to continue admiring the scenery without paying attention to this guy who doesn't understand poetry and the distance at all.

"Tap tap tap~....Trample Trample~......(Two people on the road)"

"Tap tap tap~....Step~......Tap tap tap~.....(Two people on the road)"

5 minutes later...

"Because where are you going to go? Why don't we go to the new store?~"

"OK, OK, I heard that store is great, let's go check it out later"

"I learned a lot of good things at school today. I will tell my parents when I get home."

".......(Different voices)" x7

Five minutes later, a small town that was not very lively and had no class appeared in Uchiha Madara's sight. Obviously, this small town should be the lively center of the residence of the bald devil Saitama.

After Uchiha Madara followed Saitama and walked around a few streets, what came into view was a somewhat shabby and old community.

"We’re here!"

"~~~~~~~(The bald devil with a look of returning home)"

Saitama said this naturally while looking at this somewhat shabby neighborhood, as if announcing that he was about to go home.

"Why are there so few residents here?"

Uchiha Madara asked in confusion as he looked at the unusually deserted community with almost no people coming in and out.

"Oh~, you mean the previous residents.

Everyone has basically moved out.

It was said that a very powerful and scary monster appeared here before, so everyone moved out for safety reasons, so the houses here are basically free to live in.

"While explaining the reason for the small number of residents, Saitama secretly sighed in his heart that the monster was indeed a good monster.

If it weren't for that monster, he might have been living on the streets.

Thanks to the appearance of that monster, the rent here has become so cheap that it is almost negligible.

It is precisely because of this that Saitama, who was driven out and lived on the streets before, has a home.

This community is very shabby and may be of low grade, but in Saitama's mind it will always be a harbor and a home that can shelter from the wind and rain!

"Tap tap tap~..Tap tap tap~....(Bald Demon King walking)"

Saitama walked naturally to a building in the second row, and then went up the stairs to the second floor

"Click. (Sound of door opening)"

"Come in."

Saitama walked to the door of his house, took out the key from his pocket, opened the door and walked in, then called Uchiha Madara in. Uchiha

Madara slowly walked into this small house. Originally, Uchiha Madara thought he had looked down on this small house enough, but after entering, he was still shocked. The furnishings and items in the room were so few that the most expensive item in the whole room was an air conditioner....

You have to know that the average living standard in the One Punch Man world is still relatively high, and everyone's salary is still very considerable. However, in the case of the bald devil king, Uchiha Madara can say without exaggeration that beggars and thieves are better off than him.

"Bang~. (Item scroll)"

Saitama, who knew how to use the scroll, came to the middle of the living room and threw the scroll directly on the ground. Soon, the living room, which was not large to begin with, was filled with a large number of items, and Saitama was also sorting and sorting out various ingredients and food.

"Boom. (Item Scroll)"

"take~...(Uchiha Madara puts the snacks into the item scroll)"

Looking at the scattered food, Uchiha Madara summoned a scroll again and put several bags of snacks that he had carefully selected in the supermarket into the item scroll.

"(The bald devil suddenly glanced at Uchiha Madara who was still packing up snacks.)"

"Hey~, Uchiha Madara, you bastard, how dare you steal snacks!!"

"~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil with an angry expression)"

"~~~~~(Because of anger, the bald devil directly entered the serious mode)"

Looking at Uchiha Madara who was collecting snacks on the side, Saitama yelled angrily and this time he even called out Uchiha Madara's full name. It is obvious that Saitama can enter serious mode or even super serious mode at any time in front of food!

"撇~. (Uchiha Madara glanced at the angry Saitama)"

"Take~. (After taking a quick look, Uchiha Madara continued to pick up the snacks as if no one was around.)"

"I only received three packs, but there are still several packs left."

Looking at the bald devil who immediately entered the serious mode, Uchiha Madara explained leisurely.


"But I like to eat those spicy chips too! You bastard, there were only two packs of spicy chips and you took them all!!"

"~~~~~~~~(The roaring bald devil)"

Seeing that there were two bags of expensive spicy chips among the food that was taken away, Saitama naturally would not let it go.

"Haven't you tried it before? Didn't you keep telling me not to buy it because it's expensive? ?"

Uchiha Madara was surprised when he saw Saitama's angry look. You know, the price of this spicy chip is not low, enough to buy two or three boxes of frozen beef.

"Why do you care whether I have eaten it or not? Anyway, you just need to leave a pack."

Saitama did not answer Uchiha Madara's words, but just said it in a hurried voice. Do you think Saitama told you that he once ate cabbage for three months just to eat such a pack of snacks? Are you kidding me? Saitama will never tell you!

"(Uchiha Madara glanced at the bald devil)"

"Bang~. (Item Scroll)"

"Throw~. (Uchiha Madara throws out spicy chips)"

This thing is dispensable to Uchiha Madara, and if he has enough money, he can buy it anytime he wants, but it is obvious that this thing does not seem to be the kind of snack that Saitama can eat whenever he wants, so Uchiha Madara generously throws a bag over~.

Feeding? Not happening! Uchiha Madara calls this behavior feeding the boss!

""Hmm~, that's all, I'll go cook!"

After taking the spicy chips, Saitama quickly cleaned up all the food in the living room, but most of the fruits and snacks were put in the cabinet by Saitama. Obviously, Saitama was not going to entertain Uchiha Madara.

"~~~~~~~~~(Contempt from Uchiha Madara)"

"~~~~(Sitting on the ground with his face propped up, Madara-sama is waiting in boredom.)"

Uchiha Madara looked at the almost empty room without any entertainment facilities and could only sit on the ground helplessly, quietly waiting for the food to arrive.

5 seconds later..

30 seconds later...

"~~~~~~~~(Uchiha Madara, who was sitting on the ground with his face propped up, changed his hand to support his face)"

2 minutes later...

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Uchiha Madara playing with his nails)"

3 minutes later...

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(Black lines gradually appear on Madara's forehead)"

5 minutes later...

"Saitama, how long will it take you to cook?"

After waiting for five minutes, Uchiha Madara asked Saitama who was still cooking in the kitchen.

"Squeak~..Squeak squeak squeak~.....(The bald devil is washing vegetables in the kitchen)"

"I haven't started yet. It will probably take more than an hour to finish cooking. After all, I plan to cook a few more dishes this time. You can wait in the living room."

Qiyu's somewhat dull voice came slowly from the kitchen.

"I'll go out for a walk and come back later."

Compared to sitting in this empty room, Uchiha Madara prefers to go out for a walk. Maybe he can encounter some interesting things.

"Oh~, that's fine, then you can go out."

Saitama replied without turning his head and continued to concentrate on preparing the ingredients he needed.

"~~~~~~~(Standing up, Uchiha Madara)"

Actually, it doesn't matter whether Saitama answers or not. The reason I asked this question is just because Uchiha Madara has developed a polite habit.

To put it simply: I'm just telling you this, not to discuss with you.

"Whoosh~. (Uchiha Madara's figure instantly disappeared in the living room of the Bald Demon King's house)"

"Step~....Trample Trample~.....(Walking Uchiha Madara)"

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