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"Do you have any trump cards?"

Uchiha Madara asked calmly while looking at the two Skyfire Dragons lying on the ground.

To be honest, Uchiha Madara had high expectations for these three Skyfire Dragons. After all, these three Skyfire Dragons were creatures from outside the universe. Since they were beyond cognition, they were naturally the most likely to produce surprises. Therefore, Uchiha Madara did not rush to act, but walked up to the two Skyfire Dragons that had lost their ability to resist and asked if they had any trump cards.

"Roar, roar, roar, roar~. (Hum card? I guess I have one, but I still can’t beat you.)"

The two Skyfire Dragons, who had been ready to die, slowly spoke out after hearing Uchiha Madara's question. In the eyes of the two Skyfire Dragons, even if they used that trump card, they would not be able to defeat the terrifying existence with unfathomable strength in front of them.

"Oh~, you still have a trump card? What is it? Tell me about it."

In fact, when asking, Uchiha Madara himself did not have much expectation, because no one would not use their trump cards before dying. He just asked out of curiosity before taking action. Unexpectedly, there was really an unexpected gain. Uchiha Madara immediately became interested.

"(We, the Skyfire Dragon Clan, are a true warrior race. Not only do we possess terrifying fire energy and the Burning Flame Dragon Soul that strengthens our abilities, we also have the strongest trump card. It is precisely because of that trump card that our Skyfire Dragon Clan is able to firmly occupy the top five rankings of the strongest races on the planet Skyfire.))"

"(Yes, listen carefully, we, the Skyfire Dragon Clan, are the true natural warriors in the universe. This kind of racial talent cannot be compensated by cultivation.)"

Obviously, before dying, the two Skyfire Dragons did not intend to hide anything, and directly told the Skyfire Dragon Clan's strongest trump card. In fact, this so-called strongest trump card is not a secret in the Skyfire Planet, but the pride of the Skyfire Dragon Clan.

So when they heard Uchiha Madara's question, the two Skyfire Dragons also told the matter directly. The Skyfire Dragon Clan's strongest trump card is also a well-known thing in the entire Gensokyo. In Gensokyo, not to mention the Skyfire Planet, even those weaker planets have more or less heard of the legendary deeds of the Skyfire Dragon Clan.


"The strongest trump card? Tell me about it, let me see it."

After hearing the words 'strongest trump card', Uchiha Madara no longer walked over slowly, but used the instant body technique to move directly in front of the two Skyfire dragons. When he arrived beside the two Skyfire dragons, Uchiha Madara asked in a somewhat teasing tone.

When Uchiha Madara heard the words 'the strongest trump card of the Skyfire dragon clan', his mood changed a lot. His expression was a little disdainful and a little expectant. After asking, Uchiha Madara sat directly on the ground, staring at the two Skyfire dragons lying on the ground with an expression of 'you say, I listen'.

"(Well, anyway, this matter is not a secret among us, so I'll just tell you.)"

"(Listen carefully, kid. Only after hearing the legendary stories of our Skyfire Dragon Clan will you truly understand what a natural born warrior is. This is a natural advantage that you can never get by working hard!)" The two Skyfire Dragons saw Uchiha Madara's expression of listening to a play and roared directly, as if to say: Listen carefully, kid. We are talking about reason.

"(In fact, the biggest trump card of our Skyfire Dragon Clan is not the Burning Flame Dragon Soul that can enhance our strength. The Burning Flame Dragon Soul is just one of our Skyfire Dragon Clan’s special moves. The trump card that really makes everyone in Gensokyo recognize that our Skyfire Dragon Clan is powerful is actually---Burning Dragon!!!"

"(Once upon a time, our Skyfire Dragon Clan occupied the first place among the strongest fire creatures on the planet Skyfire with only 500 Skyfire Dragon Warriors! We killed other fire creatures and dared not compete with us. This incident became a major event in the entire Gensokyo.)"

As they talked, the expressions of the two Skyfire Dragons became more and more proud, as if the glory of the past had reappeared before their eyes. That incident has been one of the proudest things in the Skyfire Dragon Group until now. The Skyfire

Dragon Clan once sent 500 Skyfire Dragon Clan warriors to fight for the ranking of the races in the main world of the Skyfire Planet, and finally defeated countless races to win the first place.

The ranking of the races in the main world actually represents the status of the races, the privileges and resources enjoyed by each in the main world. To put it bluntly, the boss is determined by war. However, the Skyfire Dragons only sent 500 Skyfire Dragon warriors to defeat tens of thousands and millions of other fire races. That made the Skyfire Dragon Clan famous, and also made the entire Gensokyo know about this heaven-defying fighting race!

"Burning Dragon?"

Hearing the four new words Burning Dragon, Uchiha Madara also looked at the two giant dragons of skyfire curiously, and then asked in a puzzled tone.

