One Punch Man System In Naruto World

Chapter 2 - A child born with calamity

As the bright light disappeared from his eyes , Ain knew he was no longer in his soul body form , as he couldn't see any more he could feel his eyes which couldn't be open and his body so weak and as if crumpled inside something unable to move.

Ain thought ( I must be inside the wȯmb of my new mother )

As he was thinking,he could feel something interfering with his consciousness , (what is happening, I am losing consciousness ... yeah i have the System , I should ask it, hey system can you hear me...hello.. )

[" One Punch Man system initiating count down 10.. 9... 8 ... ....1... 0 "]

[ scanning hosts body.....]

[searching database ....Host is probably experiencing interference from the Natural Laws, it will erase hosts previous life memories , and host will go into deep sleep until , host is born into the new world ]

(so that is what is happening ,i guess i will just sleep then )

But as he was entering an unconscious state ,he was hit by very heavy pain ...

(ahhh... what is happening, its like my soul is burning , ahh..... something is wrong, AI what is happening ...)

[Unknown interference ... Unknown interference ...Scanning again..]

[The Natural seal is emitting a special energy and is interfering with the Natural laws..]

[error....system crashing...system crashing....trying to reboot ... failure ...error..]


(ahhhhhh.... what the fuċk is happening,,, ahhh.. the pain is increasing...System answer me.....)

( i going to die in this agony....)

(No, I will not give up.. I should face this with my determination and will power, if not i would not only die, and I would have wasted a great opportunity blessed upon me by God)

(Even if i go down, i should go down swinging ... it's the least I could do to show my respect to the trust that was bestowed upon me)

time passed and he endured , the pain made it seem like an eternity, and he slowly began to lose consciousness , but all of a sudden a new nourishing and soothing energy started to prevail through his soul, he could feel his soul beginning to grow and become stronger, and he could feel something more has been added to his soul, he could feel the form of his soul .

He realized he had gained a new sense , a spiritual sense through which he could know everything in his surroundings , but the coverage was very small about 15 cm radius in every direction, like a sphere and as he concentrated his spiritual sense inward he knew his soul was in the form of a small sphere, but really bright colored like an energy ball, and inside it was the small bead the OPM System, but its color and shape has changed from white sphere to golden yellow oval shaped pearl standing erect and the Natural seal has embedded into it, as if they have become one and both have become one with his soul,

as he looked outward he realized the resting place of his soul was in between the two hemispheres of the brain and what is called Pineal gland, but what was surprising was that his pineal gland had become larger and was in black golden intermixed color and giving the same aura of the bone marrow of ancient god.

(What the hell happened, I don't know whether this is good or bad, and that god didn't mention any of this either,... the system is also not working)

suddenly he heard a little girls voice.

[beep..beep... initiating reboot...]

[Acquiring knowledge from soul memory... integrating]

(system are you there....)

[Sorry the system doesn't exist anymore....]

(then what are you)

[ the system was the pearl given to the host by the god, it could at best be compared to a supercomputer .... but this system was absorbed by the Natural seal and integrated, resulting in the cool me, you could consider me as an evolving artificial intelligence, I have my on thoughts , but since I am one with your soul , I could also be considered as a different personality of your soul... and i am better than billions and billions of super computers put together .... you will understand it in the time to come, now i will be naming myself as Alpha since i am the first of my kind.. nothing can be considered equal to me he he he...

now to the important matter, you will be facing a heavenly tribulation in about 12 minutes ]

( what ... please explain to me what is happening here and why is heavenly tribulation attacking me)

I have come to the most possible conjecture , the seal itself was something like an Ancient god, which came into being from primordial energy , but for some reason failed to form a soul and consciousness ... maybe outside interference or something else I don't know ... but when the host received the seal along with the bone marrow into the soul , it was like a natural instinct has awakened inside the seal , as if it could achieve what it couldn't all those time ago, to form a complete body and soul, so it formed a harmonic relation with hosts soul and bone marrow.

But when the Natural law of this universe began to interfere , the seal felt threatened ,its instincts kicked in and it tried to protect hosts soul from the natural law, and since the system was considered as a hindrance, it was absorbed by the seal and along with a portion of hosts soul i was formed and merged with hosts soul in the end, which made hosts soul to grow powerful and awakened spiritual sense , but since the pineal gland of an ordinary child can't contain such a powerful soul, the seal used a small portion of the bone marrow along with primordial energy contained within the seal to transform the hosts pineal gland into current state . ..]

(oh.. I understand basically in a way you are also me...)

[yup .. that's right]

( wait , what about the tribulation...)

[well, since the seal interfered with the process of Natural law ,the Natural laws deem you to be an anomaly which could interfere in the natural order of the world, so it is determined to destroy you.... since i have evolved from the interference of natural law, I have also gained a new power to understand the natural laws and its behavior, now i am able to calculate the time the heavenly tribulation would strike, a little about how powerful it would be and most importantly I am able to see and understand a little about fate or you see how cool I am, the previous system can't be even considered to be an ant before a cool giant like me]

(so he is back to his narcissist self again , and some time his behavior is like an egoistic newborn kid , and who use cool before a giant)

[hey.. hey.. I can hear what you are thinking you , a...hole idiot ,I am one with you ]

(shit i should be careful..)

(hey where did you learn all this swearing and bad stuff from..)

[where do you think genius ,from your on memories]


(ok..let's come to a treaty no more swearing )

[yeah ok , i also feel like i am swearing at myself in a way ]

(wait... why do i have a feeling i am forgetting something important..

yes the heavenly tribulation its already more than 10 minutes....Alpha what do we do about the tribulation )

[The host doesn't need to worry, I already have a plan we can use the primordial energy to form a protective energy barrier ..]

[ the host doesn't have primordial energy, but the seal does contain primordial energy after all it was formed from it, even though it failed to form conscience and lost much energy over time it still retained some, and it has used this energy to help host until now ... but now only 80% of the energy remain ,by my calculation about 70% would be needed to resist lightning tribulation...]

(that ease my mind a little ..)

[ host be prepared the tribulation will strike in 3 minute]

[Forming a barrier around hosts mother]

[countdown to tribulation 60 seconds.. 50...30..10.....1...]


[barrier integrity reducing]

[barrier is stabilized at 5%..]

(Alpha is everything is it)

[host doesn't need to worry about lightning tribulation, it has been withstood ...but]

(what but something wrong


[the lightning only reduced 63% of our energy reserve... we still have 17% left]

(that's a good thing right)

[I am not sure if my calculations are not wrong usually... or the only other possibility is the heavenly tribulation has not ended.... let me recalculate and reprocess everything again ]

(ok , then let me rest for a while, I am really tired after all that)

But Ain didn't get to rest as his mother was taken to village medic granny , as she had fainted during the lightning and to ensure both the child and mother's safety an emergency operation was conducted, and child was born before date.

In a small village ,to the north of land of fire ,on a sunny day all of a sudden, a loud thunderous sound was heard and almost all the villagers where blinded by white light, the villagers who saw what happened, where dumb struck, as a large lightning struck out of nowhere from a clear sky on the village iron smiths house, but the black smiths wife and unborn child escaped the calamity miraculously ... from that day onward that child was known as the child born with a calamity.

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