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"Humph~, even without that bastard, I can still defeat this dragon."

Tornado listened to the slightly admiring voices of the other S-class heroes around her, and immediately replied proudly, as if to say that the result would be the same whether Uchiha Madara was there or not, and victory would definitely belong to me

"Haha~, as long as the problem can be solved perfectly, let's call the Hero Association"

"Hmm~, let's notify the Hero Association. We also need to send people over to rescue these unconscious S-class heroes."

"Hoohoo~, the war is finally over"

"The dragon that attacked this time is so powerful, it seems that I need to train harder."

Obviously, the heroes around him also knew Tornado's arrogant personality very well, so they did not refute Tornado's words.

"Ding ding ding ding~..."

Just when everyone was about to take out their phones to contact the Hero Association headquarters, the sound of a phone ringing rang out in the air.

"Tsk~, it's really timely."

Hearing the ringing of the phone in his pocket, Longjuan took it out and answered it.

"Hello~ Is this Ms. Tornado?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Eleno asked in a nervous voice

"What's the matter? I'm very busy now.

Hearing Eleno's voice, Tornado replied impatiently.

"Miss Tornado, isn't the battle over there over there over there yet? I've seen from the satellite that Lord Madara took the three-headed fire dragon away, is there something else happening in City X?"

Listening to Tornado saying that she was very busy, Eleno asked in a nervous voice, obviously very worried about what other accidents might happen in City X.

"Well, the giant dragons that attacked from outer space have been dealt with this time. Nothing else happened. I was just very unhappy."

Listening to Eleno's nervous questioning, Tornado also directly and proudly admitted that it was because she was unhappy and not an accident.

"Just solve it, huhu~.."

After hearing Tornado's reply, Eleno breathed a sigh of relief. Because of his nervousness, Eleno automatically ignored the latter part of Tornado's somewhat complaining words.

"Don't forget to ask the Hero Association headquarters to send someone to rescue us, Ms. Tornado"

"Yes, Tornado, don't forget that there are many S-class heroes lying on the ground."


The S-class heroes on the ground heard Tornado's complaints and hurriedly reminded Tornado not to forget that there were still a group of seriously injured S-class heroes on the ground who needed rescue.

"Humph~ You guys are really troublesome. Besides, you were defeated so easily. I advise you to go back to C-level and practice again."

Tornado, floating in the air, listened to the reminder of the S-level heroes on the ground, and snorted coldly, using a disdainful tone to say something venomous to the S-level heroes on the ground who were seriously injured.

""Miss Tornado, are you all right over there? How are the S-class heroes?"

Apparently, Eleno on the other end of the phone also heard the reminder from the S-class heroes on the ground, but because the distance was a bit far, he couldn't hear it clearly, so Eleno also asked Tornado with hesitation and worry.

You know, the Hero Association can really rely on these S-class heroes who are extremely weak in Uchiha Madara's eyes.

If these S-class heroes suffer any casualties, it will be an unacceptable price for the entire Hero Association.

After all, the top leaders of the Hero Association headquarters also know that they can't tie down Uchiha Madara at all, and they don't even know when Uchiha Madara will get angry or destroy them.

So for the Hero Association, the real trump card is still these S-class heroes.

"Of course it's okay, but most of the S-class heroes have fainted, and there shouldn't be any S-class heroes dead at the moment."

Listening to Eleno's anxious and worried tone, Tornado also described the situation here calmly.


"Is it that serious? Most of the S-class heroes are all unconscious?"

After listening to Tornado's narration, Eleno was silent for a long time before replying in an unbelievable tone.

"You just need to send someone to rescue them.

Hearing Eleno's unbelievable tone, Tornado replied calmly. Obviously, this matter was a small humiliation for Tornado. After all, a group of S-class people couldn't completely defeat a Skyfire Dragon, while Uchiha Madara easily killed two. This huge difference made Tornado feel upset.

"Okay, Miss Tornado, we will send someone to support you immediately."

Ereno listened to Tornado's obviously impatient tone and said nothing more.

"Well, that's it."

After saying that, Tornado hung up the phone and put the phone in his pocket. Then he floated to a relatively clean ruin to rest. Obviously, the battle with the Skyfire Dragon just now was also very strenuous for Tornado.

"Send someone to X City immediately to rescue the S-level heroes."

After Tornado hung up the phone, Eleno immediately stood up and instructed the staff beside him.



Following Eleno's instructions, the staff of the Hero Association immediately began to act in an orderly manner, and soon organized several teams to carry out their respective tasks.

"Lord Eleno, how are you going to explain this matter to the people?"

