One Punch Man System In Naruto World

Chapter 3 - The Hanami village

As Ain was trying to rest a sudden pain jolted him awake, he felt something grabbing him ,he knew he was being taken out of his mother's wȯmb, being held by his leg made him feel a little pain and he cried out but the sound that came out was something else, he felt really feeble and weak, unable to move or even open his eyes ....

He thought (i am feeling really tired and sleepy, I will sleep for now)

Two days passed away, Ain woke up again, he slowly opened his eyes ... what he saw was a big face..he was startled and shouted out, but what came out was some gibberish like, a baby cry.

Suddenly he realized he was a baby, and it was not a big face but a man closely looking at him.

then he heard a sweet voice scolding " Hirokatsu I told you already, don't irritate the child..see now what you have done.. made my little angel cry..."

Hirokatsu in a depressed voice " Hagika ...don't scold me in front of our child.... I was just checking out my son, whether he has the masculine and noble aura like me "

Hagika " pfft... and which noble clan were you born are just an ordinary black smith in an ordinary village..i don't know how, I fell for a dummy like you "

Hirokatsu " hey don't berate my ancestors, even though my kibagami clan has lost its former glory. Still our kibagami clan was once considered as one of the best weapon-smiths in the land of fire and there was a time when our Katanas were real popular among the samurais of land of fire... I won't claim we were the no.1 but we were in the top 20's at least.."

Hirokatsu " wait.. he opened his eyes..look"

Hirokatsu took Ain from the cradle and took him to his mother .

Ain looked at his father and mother, Hirokatsu was wearing an ordinary villagers clothing he had a little rough face with a trimmed beard, a jolly smile hung on his face, his muscles were little bruised here and there, showing he did hard labor ... while his mother was an ordinary looking woman with a beautiful and kind smile, she also had small bruises and small wrinkle, showing the hard work the ordinary villagers go through ...

Hirokatsu " i have a boy to pass on my bloodline, .. even though i hope you would bring our clans glory back by becoming the world's best weaponsmith.... I don't think you should be bond by the dreams of your ancestors or parents, you should become what your heart tells you to become and be free and happy... but remember to never lose your dignity as a man I will name you Jiyuu Kibagami.."

Hagika said as tears came to her eyes " you don't need to be so emotional "

Hirokatsu " emotional .. and look who is crying... " hiding his own tears he continued

"you know maybe if my ancestors weren't so adamant on becoming the greatest weaponsmiths again, and forcing all the children on that path without giving them a choice ...maybe we wouldn't be in this poor state, my grandfather really loved sculpting statues and if he had followed that path, maybe he would have become a renowned sculptor... has no use regretting , but I won't let my son be burdened by the past "

A knock was heard and door to the room opened, as a granny came in ...

Hagika " granny fuzuki.."

Granny" how are you doing hagika any pain "

Hagika" no problem granny .. little jiyuu just woke up "

Granny " Hirokatsu let me see.."

taking the child granny said " so you are little jiyuu.. let me look healthy ,good..good"

giving the child to hagika she said " if everything goes like this, you can go home in ten days....

but how is your house, i heard it was pretty damaged in the lightning "

Hirokatsu "Its ok now, i was able to rebuild it with the help of the village head and other villagers.."

Ain ( alpha are you there)

[yes host,I am actually a little busy, trying to figure out how the natural laws are reacting ]

Ain (can you tell me how i was able to understand the native language)

[ oh.. the old system that god installed was not completely useless there are many languages, name and description of different herbs ,metal ore etc.... stored in it , to help you adapt quickly to the new world ... but I just absorbed it and directly transfer it into hosts brain more language problems ....if there is nothing else , I will go back to research ]

Ain ( wait alpha , i think my 5 senses and spiritual sense has also improved..)

[that's because of the heavenly tribulation... I will explain it later ... the research I am doing is of utmost importance so don't call me if it is not an emergency ]

Time passed Hagika was discharged from the hospital , Ain also understood many things about his parents and the village, after one month he was often taken to tour the village by his father,

He got to know the villages name was Hanami village, the name came to be because the villagers grew different flowers both domestic and wild flowers, around their house and in farms, it was also one of the main commodities produced in the village, merchants came to purchase flowers to create perfumes and many other reasons. different flowers bloomed throughout the years not just in spring.... so the name village of flowers.....

Granny Fuzuki was village heads wife and was also a medic ninja who retired along with her husband... since they didn't have any children they treated the young ones of the village as their own children....

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