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Tải ảnh: 0.708s Scan: 0.120sAll the high-level people around were shocked when they heard what Eleno said. They were actually going to send out all the photos of the scene. Doesn't that mean that they were also going to show that terrifying being to the world?

You know, the meaning of that terrifying being is completely unclear now. Will blindly sending out the photos and battle images of that terrifying being arouse his disgust? At the same time, how will the people react? Fear? Joy? Panic?

"The pictures I'm talking about are the current tragic photos of City X, not the battle images and photos of Madara-sama."

Looking at the shocked expressions of the high-level people around him, Eleno knew that the high-level people around him must have misunderstood, so he hurriedly added.

Eleno naturally knew what to release and what not to release, and he would not release the photos of Uchiha Madara to everyone's sight now. The reason why Eleno wanted to release those photos that shocked the world was to tell the residents what kind of existence the heroes were facing, what kind of dangers they were facing, and what price the heroes paid!

Because now there are a small number of people who think that heroes are just eating and getting paid. These people have never thought that if there were no heroes, monsters would have destroyed the world or wiped out mankind long ago. If that happened, money? It's useless! A piece of waste paper!! It was also for this purpose that Eleno had to release the photos this time and raised the disaster level to the real god level (a crisis that is enough to cause the destruction of mankind!)!

"OK~, I will arrange someone to make the report right away!"

""Okay, let's do it right away."

Hearing Eleanor's tough tone, the senior executives around him had no choice but to follow Eleanor's instructions and start doing things.

"Next, let's discuss the division of credit for participating in City X. How should the credits of the S-class heroes participating in this holy war be divided?"

Eleno looked at the high-level officials around him and said seriously. The division of credit has always been the most critical and important issue for all politicians. Only by dividing it well can the heroes get the due rewards and the people can see it clearly.

"It must be that terrifying being (Uchiha Madara) who made the greatest contribution. Judging from the last image sent by the remote camera, if that person had not been there, this war would not have been won at all. The S-class heroes would not have been a match for the three-headed dragon, and the earth might have been destroyed."

"Yes, if that adult wasn't here, our fate would be unimaginable."

"Well~, the monsters that attacked this time are too powerful. Only that terrifying god-like existence can deal with them. This time, we can’t blame our S-class heroes for not being strong enough. It’s really that the monsters are too strong, so strong that they completely exceed the concept of dragon level."

"Yes~, just from the brief image I saw of that terrifying blue flame that could melt the clouds, I knew that its power must be beyond imagination. Only that terrifying existence can deal with such a monster. Other S-class heroes are no match for him."

"It's a pity that our camera didn't capture the whole process because of its great power. Otherwise, we could have watched the terrifying being's attack again."

"Yes, it was too horrible. The last blow was able to reach our city A from several cities away. It is really hard to imagine the battle scene at that time."


Hearing about the distribution of credit, the high-level people around naturally attributed the first credit to Uchiha Madara. After all, to put it nicely, this disaster was caused by a group of S-level heroes working together to fight against a god-level disaster. To put it bluntly, it was just Uchiha Madara leading a group of soy sauce to fight monsters.

Every time the high-level people at the Hero Association headquarters thought of that terrifying existence, they couldn't help but tremble. It was as powerful as a god, as terrifying as a god. They had never seen that terrifying existence go all out, and even this god-level disaster didn't seem to be taken seriously.

These high-level people had already discovered this from the short live footage. They saw from the video that Uchiha Madara was just playing when fighting with the two skyfire dragons, without any serious expression at all. Watching this short battle video, the high-level people who watched it unconsciously thought of a sentence in their minds, which was what Tornado said before,"at least god-level"!

The high-level people in the past never dared to think of harming it, because it was a force that could destroy human civilization, a terrifying disaster that humans could not resist from a scientific point of view. The appearance of a god indicated that humans would perish!

However, the appearance of Uchiha Madara completely broke the cognition of the high-level officials.

They only knew that he could easily destroy the earth, but they had no idea how strong Uchiha Madara was.

Most of the high-level officials in the past believed that Uchiha Madara had god-level strength.

In their opinion, the god-level disaster was the highest existence that was out of reach.

But this time, Uchiha Madara beat the god-level monster who they thought was unmatched like a father beating his son, which completely shocked the eyes of these politicians.

In their eyes, the god-level monster who had the power to destroy human civilization was beaten by that terrifying existence. The two god-level monsters could not even resist. It was after watching that short video that the high-level officials were confused again, because in their eyes, the highest level was the god-level. They could not imagine what level Uchiha Madara was who could beat the god-level monster.

