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"(No, the three of us cannot fuse into the Burning Dragon. To fuse into the Burning Dragon, at least 50 Skyfire Dragon Warriors are needed!)"

The two Skyfire Dragons listened to Uchiha Madara's somewhat puzzled question and directly said that three Skyfire Dragons could not fuse into the Burning Dragon. They also warmly said how many Skyfire Dragons it would take to fuse into the Burning Dragon.

"So what do you mean? What is your trump card?"

Hearing this answer, Uchiha Madara suddenly became unhappy and his tone became much colder.

Uchiha Madara originally thought that these three Skyfire Dragons would fuse into a low-profile weak version of the Scorching Dragon, but he never expected that these two Skyfire Dragons could not fuse. Hearing this, Uchiha Madara was of course unhappy. Why did you two weaklings keep nagging for so long?

Uchiha Madara, with an ugly expression, slowly stood up from his sitting position and stared coldly at the two Skyfire Dragons lying on the ground, as if he would send you off if you keep talking nonsense.

""Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar~ (This is our trump card, but it is not the Burning Dragon. The three of us cannot fuse into the Burning Dragon, but we can fuse into the Guardian Dragon!)"

Seeing Uchiha Madara stand up and stare at them with a cold gaze, the two Skyfire Dragons suddenly felt a chill, as if the scythe used by the god of death to reap lives was already against their necks, and their lives all depended on the other party’s thoughts. The two Skyfire Dragons were so scared that they hurriedly explained.

The two Skyfire Dragons did not want to die, and of course no living creature wanted to die.

After thoroughly witnessing Uchiha Madara’s god-like strength, the two Skyfire Dragons realized that The difference in strength between the two sides was huge.

If they didn't fuse into a dragon guardian, their three dragons would surely die here.

If they fuse into a dragon guardian, there might be a glimmer of hope.

Even if they couldn't beat the terrifying guy in front of them, they should be able to escape.

Although the cost of fusing into a dragon guardian was very high and it was likely that one of the fire dragons would die, it was better than all three fire dragons dying here.

So when the two fire dragons could sense that Uchiha Madara seemed to be very interested in the strong, they directly revealed their biggest trump card, and at the same time, they also won the last glimmer of hope for their three fire dragons, a glimmer of hope to escape.

"Dragon Guardian?"

Hearing the two Skyfire Dragons saying Dragon Guardian, Uchiha Madara was puzzled again. Hearing this new word, Uchiha Madara also restrained his cold eyes a little, but still stared at the two Skyfire Dragons with a look of less nonsense, as if to say, don't talk nonsense and get to the point directly.

"(Any dragon with more than three heads and less than 50 heads that have been fused together is considered a Dragon Guardian. The Dragon Guardian is also the Skyfire Dragon Clan's strongest trump card for small group battles. After our three Skyfire Dragons have been fused together to form a Dragon Guardian, our strength will be instantly increased by 15 times! This is equivalent to being able to cross a large realm plus several small realms!!!)"

"Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar~ (After our three Skyfire Dragons merge into the Dragon Guardian, we can directly break through the strength limit of this universe and reach the so-called God-level in your mouths!!!)"

The two Skyfire Dragons looked at Uchiha Madara's somewhat impatient eyes and immediately swallowed back a lot of glorious deeds in their mouths, and explained it once in a concise and clear way.

The two Skyfire Dragons were obviously both resistant and happy about the trump card of the Dragon Guardian. The resistance was that the cost was very high and even if they could escape after using it, they might directly die as a Skyfire Dragon. The joy was that after merging into the Dragon Guardian, they could have god-like power for a short period of time!

"Reach the god level! Ha~, just don't let me down!!"

Hearing the two skyfire dragons in front of him say that they can directly possess the power of the god level after merging into the guardian dragon, Uchiha Madara also developed a strong interest. You know, although the god level and the dragon level are only one level apart, there is actually a world of difference between them. It is no exaggeration to say that a bunch of top dragons cannot beat an entry-level god level.

So after hearing that the two skyfire dragons have reached the god level, Uchiha Madara's face also showed a happy expression. This is equivalent to directly possessing a god-level data energy (data energy). Ah, Uchiha Madara has been fighting here for so long to obtain 18 points of data energy and has been waiting impatiently for a long time, but it is really hard to come by, and Uchiha Madara has no good way

【Formula: 1 God-level = 9 Dragon-level = 81 Demon-level]

Uchiha Madara is completely inferior to this so-called Dragon Guardian, because Uchiha Madara's own hard power is at the God-level. If the destructive power of the data stream moves is taken into account, Uchiha Madara believes that it is definitely not inferior to the super-god level, and this is only the current early stage! With the unlimited setting of the data stream moves, as long as his physical body has enough energy, he can achieve the destructive power that is beyond imagination!!!


