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"Now that everything has been resolved, we should announce this good news immediately. I believe that no one will say anything about distributing the credit this way. After all, the main credit goes to that sir and the two S-class heroes, Tornado. The other S-class heroes should not have any objections either."

"Yes, how can you only announce the disaster level without announcing the hero's achievements? I think your slow query is the most likely to anger those S-level heroes."

"I also think that the list of meritorious deeds should be released immediately. After all, this disaster is of divine level! It may cause panic among the people. We need to report all the glorious deeds of the heroes to stabilize the public mood. At the same time, this is also an explanation to the heroes."

"I agree. This matter should not be dragged on and should be released quickly. After all, the battle just now was too exaggerated and its huge power directly affected the whole world. We should calm the people's emotions immediately."

"Agree, we should immediately send people to calm the people down."

"Yes, I also think we should make these things public immediately so that the people who have been worried can be reassured."



More and more senior officials agree that the answer should be announced immediately to stabilize public sentiment


"Announce the disaster level and the heroes together, but we should not announce the heroes' contributions. This matter should be discussed slowly and not be sloppy. The title is called---S-class heroes win! God-class disasters are defeated!"

Listening to the constant discussions of the high-level people around him, Eleno also considered for a long time, and finally decided to blur the merits of the S-class heroes this time and temporarily announce the rankings.

This can be regarded as giving the public a reassurance, and at the same time it also buys enough time to understand the battle between the S-class heroes and the god-class monsters.

It won't be too late to announce it then.

Now it is enough to announce the fact that the heroes defeated the god-class monster disaster to give the public a reassurance.

"As expected of Lord Eleno, this method is good. It can calm the people's emotions and will not bring shame to the S-class heroes who have made great contributions."

"Hmm, this method is really good, I agree"


"Agree with this plan"


Listening to the method mentioned by Eleno, the eyes of the high-level officials around him were brightened. This method was indeed perfect. It could calm the emotions of the people first and create enough time to investigate all the incidents. In the end, it could also give a reasonable explanation to each S-level hero.

"Yeah~, that's it..."

With the approval of the top management, Eleno immediately ordered the staff of the Hero Association to start the relevant work.



For a time, the entire Hero Association was busy.


"Hey~, have you seen it? The latest announcement released by the official website of the Hero Association."

In a residential building in a certain city, a young man was posting on a forum. The young man looked extremely shocked, as if he had seen something impossible.

"I see! A god-level disaster has occurred!!"

"Hmm~, I saw it too. I didn't expect that the monster that attacked this time would be a god-level monster. It's terrible! City X was completely destroyed. It is said that even the ground was hit dozens of meters down! Some places were really hit into an abyss. According to experts, it seems that City X will not be able to live in humans for decades. It's really terrible."

"Yes, I’ve also seen the photos released by the official website of the Hero Association. It’s like reading a myth. No, it’s even more terrifying than the scenes in the myth books!"

"Yes, the clouds above City X were all dispersed!! What an amazing battle!"

"Yes, especially a few minutes ago, it seemed as if the whole world was about to collapse. Even the ground in our city i had cracks of varying degrees. It was so terrible. The battle was clearly in city x, but it affected the whole world. I can't imagine the battle scene at that time."

"But our S-class hero is more powerful, as he can defeat three terrifying dragons!"

"Yes, it's so exciting that our S-class hero actually has the ability to fight against god-level disasters."

"Who do you think delivered the last blow? Was it a weirdo? Or the strongest man on earth, King? Or the legendary Explosive?"

"I don't know, but I feel like it should be our hero, otherwise there wouldn't be any follow-up news, and the official website of the Hero Association also announced that all the god-level monsters have been killed."

"Yes, it must be our S-class hero. Our S-class hero is really awesome. No, I have to send a gift to my favorite S-class hero immediately."

"Don't run upstairs, send me a gift"

"Send gifts together +1"

"Send Gift +999~"


With the latest updates on the official website of the Hero Association, as well as the related loudspeaker broadcasts and video reports, the entire One Punch Man world soon fell into a state of joy, and all the people received two shocking pieces of news in the shortest possible time.

The first piece of news was that the legendary God-level disaster had appeared, and it had caused unprecedented damage to the entire world! City X was completely scrapped, and several cities were tragically affected. The power of the God-level monsters was unprecedentedly strong. If there were no heroes to stop them, they would have the terrifying power to destroy human civilization and even the earth!!

