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"Hey~, what are you doing here, you bastard? Do you want to steal my head?"

Tornado looked at Uchiha Madara who suddenly appeared beside her, and immediately said to him in an angry tone, as if she could quickly deal with the last Skyfire Dragon as long as Uchiha Madara didn't come.

"Madara-sama is still so quick."

"Master Madara, you are here. It's over so quickly. You are truly a god-like being. But the noise you guys made over there is really exaggerated."


The few S-class heroes in the air said to Uchiha Madara in a respectful tone after seeing Uchiha Madara suddenly appear.

It was only after the real battle with the Skyfire Dragon that these S-class heroes really understood the horror of this monster.

To be honest, this group of S-class heroes did not have much confidence in defeating the Skyfire Dragon in front of them.

Eighty percent of the previous group of S-class heroes had fallen down, and the rest had suffered varying degrees of injuries.

Although the Skyfire Dragon on the opposite side was also seriously injured, the S-class heroes also knew that the monster's injuries were actually much lighter than their own injuries.

If they continued to fight, it would be very likely that their side would be wiped out.

So when they saw Uchiha Madara suddenly appear, the hearts of these S-class heroes who had been hanging in the air also fell.

"The situation has changed."

Uchiha Madara looked at Tornado who had an angry expression on his face and explained to him in a light tone, but Uchiha Madara did not explain the reason. If Uchiha Madara told Tornado that he suddenly came here to make these three skyfire dragons stronger, I'm afraid Tornado would explode directly.

Although his sudden arrival indirectly saved this group of S-class heroes and indirectly avoided the result that Tornado would be injured, it is obvious that Tornado would not appreciate it, because Tornado is a proud person, a proud person will never let others help him, even if he wants others to help him, he will not say it (although the body is very honest, everyone can see it...), and now Tornado still believes that he has the ability to kill with a little blood.

""Huh? The situation has changed. What has changed? I don't care about these things. You want to steal my monsters? Get out of here!"

Listening to Uchiha Madara's concise and unclear explanation, Tornado still insisted that Uchiha Madara suddenly came here just to steal the monsters and take the credit. So Tornado yelled at Uchiha Madara in an angry voice, and then stretched out her white finger and pointed in a direction to Uchiha Madara, signaling Uchiha Madara to get out of here quickly.


Uchiha Madara was speechless when he saw Tornado, whose style suddenly reversed into that of a sharp-tongued loli. She was very cute but also very cute.

In fact, Uchiha Madara really wanted to tell Tornado that you are no match for this Skyfire Dragon, but in order to prevent being venomous again, Uchiha Madara chose to keep his mouth shut, because Uchiha Madara saw that there were not many signs of destruction around here, and although most of these S-class heroes were seriously injured and fainted on the ground, no S-class hero died.

This basically confirmed that the Skyfire Dragon should not have released its ultimate move in the end, otherwise Uchiha Madara really didn't believe that the group of S-class heroes in front of him could really withstand that move.

According to Uchiha Madara's calculations, as long as that terrifying blue dragon breath was used, none of the current group of S-class heroes would be able to withstand it!

Uchiha Madara, who had personally experienced the attack of the blue dragon breath, naturally understood the horror of the blue dragon breath. It can be said that as long as it was used, basically no one in the current group of S-class heroes could dodge it and no one could withstand it.


In order to avoid more venomous words, Uchiha Madara also directly moved in front of the three-headed skyfire dragon with a flash technique.

"(That scary guy is coming, get ready!)"

"(Got it. Let’s give it one last try!)"

"(The great Skyfire Dragon warriors will never admit defeat. Let the creatures of this universe know the terror of our Skyfire Dragons!)"

Apparently during the time when Uchiha Madara was away, the two Skyfire Dragons finally explained everything to Zogros, and Zogros also realized the seriousness of the matter. So when Uchiha Madara suddenly appeared, Zogros, the only one who was still able to move, was ready to merge with his two companions for the final battle!!

"Fusion, Shenlong~..."


Just as the three-headed Skyfire Dragon was about to shout, it was controlled by Uchiha Madara and firmly restrained in place.

"Why? Why are you stopping us from merging? Don’t you want to fight against the strong?"

"Hohohohohohohoho? (Are you afraid to fight us, or are you playing a trick on us?)"

"Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, haha~. (Damn it, you cunning guy, are you afraid that we will be too strong after we merge into the Guardian Dragon, so you want to kill us in advance?)"

The three Skyfire Dragons whose fusion was forcibly interrupted also looked at Uchiha Madara with their eyes wide open. The three Skyfire Dragons thought that Uchiha Madara was afraid of their strength after they merged into the Guardian Dragon, so he wanted to kill them three dragons in advance, so they shouted at Madara in a tone of"you are tricking us".

You have to know that these three Skyfire Dragons have always relied on the trump card of the Guardian Dragon. Now that they were forcibly interrupted, it's no wonder that they are not angry, it means that the necks of their three dragons are once again held in the hands of the terrifying guy in front of them.

"This place is too small."

"Whoosh whoosh~..."

Uchiha Madara naturally wanted to quickly merge the three-headed Skyfire Dragon into a dragon guardian, but the earth could not withstand the collision of two great gods. This is the so-called fight between gods and mortals.