The delighted Uchiha Madara walked directly to the two Skyfire Dragons, first released a weight-reducing Earth Escape to the two Skyfire Dragons, then directly carried the two Skyfire Dragons and flew towards the direction of the last Skyfire Dragon.


Carrying two huge dragons did not reduce Uchiha Madara's flying speed at all. After several instant body techniques, Uchiha Madara also saw the last Skyfire Dragon in the distance.

"This damn dragon is so strong, should I ask that bastard for help? No, I can't let that bastard look down on me."

At this time, the S-class heroes fighting Zogros have suffered heavy casualties!

Among the S-class heroes participating in this top battle, except for Tornado, the strongest on the field, who has no injuries, all the heroes have been injured to varying degrees. It can be said that at present, except for some S-class heroes with long-range attacks, all melee S-class heroes have been seriously injured!

At this time, there are only a few S-class heroes still fighting in the air. Most of the S-class heroes are lying on the ground because of their serious injuries. Of course, there are also a lot of bloodstains on the Skyfire Dragon fighting with the S-class heroes. However, from the current situation, if no S-class heroes continue to explode, the balance of victory will slowly move towards the Skyfire Dragon.

"It seems that this group of S-class heroes are quite capable."

Uchiha Madara saw the tragic battle scene here as soon as he arrived, and he felt a little sad for the stubborn Tornado. If that legal loli would definitely abandon her tsundere personality and summon him, the battle would have ended long ago. Although the trembling Tornado did not have any injuries on the surface, Uchiha Madara could clearly see the tired look on Tornado's face, which was obviously due to excessive use of superpowers.

As for the fact that this group of S-class heroes lost to Zogros, Uchiha Madara was not too surprised.

Although from the previous situation, this group of S-class heroes should be equivalent to a Skyfire Dragon with a Burning Dragon Soul and a Skyfire Dragon without a Burning Dragon Soul, but that was based on the approximate result after the full strength of this group of S-class heroes exploded, and no accidents could occur in the middle.

Although each S-class hero is quite strong, it is obvious that Zogros's ultimate move is even more terrifying.

Once it hits multiple S-class heroes, it basically means that the war is over.




Uchiha Madara used a flash technique to move in front of Zogros, and threw the two Skyfire Dragons in his hands directly. With two bangs, Zogros and the other two Skyfire Dragons fell to the ground at the same time after being hit by his companions. Fortunately, Uchiha Madara did not use much force just now, otherwise the three Skyfire Dragons alone would have caused a significant blow to the ground again. Although the current X city has become a ruined no-man's land,

""Roar, roar, roar~ (Zogkas, Zogsas, are you two okay?)"

Zogros, who was thrown to the ground, stood up quickly and looked at his two blood-stained companions beside him and asked in dragon language.

He was obviously very worried about Zogkas and Zogsas.

After the three-headed Skyfire Dragon was sent here, they never gave up the mutation and searched for their companions while looking for the way to the Skyfire Planet.

However, after searching dozens of planets in the One Punch Universe, the three of them also completely understood that there were no companions here, and they could not find the way home, which made the relationship between the three Skyfire Dragons almost equivalent to that of brothers.

"(It's okay for now, but we need to merge into the Dragon Guardian!)"

"(This bastard didn't know how to be gentle, he almost made me fall.)"

After hearing Zogros's question, the two Skyfire Dragons also responded directly. However, because they had no physical strength, the two Skyfire Dragons had no ability to move. So after Uchiha Madara threw the two dragons out, the two Skyfire Dragons still kept falling to the ground.

"What? Fusing into a Dragon Guardian, Zogkas, have you forgotten the price of fusion?"

Zogros was shocked when he heard the words of his two companions. You know, fusing into a Dragon Guardian means that one of the three dragons may die directly, and the other two dragons will also fall into a weak period that lasts for several years.


"(We don't have the right to choose. That guy is too scary. We are no match for him. Even if we merge into the Dragon Guardian, I still don't think we can defeat that scary guy. However, after merging into the Dragon Guardian, we should be able to get rid of that scary guy.)"

"(Although I don't want to admit it, Zogkas didn't lie. That terrifying guy is so scary that we are no match for him. Even if we can't defeat that terrifying guy by merging into a dragon guardian, we should be able to save the other two companions.))"

Zogsas and Zogkas listened to Zogros's shocked and puzzled question. After a moment of silence, they told the dragon the fact that made it despair. The fact was that if the three-headed skyfire dragon did not merge into the dragon guardian, the result would definitely be death. After merging into the dragon guardian, there might be a glimmer of hope.

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