The second piece of news was that the legendary God-level monsters had been defeated by all the S-level heroes of the Hero Association!

(x city)


King was hiding under a piece of ruins. King's luck was absolutely maxed out. Each of Uchiha Madara's attacks was enough to destroy City X, but none of them affected King. The only few large-scale damages just scared King but did not hurt him at all.

At this moment, King felt that he had experienced the end of the world. If King had not been lucky, he would have been swallowed by the cracked ground or killed by the splashing rubble. However, after experiencing several attacks that affected several cities and even the entire world, King was still not harmed.

King stood there stupidly. The ground around him had been chopped apart by Uchiha Madara's attacks. King, who had maxed out his luck, was magically protected by a natural tripod formed by the cracked boulders all around.

"Is that the strength of the giant dragon in the myth? That god-like man must be a god, otherwise how could he beat the giant dragon in the myth like that? Yes, the third one must be a god!"

When King recalled the scene he had seen before, he couldn't help but feel a sense of loss and horror. It made King feel unreal, as if what he had just seen was not a battle between heroes and monsters in reality, but a mythological story played in a movie.

King had seen many videos of S-class heroes taking action, and could understand a little bit how amazing and terrifying that kind of terrifying power was.

However, after seeing the attack of the Skyfire Dragon, King realized what horror was.

That kind of flame and power were even more powerful than the dragons in the mythological storybooks.

The powerful power made it difficult for a group of S-class heroes to resist.

However, after King saw Uchiha Madara take action, he also had a doubt like others, that is, is that guy really a human? Is he really not a god in human appearance? The power of creating the world with a casual hand is not even in the mythological books!

The aftermath of the attack can shake the whole world, and the waves generated by the attack instantly disperse the clouds in the sky.

King doesn’t know how terrifying this kind of power is.

King only feels that this is not something that humans can do.

This belongs to the power of gods!!



King was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. After coming back to his senses, King was considering whether to go home directly or go out to find an S-class hero.

In fact, King wanted to go home more, because this place was too scary.

King said that he just wanted to stay at home for three days and three nights to calm down, but King was afraid that leaving directly like this would arouse suspicion from other S-class heroes and the Hero Association headquarters.

King really didn't want to give up so many free privileges.

Secondly, City X was far away from King's home.

City X was completely destroyed and there was no means of transportation at all.

With King's physical condition, he couldn't walk home at all.

"Forget it, let's find the group of S-class heroes first."

After some hesitation, King walked out of the temporary shelter he had created because of his good luck and set out on the road to find his companions.

As soon as he left the shelter, King was shocked by the scene in front of him. Everywhere he looked, there were deep and bumpy pits. Many of them were still burning with raging fire. There was no intact ground, and the ground was all cracked and shattered. Fortunately, King was inexplicably rated as an S-class hero, so he usually traveled a lot, otherwise King would not even be able to walk on such a road.

"Tap tap tap~..."

King was aimlessly searching for traces of the S-class heroes. As he walked, King found an S-class hero on the ground.


""Metal Bat!"

King knew the hero lying on the ground. The hero lying on the ground in front of him who was obviously in a deep coma was Metal Bat, who was ranked 16th among the S-class heroes.

King also had some understanding of the hero Metal Bat, but the reason why King got to know Metal Bat was not because of Metal Bat's strength but because of Metal Bat's bad personality and his catchphrase of"sister control".

King looked at Metal Bat lying on the ground, and after hesitating for a while, he decided to drag the unconscious Metal Bat to look for other S-class heroes together



Although King could barely be considered a homebody after becoming an S-class hero, it was obviously very strenuous for him to drag someone along in the dilapidated ruins. After only walking a few hundred meters, King was exhausted and his physical strength was completely insufficient. Just when King decided to stop and rest for a while, he suddenly heard a voice not far away.

"Hey~, where did you go, you bastard? Why didn't you join the battle? You didn't dare to fight because you were scared, did you?"

Tornado, who was floating in the air, also noticed King on the ground, so he immediately flew down and said to King with a contemptuous voice. It was obvious that Tornado looked down on King for not joining the battle against the monster.

"I can't show my strength in the air, so I can't help you"


King used an inspiration that Uchiha Madara had given him before, and spoke to Tornado in a serious tone. However, he was shocked by the powerful strength Tornado had shown before, so when Tornado flew down to question him, King couldn't help but start the Emperor Engine!

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