Ain was a NEET, well not exactly a NEET, but a lazy guy who didn't want to do anything but be immersed in his dream world and imagination. His main hobby being reading Mangas and Light novels.

He was also a social media addict, but today he was in a foul mood, since his mom was continuously nagging him about not finding any job, spending all the time on the computer and how he was getting old and won't find any one to marry and on and on...

Even though he was tired of the nagging, he knew his parents only meant well and he also loved them. But the frustration from continuous nagging was making his head burn, he went to his room and went to the FB page, as he looked.

Someone unknown has shared a post with him, It was an image poster. Let me see, oh such grand words " If you can imagine it, it means it exist somewhere in this infinite universe ". He went into thinking (why is some alien conspiracy thinker or religious fanatic sharing post with me ,hmm might as well release my frustration on this noob, I will flame him to death he he he...)

( Let me see his profile pic. name is Fremont looks like a salesman with coat and suit, and that warm smile makes me want to punch him in the face.. )

Comment session (Private mode ..hehehe..)

Super hero Ain : Hai don't want what you are selling...

Fremont: I don't understand what you are saying child.

Ain ( he he he.... He is a complete noob, might as well gut him slowly, piece by piece )

Super hero Ain : Who the f....k are you calling child, you s...n of a b...h

Super hero Ain : Who is senior bi...h , I am your Grandpa's Grandpa, i see you have not been f....ked like the g..y bi...h you are , for some days

Fremont : Calm down young man ..

Super hero Ain : what your mother and sisters are also bi...s, who takes of dress for 5 dollar...

Fremont : ...(silence)

Super hero Ain: What bi..h, don't want to talk anymore....


Ain " burns...ahhhhh "

Next day newspaper quoted " A weird phenomena took place in the grand pillar town, a lightning struck from the cloudless sky, observers say a lightning came out of nowhere and stuck the house , only one room was affected , and one casualty Ain Joseph 29yrs old son of..... "

Ain " head hurts...what was that blinding light...what was that burning pain..."

As went out of the room he entered a large bright ancient style hall with golden pillars ,with ancient beast and warriors carved on it.

Ain " wow.. it looks like one of those heritage hotels. so cool ,hmm... a Heritage hospital... wait a second, where did the door and room that i came from go, how did I end up in the middle of the hall, wait maybe I am dreaming , i should focus and try to wake up.. focus focus.. nothing is happening ... pinch, slap, hit ... nothing seems to be working "

(what is happening i am sure that i was in hospital room just now with patient bed and some hospital equipment nearby, and the next second I am here ... am i dead and in heaven or something, i must have done so much good karma ..he he he. ... wait why can't I see any angels and stuff

.. wait maybe i have been reincarnated and entered some one else body like in those web novels so cool , huh i should find a mirror, see how are my new looks..)

all of a sudden a deep sigh was heard and a deep voice was heard .

" hmmm... are you finished with indulging in your fantasy and imaginations child ."

Ain " who is it, where are you, i don't see you and where am i "

voice " come forward child and you can see me, and you can call me god, technically I am above a god standard.. but never mind "

As Ain moves forward brightness of the hall dims a bit and he sees huge golden throne, above some stairs and someone sitting on it , but he can't see the face clearly because of the brightness .

Ain " so I am really dead, can you tell me what exactly happened , and why was i in the hospital just a moment ago"

God " well don't be sad child, you were hit by lightning, you died there itself, the image of hospital room was created to ease your soul which awakened from slumber "

Ain ( so that is what happened .... wait a second , how did I get struck by lightning when I was inside my room and when i went out the morning it was a sunny day with a clear sky... something seems fishy here, am i in some illusion or genjutsu or something.... maybe this guy is the devil or something and trying to scam me to sell my soul... or some other evil guy with a hidden agenda ... I must find a solution .... I can't think of anything... this guy has put up such a huge setup it means he is really powerful , and I am powerless. I should find out what his motive is maybe i can get an edge...)

As Ain was thinking all this the god was having a frown on his face , what does this dumb kid think that i cant read read his mind, but at least he is smart to figure out there is something wrong.