"Yes, although the war is over, our planet has been destroyed by about one-fifth! City X cannot be rebuilt at all, and several surrounding cities have also been affected to varying degrees. It looks like something big is going to happen."

"Yes, from the last footage from the remote camera, City X cannot be renovated and rebuilt. There are cliffs everywhere. There is no good place in the entire City X. Several cities around City X have been affected and are on the verge of destruction. How can we explain this to the people?"

The other senior officials of the Hero Association headquarters looked at Eleno with a headache, as if they wanted to hear the solution of the leader of the Hero Association headquarters.

"The enemy this time is beyond our imagination. Even if one-fifth of the earth is destroyed, it is completely understandable. Moreover, our heroes are at the forefront, fighting bravely. This result is already the best result so far."

Eleno looked at the high-level people around him and said:���The dissatisfied expression also became a little unhappy. You know, this result was achieved by a group of S-level heroes fighting hard for it, and if that terrifying existence hadn't taken action, this time...

In Eleno's words, you are shameless when given face. Others are trying their best to protect you, but you are still picky. Be careful that one day others will be unhappy and fail to protect you. Then you will have no place to cry.

"We can naturally fully understand this matter, but the people may not accept it. They don't know how terrible the enemy is this time, especially the residents who have migrated from City X. How are we going to explain it then?"

"Not only the people of City X, but also several cities around City X have been severely damaged. According to the reports of reporters on the front line, the buildings in several cities have been completely destroyed. It's as if a magnitude 7 earthquake has occurred in half of the world."

"Yes, if this matter is not handled properly, the image of the Hero Association may have an impact on the hearts of the people."

The senior officials around naturally know how terrible the enemy is this time, but just like what these senior officials said, the people don't know about these things, and most people don't want to know or care about these things. What the people really care about is how you compensate them!

This is a kind of human nature. When you are needed, you are a hero, and when you are not needed, you are a bear.


"Raise this disaster to the god level!"

Listening to the whispers of the high-level people around him, Eleno naturally understood what the people were thinking. After hesitating for a moment, Eleno resolutely decided to raise the disaster level of this outer space monster attack directly to the legendary god level!

"This is not a good idea. What we have sent out before were just dragon-level warning signals, and the Hero Association has never issued a god-level disaster since its establishment. Isn't this a bit too arbitrary?"

"Yes, isn't it too arbitrary to directly classify the disaster report as god-level? The previous mission of asking Tornado to invite that terrifying existence was just a hidden god-level task set up internally. This is a completely different concept from making it public. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, this is too risky. What will happen to the people then?"


"I don't agree with such a reckless decision."

When they heard that Eleno would directly classify the disaster report as god-level, the surrounding high-level officials were also a little restless. You know, the Hero Association has never released a god-level disaster since its establishment. No one can predict what kind of impact it will have if a god-level disaster is released. How will the public view it at that time? No one dares to be sure of such a thing. Such a thing is too risky and the impact on the public will be unpredictable.


"Are you all blind? Can't you see how strong this monster is?!!"

"If it weren't for that terrifying existence, could the power of our Hero Association headquarters really stop the three terrifying dragons? Have you forgotten how the clouds in the sky disappeared? Or did you not notice the terrifying cracks in the ground that were as deep as the abyss? Or did you not feel the earthquake that occurred in half of the world?"

"And those were just the consequences of the collision and scattering of the moves! You must know what that means, if those attacks fell directly to the ground, our earth might have been destroyed, and mankind would have been destroyed!"

"Can't such a god-level disaster be classified as god-level?"

Listening to the persuasion of the high-level people around him, Eleno immediately became angry, slammed the table hard, and then shouted everything in a hurried voice, with a tone of helplessness and anger.

What was helpless was that the enemy was too strong this time, so strong that the Hero Association on Earth was unable to stop it, and in the end it had to rely on that terrifying existence to save it.

What was infuriating was that the high-level people around him actually wanted to classify such a dangerous god-level mission as dragon-level.

In Eleno's view, this was simply an insult to the group of S-level heroes who tried their best to stop the monsters.

"We know the strength of this monster, but we have never sent out a god-level disaster. We cannot be sure how the people will react after hearing about it, and we cannot afford the consequences."

"Yes, we shouldn't deal with this matter decisively."

"I also think we should consider it."

After hearing Eleanor's angry roar, no one in the high-level positions dared to directly mention raising the level to Dragon Level, but they still advised Eleanor to think about it carefully.


"There is no need to think about it anymore. It is time for the people to face the reality. Just classify the disaster as God-level and publish some photos of the scene on the official website."

Ireno did not listen to the advice of the senior executives around him, but slammed the table again and gave the order directly.

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