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""Swish~." (Sword ringing)"

As Uchiha Madara controlled it, the blue light giant also condensed a huge blue lightsaber that was thirty or forty meters long in his hand. This huge blue lightsaber was constantly wrapped with terrifying energy and flashed with lightning from time to time, which looked very powerful.

In fact, this huge blue lightsaber not only looked very powerful, but its actual terrifying power was even more terrifying. When the blue light giant gently swung it, a deafening swish sound was heard, as if it was cutting the air.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh~....(The terrifying dragon's breath is coming)"

"Boom boom boom~....(Gasa Explosion)"

At this time, two terrifying blue dragon breaths carrying the might of the Burning Heaven also arrived in an instant and appeared in front of Uchiha Madara.

"Susanoo pseudo-data sword technique: Sword drawing!"

Looking at the two terrifying blue dragon breaths coming, Uchiha Madara also controlled the blue light giant and swung the huge blue lightsaber in his hand to meet the two dragon breaths.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak~....(Sword ringing)"

As the blue giant swung the huge lightsaber in his hand vigorously, a huge crescent-shaped blue sword light appeared in the air. As soon as this terrifying huge crescent-shaped blue light appeared and made a swishing sound, the air in the air was completely slashed apart by one blow. Its might seemed to be able to directly split the planet in half.

"Whoosh whoosh~....(Two terrifying dragon breaths incoming)"


"Snap~...(Dragon's Breath Split Into Two)"

"Whoosh whoosh~....(Four scattered terrifying dragon breaths fall downwards)"

"Boom boom boom boom boom~...(Four dragon breaths descend to the ground)"

"Boom! (Everything in the path of the terrifying dragon's breath is vaporized!))"

"Whoosh whoosh~....(The high temperature brought by the terrifying dragon's breath instantly ignites all flammable objects within 10,000 meters.)"

"Boom boom boom~....(Explosive items detonated by high temperatures, and several cities were engulfed in flames for a time)"

In an instant, the two terrifying moves collided with each other! The terrifying blue dragon breath continued to burn everything around, directly evaporating all the clouds in the sky, and even the air was produced by the scorching dragon breath , creating circles of terrifying air waves that spread outward.

The sharp sword light was also buzzing in the air, cutting the space in front with a sharp momentum to cut through everything.

As soon as the two met, the two terrifying blue dragon breaths were directly cut in half by the sword light displayed by the blue light giant. With a sound of"snap", the two terrifying blue dragon breaths were instantly cut into four and flew in different directions.

Unfortunately, wherever the four dragon breaths passed, whether it was the clouds in the sky, the ruins on the ground, or even the soil and stones on the ground, they were not spared. They were instantly evaporated by the terrifying blue dragon breath, and its violent temperature directly ignited everything around that could be ignited!

In an instant, not only the warring X city, but also several other neighboring cities were unfortunately affected by the scattered terrifying blue dragon breath.

If it weren't for the fact that most of the energy of this terrifying blue dragon breath had been cut off by Uchiha Madara, and two of them flew high into the sky, otherwise these scattered dragon breaths alone would be enough to cause unimaginable damage to the One Punch World.

Of these four scattered terrifying dragon breaths, two flew high into the sky and burned two large holes in the atmosphere in space that could not be healed for a long time.

The remaining two terrifying dragon breaths fell in H city and X city respectively.

The terrifying energy attached to these two dragon breaths evaporated everything within hundreds of meters as soon as they landed.

Whether it was stone buildings or organisms, they were all instantly evaporated and gasified by the terrifying abnormal high temperature.

This terrifying high temperature also directly ignited all flammable objects within 10,000 meters, indirectly causing a devastating blow to the two cities.

One of them was lucky enough to hit a gas station in H city, causing a chain explosion.

Now not only was X City completely destroyed, but several surrounding cities were also affected. Unfortunately, H, who was also hit, also paid the price of an area being set on fire under the scattered terrifying dragon breath, and this price is still increasing.


The blue light giant slashed out a terrifying blue sword light, which only weakened a little after cutting off the two dragon breaths, and then continued to slash at the two sky fire dragons without losing its momentum.

"This guy is terrifying. We are no match for him. What should we do?"

"(Call Zogros, let's go quickly, we can't stay on this planet any longer.)"

Seeing the terrifying sword light coming, the two Skyfire giants looked at each other in fear, and then turned around and flew to another fighting area in tacit understanding.

"Want to leave?"

"Whoosh~ (Instantaneous Body Technique)"

Uchiha Madara curled his lips in disdain as he looked at the two giant fire dragons, then he directly drove Susanoo in front of the two giant fire dragons and slashed them with one sword!

"How is it possible? How can you have two abilities at the same time? Why can you teleport while in giant form?"

"(Be careful, use your Flame Wings to block this move.)"

The two Skyfire dragons were startled by the blue giant that suddenly appeared in front of them. You should know that the size of the blue giant reached 50 meters, so when they saw the blue giant suddenly appear in front of them, one Skyfire dragon couldn't help but roared out in surprise and curiosity. Obviously, he couldn't understand this situation, and the other Skyfire dragon hurriedly reminded his companions to pay attention to resist.

"Roar, roar, roar~. (Wings of Flame)"

"Roar, roar, roar~. (Wings of Flame)"

After hearing the reminder from its companion, the giant Skyfire Dragon quickly opened its wings of flames, and immediately the two Skyfire Dragons were burning with billowing purple flames. After all, facing this situation, the two Fire Dragons had no choice but to endure it.