"But~, does that terrifying existence care about these things?"

Listening to the voices of the surrounding high-level officials, a high-level official spoke in a hesitant tone. The high-level official was thinking that if he had the strength of a god, would he still care about these so-called merits, so-called money, and so-called rankings?

"Alas, but there is nothing we can do. After all, that terrifying existence has reached a level that we cannot imagine."

"Yes, we have no idea what this Lord wants, needs, or likes."

Listening to the words of the senior executive, the senior executives around him began to reflect on what a being with god-like power needs.

"No~? We know what that adult likes!"

A senior executive suddenly stood up and said excitedly, his expression was very excited, like a child who discovered a new world.

"Oh~, I understand too~"

"So that's how it is, haha~"

"Oh~, it's the trembling tornado"

"Of course it is. Don't forget that the terrifying being was invited by Miss Tornado, and we have also seen with our own eyes Miss Tornado insulting (euphemistically calling it: poisonous tongue) that terrifying being, but that terrifying being did not attack Miss Tornado. Doesn't this completely explain the problem?"

"Yes~, and it’s not the first time, so we know what that person likes."

Hearing the excited voice of the senior executive, the senior executives around him also instantly thought of the reason, and immediately the whole meeting room was filled with examples and discussions.

"We are still not sure about this, maybe that terrifying existence is just curious about Miss Tornado."

When most of the senior executives were discussing happily, a dissenting voice suddenly sounded. This senior executive did not explicitly say that Uchiha Madara did not like the trembling Tornado, but cleverly changed the content of the words. However, the senior executives who could attend the meeting at the headquarters of the Hero Association were basically very smart, and everyone could hear the subtext of the senior executive's words.

"No~, I think that terrifying being just has a crush on Miss Tornado! Think about it, who else would dare to call that terrifying being a bastard besides Miss Tornado? Think about how that terrifying being treats Miss Tornado and other S-class heroes, and who was here this time that made that terrifying being able to attend the S-class hero gathering? Can't these be clearly proved?!!"

Hearing that a senior executive said"like" was curiosity, a senior executive suddenly stood up and bluntly transformed"like" into"love", and cited many real deeds.

"Well, except for Miss Tornado, no one dares to call that terrifying existence a bastard."

(There is actually another wild BOSS who dares to call Uchiha Madara that.---Bald Devil)

"Yes~, I have also noticed this. Except for a little tenderness when looking at Miss Tornado, the terrifying existence looks at other S-class heroes with disdain and contempt."

"Yes~, the reason why that terrifying existence came to attend the S-class hero gathering this time was all because Miss Tornado would come here."




After listening to the many cases mentioned by the senior executive just now, the senior executives around him also agreed with it. At the same time, more and more senior executives also cited many real cases.

"Ahem~ Let's not speculate on what Madara-sama is thinking, let's think about how to distribute the credit next."

Listening to the increasingly distorted words of the senior executives around him, Ai Lei hurriedly brought the topic back to the point.

"That man definitely deserves the most credit, followed by Ms. Tornado. I think the rest should be ranked to determine their credit."

"Yes~, I think so too. Many S-class heroes who responded to the god-level disaster did not cause much damage to the monsters, so they should be divided according to their rankings."

"I also agree with this way of dividing the credit. In fact, apart from that adult, only Miss Tornado caused damage to the god-level monster that time. The other S-class heroes did not cause much damage at all. At least from the images sent by the remote camera before it broke, most of the S-class heroes did not cause much damage to the god-level monster this time."



After hearing what Eleno said, the high-level officials around him quickly turned the topic to the theme and began to distribute the credits of the S-level heroes. Soon everyone recognized the method of distributing credits by hero ranking.

This method is the simplest and easiest for the public to accept. At the same time, this is also the result obtained from the video.

"Lord Eleno, I think it is not appropriate to do this. We should send relevant personnel to investigate the situation on site, and then ask all the S-class heroes who participated in the war, and finally discuss the distribution of credit. It seems too early to make a decision now."

Just when the distribution issue was about to be finalized, a senior executive immediately came out to stop it.

This senior executive thought that this matter was too decisive.

We should ask the opinions of the S-class heroes, and then discuss and decide based on the actual situation.

It is too hasty to make a decision now.

After all, the content in the video is not complete, and no one knows what happened afterwards.

It is very necessary to ask the S-class heroes to understand the situation at that time, so this senior executive also directly said all his thoughts.

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