God " child do you think i don't know what you are thinking ,there is nothing to be afraid of , i am a god , i have my pride and i don't need to deceive someone like you "

Ain " so if you already know my mind please clear my doubts "

God " well child, it was an accident on my part that you were struck by lightning , i was just a little angry and the heavenly tribulation lightning that I keep at my side has the property of automatically strike down anything that i am angry at or which i deem is breaking the natural order of the universe , but don't worry i will compensate you by fulfilling one of your wish"

Ain( so that is what happened and I am here, but why would god be so angry at me... wait this way of talking I have heard it somewhere ... in the comment section.. )

Ain " you you ..are that salesman guy whom i flamed... that is why you struck me with lightning...

that is why instead of reincarnation i am ,here.. huh.... doesn't matter , how dumb was i to badmouth someone as powerful as you even though i didn't know .....and my intuition also says you are a better person than me, you could have sent me to reincarnation directly and get this over with, but you showed the courtesy of telling me the truth and even compensating me... i am sorry i deeply apologize to you for what i have done,please forgive me and i give you my respect from bottom of my heart oh great god "

seeing the truthfulness of his words and his attitude the god smiled and said " so you are not that dumb after all kid, in fact you are smart and truthful, and i also saw you where frustrated and angry at yourself before you started giving all that comments, and i as a god who has transcended mortal feelings ,i shouldn't have gotten angry.. maybe this is also fate , so what is your wish kid "

Ain " can i ask you something, how are my parents doing, are they unhappy "

God" I see where you are going , you wish to give them a happy life that is you wish "

Ain " yes, it's one of my greatest regret i know i have not been a good son to them, even though I have been a Neet and lazed around, they have always taken care of me and provided me with the best of what they can , even when they nagged a little i could feel their love. I regret that I couldn't be there for them when they are old and need a hand for support "

God " Great kid....., but don't worry i have already looked into their fates other than the regret of losing you they will have a happy and fulfilling life, your other siblings will take good care of them "

Ain " Thank you sir"

God " so kid tell me what is your wish, do you wish to be born into a wealthy family that you can live your whole life free and happy, or do you want intelligence or strength that rival any famous person of that era, or do you wish to be born into a higher realm where you can cultivate and follow the path of immortals.... tell me kid "

Ain "wow so there are higher realms like in those novels,where one cultivate "

God" I already told you kid whatever you can imagine exist somewhere in this universe ,many of the inspiration for those writer came from having an epiphany with those real worlds or those real characters , it may not be exactly the same due to interference of universal laws or Dao's , but more or less the same "

Ain " I see...., there is this character that was my favorite , The One Punch Man,... truly overpowered , did only what he wanted, and laze around all the time just like me, even his profession of hero was just a hobby for him... can I be born with his power "

God laughed "Ha ha ha.... The king asked you for your wish and you asked for the kingdom itself from the king , it's impossible kid, it's not that I don't want to fulfill your wish, but i can't ...that guy you are referring to is Saitama, he is someone you call a monster among monster , a genius among geniuses and the most frightening thing about that guy is his sheer will power even among God's very few can match it..... how should i make you understand....ok"

" see every intelligent life form in the universe have different kind of senses to perceive what is beyond their very being or the universe , a man is born with 5 senses and through certain method he can also increase it 6 or 7 senses. The problem comes here, more senses you have more information is pumped into your mind, and it makes you almost impossible to focus on a single thing or thought for more than one or two minutes, ..even if you were to cut off all your senses , there is already knowledge acquired from your birth which will influence your single thought and deviate it... someone who can focus on a single thought for more than 5 minutes can already be considered a Sage... But that person called Saitama , he with his sheer will power was able to focus on one single thought, " to become stronger" for more than three years and passively doing other things without allowing his single thought to deviate , his will and intend became so focused that even the universal laws or Dao's couldn't affect it any more, and his will began to manifest into reality, there were no more limits to what he could do and after gaining enough strength he put it aside just like any other hobby....such a waste of true talent....hmm"

Giving out a long sigh , God looked at Ain and continued "now do you understand kid even if I give you the power to destroy a whole planet with a single punch... it won't come near that man's power, and more than that your body should be strong enough to handle that strength and universal law won't allow such an anomaly to exist, if it isn't gained through continuous efforts and practice and time, or it will send strong tribulations in different ways resulting in your destruction "

Ain " so what do you suggest I do "

God "well you have two choices one you will be born with great strength sealed within, using a technique, which will allow you to access that strength as time moves on, you won't have to practice or anything and the natural laws won't create problems for you , after unsealing all the strength you would have the strength to destroy a planet with a single punch , but that would be the limit of your body and to further improve your strength you will have to look for other opportunities or ways.