"Ssssss~....(Sword ringing)"

"~~~~~(The sharp sword light cuts through the air and slashes at the two giant skyfire dragons burning with purple flames.)"

""Crack~." (Two dragons cut in half in an instant)"

The terrifying sword light directly spread out in the air to form a slightly smaller crescent-shaped sword light that slashed towards the two giant skyfire dragons in front. The sharp and terrifying energy on the sword light directly cut the air to both sides with a swishing sound, and the terrifying sword light fell on the two giant skyfire dragons that were burning with purple flames.

With two crackling sounds, the two giant skyfire dragons that had made sufficient defensive preparations were also cut in half in an instant by Uchiha Madara's sword. No matter the purple flames burning on their bodies or their strong physiques, they could not stop the sharp sword light's attack, not even for a second!

"Buzz~....(The sword's mighty edge flies downwards)"

"Boom boom boom~......(A ten thousand meter wide canyon was instantly cut out)"

"Buzz~.....(The larger sword light from before also slowly fell to the ground)"

"Boom boom boom boom~......(The entire One Punch World instantly shook)"

"Boom boom boom boom~.....(A terrifying abyss of 100,000 meters suddenly appeared)"

After slicing the two giant Skyfire Dragons in half, the slightly smaller and sharper sword blade continued to move forward on the ground of the already ruined X City. It immediately created a canyon nearly 10,000 meters long, 100 meters wide, and 100 meters deep in the ruined X City!

The terrifying sword slash that had been slashed out before also continued to move forward after losing its target.���, the terrifying energy and the terrifying flying speed directly cut the surrounding space with a buzzing sound, and fell to the ground after a moment!

This terrifying sword slash was completely different from the sword light that cut off the two skyfire dragons before. It didn’t seem like it cut out a canyon, but it seemed like it almost cut the earth!

This terrifying sword slash directly cut out a terrifying abyss on the ground that was hundreds of thousands of meters long, hundreds of meters wide, and nearly a thousand meters deep!

The terrifying destructive force generated when it hit the ground directly cracked the ground within nearly a million meters around it, causing varying degrees of damage to buildings in several surrounding cities, as if the entire One Punch World had experienced a magnitude 7 earthquake, and the center hit by the sword light seemed to be abandoned by the whole world and turned into nothingness.

"Bang bang~. (The bodies of the two chopped-off giant skyfire dragons slowly fell from the sky to the ground.)"

In the air, the bodies of the two giant skyfire dragons fell heavily to the ground.

"~~~~~(Madara removed the Susanoo from his body)"

Uchiha Madara also directly cancelled the Susanoo mode. After canceling the Susanoo, Uchiha Madara flew directly to the two Skyfire Dragon corpses that fell on the ground, wanting to absorb data energy.

Uchiha Madara flew to the two Skyfire Dragons and found something wrong. He did not feel the fluctuation of data energy. Just when Uchiha Madara doubted whether the two Skyfire Dragons were really dead, the change happened again!

"Whoosh whoosh~.....(The wounds of the two giant skyfire dragons instantly burst into flames)"

"Whoosh whoosh~.....(As the flames burned, the two giant skyfire dragons slowly recovered.)"

"~~~~~(After a short period of recovery, the two dead Skyfire Dragons stood up again.)"

The two Skyfire Dragon bodies that fell to the ground actually spewed flames from their wounds, drawing the two broken pieces of the body together. After a moment, they were reconnected. Apart from the bloodstains, there was no trace of the slash.

"(You bastard actually dared to kill the great Skyfire Dragon Warrior. If we weren't still in the Burning Dragon Soul state, we would have really died under your sword.)"

"(Even if we admit defeat this time, we didn't expect that there would be someone like you in this universe. Haha, it's really unfortunate.)"

The Skyfire Dragon Clan's ultimate move, the Burning Flame Dragon Soul, was indeed extremely abnormal. It could even reassemble a body that had been cut in half. However, there was always a price to pay for such a thing. Although they could save their lives, the two Skyfire Dragons were shrinking. In just a few breaths, the 15-meter-tall Skyfire Dragons shrank to their original height of seven or eight meters.

"How unwilling it is that the great Skyfire Dragon Warrior was defeated in this backward universe.)"

""Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar~ (I can't believe it. How did you get to this point? Are all the strong men in this universe so terrifying?)"

At this time, the two Skyfire Dragons, who had exhausted their physical strength and exited the Burning Dragon Soul state, also lay on the ground helplessly and roared unwillingly. At this time, one of the Skyfire Dragons not only did not show despair and make unwilling remarks, but instead asked Uchiha Madara curiously with a convinced expression, obviously very curious about the strong men in this universe.

"The strong ones in this universe? Who knows, maybe there are some guys who are more terrifying than me, after all, the universe is too big"

(The known universe has more than 100 billion galaxies, and each galaxy contains hundreds to trillions of stars!)

Uchiha Madara listened to the curious question of the Skyfire Dragon, thought for a moment and gave a vague answer that was barely an answer.

To be honest, Uchiha Madara himself didn't know whether his strength could be ranked in the entire universe. Uchiha Madara could only be sure that he was definitely the strongest when his true form was exposed, but he really couldn't be sure where he would rank now.

"(Is the universe too big? It looks very similar to ours. But this is a good deal. It’s not a loss to see an existence of your level in this universe.))"

"Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar~. (Damn it, I really can't accept it. I was inexplicably sent here and now I'm going to be destroyed?)"

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