Although Uchiha Madara currently does not know what is so magical about this Burning Dragon, he also knows that generally speaking, those with the word"divine" in their names are not too weak.

With this mentality, Uchiha Madara is looking forward to it more and more.

After all, for Uchiha Madara, the stronger the monster, the more experience he has.

As for whether he can beat it or not, Uchiha Madara does not need to worry about it at all.

If it doesn't work, just explode the body.

Come on, let's hurt each other!

Uchiha Madara naturally doesn't want to explode the body, because exploding the body means that it needs to be recast again, and recasting again...

���It basically means starting over.

"(The Burning Flame Dragon Soul can increase the strength of a Skyfire Dragon Warrior by two times, but the Burning Dragon can increase the strength by hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of times!)" The Skyfire

Dragon lying on the ground was getting louder and louder as he spoke, as if he was recounting his past glorious deeds.

"Ten thousand times! ?"

Uchiha Madara was indeed shocked when he heard the Skyfire Dragon say that there was a way to increase his strength ten thousand times. What does ten thousand times of strength mean? This is almost like increasing the power of several dimensions and realms!

In layman's terms, even a rubbish-level noob can instantly become a powerful one-shot killer after increasing his strength ten thousand times!

"(From your expression, I know you don't believe it. I'm afraid that no creature would believe this except those who have experienced that war.))"

"(Don't disbelieve me, Zogkas is not lying. At our peak, our Skyfire Dragon Clan can indeed increase our strength ten thousand times!)"

The two Skyfire Dragons said to Uchiha Madara while sighing.

"What is the price to increase the strength by ten thousand times? Strength is not obtained for free."

Uchiha Madara also noticed some key words in the mouths of the two Skyfire Dragons. For example, they said that increasing the strength by ten thousand times is the peak period, which means that the current Skyfire Dragon Clan is definitely not at its peak. Moreover, Uchiha Madara does not believe that there will be no price to increase the strength by tens of thousands times for no reason. No matter what the situation is, the same price must be paid.

Under normal circumstances, the forbidden technique will only increase the strength by two or three times, and there will be a painful price to pay. What is the concept of tens of thousands of times of strength? What price will it cost?

"(Yes, power is not obtained for free, there is always a price to pay. The reason why our Skyfire Dragon Clan can only be called the top five races instead of the first race in the Skyfire Planet is precisely because of the painful price we paid for using the Burning Dragon....)"

The giant skyfire dragon's tone became increasingly sad as he spoke, and he paused unconsciously at the end.



"(The Burning Dragon is actually formed by fusing all the Skyfire Dragons into one.

The most terrifying thing about this move is that there is no upper limit.

The Burning Dragon formed by the 500 Skyfire Dragon warriors who once participated in the battle has increased its strength ten thousand times!

It has the terrifying power to shatter a galaxy with one blow, but it requires a heavy price.

After using the Burning Dragon, every move requires a heavy price.

If it is used to support a large-scale battle, the price will be even more painful.


"(One third of the 500 Skyfire Warriors died on the spot after using the Burning Dragon, and the remaining two thirds took a full ten years to recover from their weakness (their strength could only recover to 60% of their peak at best). The cost was so high that our Skyfire Dragon Clan listed this move as a racial taboo.)"

After a long pause, the Skyfire Dragon finally told all the secrets, and while speaking, he still couldn't help showing his sadness. Obviously, this incident was a sad memory for all the Skyfire Dragon warriors, but at the same time it was also their pride, the glorious deeds they had shown when they were at their peak strength.

"So this is the price, but it is still a great talent."

After hearing the price mentioned by the Skyfire Dragon, Uchiha Madara also realized that the price was indeed a bit high, but after thinking about it from another perspective, he realized that this price seemed to be necessary. Otherwise, if the price of having a bug-like skill that increases strength by ten thousand times is small, then wouldn't this race have been invincible in the world long ago?

"Roar, roar, roar, roar~ (Of course, that’s why our Skyfire Dragon Clan is called a natural born warrior)"

The two giant fire dragons listened to Uchiha Madara's praise and boasted without hiding their pride.

"Can the three of you also fuse into a Burning Dragon?"

Uchiha Madara glanced at the two proud Skyfire Dragons and then asked in an excited tone.

After all, this was the only question that Uchiha Madara was most concerned about.

Uchiha Madara knew that once the three Skyfire Dragons could fuse, the data energy he could obtain this time would double!

At the same time, Uchiha Madara was not worried that the three Skyfire Dragons would be too strong after fusion.

This was not because Uchiha Madara was too arrogant.

Uchiha Madara believed that the three Skyfire Dragons in front of him did not need to increase their strength by ten thousand times, but only needed to increase their strength by a hundred times, and he would definitely not be able to beat them.

However, after listening to the secrets of the Skyfire Dragon, Uchiha Madara did not believe that only three dragons could increase their strength so much, otherwise the three Skyfire Dragons in front of him would not need to be so afraid of him.

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