The second option is an experimental one that came to my mind after you mentioned saitama I will put a small portion of the bone marrow extracted from an ancient god into your new body, the bone marrow will slowly produce new blood,fat, cartilage, and bone etc.. and evolving your body , In time if everything goes right you will have a mini version of an ancient gods body, but the process is real time consuming as it would require the absorption of primordial energy by the bone marrow to function, but it would provide infinite possibilities and opportunities , if fate has it one day you could even rival Saitama or you could die due to many possible complications created by the bone marrow or due to being real weak at the initial stages of your life ."

Ain " hmm.. can you explain what is an ancient god and what is primordial energy "

God " you are not qualified to know all these ,but i will explain in a vague manner and you will also lose your memory after rebirth so it doesn't matter, primordial energy is the essence energy that formed into the divine realm and you could say every other realm or multiverses branch out of it, so you could say all other energy and matter is a mutated form of primordial energy and it is present in everything in very small amount. As far as the ancient gods go,they are known by many names like Titans or Ancient Demons or Ancient Asuras or Ancient Rakshasas, not much is known about them after the war of the ancients, other than the fact that they were born from the primordial energy , there very bodies were formed from primordial energy which was almost indestructible in nature and they could even tear apart galaxies or universe with their bȧrė hands, and the size of their body un-measurable... hmm... you don't know how much risk I took along with some of my friends to attain that bone marrow from the battlefield of the ancients, even though i would be using only minuscule amount of what I have , it's still priceless ...."

"so what is your choice "

Ain " Even after all that explanation if i don't choose the second option i would be really dumb, and the real saitama has piqued my interest if possible i would like to meet him one day after gaining enough strength and have a spar with my favorite hero "

God " since you have already chosen, i will provide you with two more things , a system of my own creation, which I use as a subordinate in my different experiments to analyze different and bulk data easily, it also has many other useful function.Since we are basically conducting an experiment, I will attach it to your soul it will behave like a system that will show you all the status of your body and you can also use it to store different information like a computer and since all this began from your wish to become like the one punch man , we will name it ' The one punch man system ' ..... OK the next thing i will provide you with is , a Naturally formed seal which was also found from the battlefield, the only use of this seal is it will continuously attract a small amount of primordial energy towards it, which will help you save a lot of time, otherwise who knows how much time will it take for the bone marrow to even produce one blood cell.

since we are all done, so which world do you wish to be born in , one punch man world "

Ain " is it possible for me to choose another world, i mean OPM world is good but it has lost its natural beauty and is polluted badly after continuous development, if possible I would like to go to Naruto world, which is also one of my favorite manga, and the world is still in good condition without much pollution and great natural environment "

God extended his hand as bright light was emitted from it and entered Ain's soul, and a small seal appeared inside the heart of his soul body at the same time a small white bead appeared on his forehead in between the eyes like a vertical third eye , these were the natural seal and - OPM system. there also appeared a small semi solid goblet which was golden black in color and was giving an ancient and vicious aura like an ancient dragon which was ready to devour everything, but all of a sudden it became peaceful as if resonating in harmony with the natural seal, Ain could also feel that something has changed in his soul, everything became much more clear all of a sudden .

God " good... good.. your soul has formed a harmony with the bone marrow and the seal, which has improved your soul level. now its done , i will start the process of sending your soul to the new body, remember as your soul enter the new body, the universal law would automatically erase the memories of your previous birth only your karmic luck will remain.... then go.. good luck ... I hope if destiny allows we would meet again one day "

As a light enveloped Ain's soul body, he vanished.

God ( I hope the beastly instinct in the bone marrow don't take control, of that kids soul and body, turning him into a mindless evil monster, after all my studies suggest the bone marrow came from an Ancient Rakshasa , and they are known for their unfathomable bodily strength and magical powers, the problem would be their unruly and lawless bestial nature ... but gaining strength also requires facing great odds , it will depend on how strong his will power is and how strong his karmic merits or luck is... I have spent more time than I thought ,I should return to divine realm and there has been reports of disturbance at the borders.... )

the hall becomes empty as if nothing ever happened.


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