So Uchiha Madara could only tie up the three-headed Skyfire Dragon and fly to the high school with the three-headed Skyfire Dragon. Uchiha Madara planned to take the three-headed Skyfire Dragon to fight on other planets.

After all, the One Punch World is the main world of this universe and cannot be destroyed.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh~..."

"Roar, roar, roar~. (Where do you want to take us?)"

"(It's good that we are not scared. We also want to experience the power of the dragon guardian.)"

The three-headed Skyfire Dragon was tied up by Uchiha Madara and flew high into the sky. It also understood that the terrifying guy in front of it was not trying to kill its three dragons, so it gave up struggling and stopped roaring. Instead, it asked in a curious tone where Uchiha Madara was taking its three-headed dragon?

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh~..."

"Other planets."

Listening to the questioning voice of the three giant skyfire dragons behind him, Uchiha Madara also said it directly. Anyway, this matter was not a secret to Uchiha Madara. He could keep his ears quiet for a while. Otherwise, if these three giant dragons kept roaring, he might not be able to bear not to kill them in advance.

"Whoosh whoosh~..."

"Boom boom boom~..."

After Uchiha Madara bound the three-headed Skyfire Dragon, he added lightning attribute chakra and fire attribute chakra to increase the flying speed. Suddenly, Uchiha Madara's speed reached several times the speed of sound, drawing four blue flight tracks in the air. The super-fast flying speed also directly detonated the air around the three dragons.

(On Earth)

"What on earth did that bastard want to do? He just flew away with three giant dragons like that?"

Tornado, who was not far away, was also stunned at the sight of the four blue dots flying high into the sky and gradually getting smaller. He obviously didn't understand why Uchiha Madara did this. By the time Tornado realized what was happening, Uchiha Madara had already flown tens of thousands of meters with the three giant dragons.

"Miss Tornado, isn't this a good result? At least everyone is safe, and this alien monster invasion can basically be declared over."

Bang looked at the angry Tornado and kindly reminded her.

In Bang's opinion, this was the best result.

Otherwise, who knows what would happen if they continued to fight.

Obviously, Bang was also aware of the terrifying power of the Skyfire Dragon.

In Bang's opinion, if they wanted to truly destroy the Skyfire Dragon, they would have to pay a heavy price.

Now most of their side were seriously injured and a few were slightly injured.

If they continued to fight, there might be heroes who died.

So in Bang's opinion, being able to solve this matter in this way was the best result.

"Yes, Sister Tornado, we are lucky to have solved this smoothly. If we continue to fight, who knows what will happen. After all, the strength of that giant dragon is terrifying for everyone to see."

Child Emperor, one of the few S-class heroes who was only slightly injured in high school, also persuaded the angry Tornado. The reason why Child Emperor was injured more than most S-class heroes was that���It's not because Child Emperor is stronger than other S-class heroes, but because Child Emperor has never chosen to get too close to the Skyfire Dragon. The only minor injury on his body was also caused by the large range of the flames sprayed by the Skyfire Dragon.

"Terrified Tornado, I really admire you for daring to scold that terrifying existence"

"Yes, I really admire your courage."


The S-class heroes who were still able to speak also spoke up, and they all seemed to admire Tornado's courage to be so venomous as Uchiha Madara.


Except for the trembling Tornado in the air, all other S-class heroes have fallen to the ground.

After the fierce battle with the Skyfire Dragon, ten heroes were lying on the ground, most of them were unconscious, and the few S-class heroes who were not unconscious were also seriously injured.

The grass in Atomic Samurai's mouth had long disappeared. It was unknown whether it was burned by the flames of the dragon or vomited by Atomic Samurai because the battle was too intense. There were several obvious bloodstains and burns on his body.

Metal Knight was the most severely injured among the many S-class heroes. Most of his parts were burned and he basically lost his ability to fly and attack. If it weren't for the excellent material, he might not even be able to maintain basic actions and communications.

King was hiding in a corner, very safe, his luck value was full, and he was the only S-class hero who was not affected. The zombie man lying on the ground was only half of his body left, and the wound was rolling with blood and flesh. Although it looked disgusting and scary, it was constantly recovering. It seemed that it would only take more than ten minutes to recover.

Drive Knight also had his parts severely damaged and lay on the ground, with flashes of lightning flashing from time to time.

Pig God was lying on the ground covered in blood, rolling his eyes, and seemed to have fainted long ago.

Super Alloy Black Light's situation was not optimistic either. Super Alloy Black Light, who was known to have the strongest physique, was also lying on the ground unconscious at this time, with blood and burn marks all over his body. It seemed that he had been beaten a lot in the previous battle.

Compared with most S-class heroes, Police Dog Man was relatively lucky. Although he had wounds on his body, he was not unconscious and still had some physical strength. The police dog cosplay ornaments he had been wearing were also burned to pieces.

Beautiful? Flash Flash, who was very sissy, was also one of the few heroes who were slightly injured. It might be because the Skyfire Dragon also looked at appearance, so Flash Flash's injuries were also very light, and he had the ability to continue fighting. (In fact, it was because of his fast speed that he dodged most attacks.)

Vest Sage was one of the unconscious ones, with serious injuries on his body. Obviously, he was also one of the unlucky S-class heroes who were seriously injured.

Metal Bat was killed instantly by Skyfire Dragon's punch at the beginning of the battle. If it weren't for Uchiha Madara's rescue, he might have died at this time.

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