One Punch Man System In Naruto World

Chapter 4 - Peaceful village life

Two months passed away quickly, Ain came to realize, how wonderful this real world was , the air was so pure that just breathing in it made ones body filled with energy. the land, the forests everything was full of vitality and life , if one was to compare this planet to earth, then it would be like comparing a teen filled with energy to a granny who is slowly dying.

He thought (no wonder those ninjas can form chakra in their body and perform taijutsu, the nature is also aiding and healing their body continuously...)

Slowly he also came to adapt to the new life , his loving but bragging father who always preaches about living a dignified man's life, his loving and kind mother , the three 4-5 year old, neighbors children who would visit often , curiously looking at Ain and often search his body whispering to each other " he is the child of calamity, he surely has some horns and claws , and definitely a cute tail.. let's search more ... he must be hiding it " .

Hagika and her friends, mothers of these snotty brats would laugh at this, and Ain was in no condition to respond to all this....

The whole village was friendly , the villagers treated each other as a big family , as the village was really small and in a relatively remote place in the forested area , there where only 36 villagers in total. after 4 months of his birth and his father taking him all around the village , he got to know everyone in the village .

Ain had his spiritual sense increased to 1 meter after the tribulation, and alpha helped him to utilize the spiritual sense in different ways , like concentrating only on a specified direction which further increased the distance that can be scanned , and with the help of Alpha all data could be collected in seconds and can further analyzed completely with in seconds, the longest the spiritual sense can be effectively utilized was about 40 meters as in long cuboid structure and can also be rotated to be utilized as a radar, but it was really a mental strain , even with the help of alpha ,he could at best do was 2 radar scans and needed rest of 3 hours, to do another.

Alpha has also given him some good news in this time. Alpha made the conclusion that even though the heavenly tribulation was a bad thing, it was greatly beneficial to Ain's body, as the lightning contained large amount of pure primordial energy , which can be directly absorbed into the bone marrow, which can be further utilized in the formation of the ancient god body, but that was an evolutionary process which would take a very very long time.... so Alpha came to the conclusion that Ain needs to come up with smaller target first and it was decided that the first target would be achieving a body similar to Hashirama's sage body , which can regenerate from injuries instantly , and for this he needed to focus more on forming ancient gods blood cells , which has an unprecedented regenerative ability much more powerful than Hashiramas and if further evolved to its full potential resulting in something even Alpha can't predict with its current ability.

After the blood the focus should be on bones , cartilage, muscles and fat etc.. which would increase his physical strength to an unprecedented level .

But to achieve all this he needed to absorb more primordial energy , which was very difficult since the natural energy in the nature itself only very little Primordial energy .

As for the energy from tribulation he could only absorb about 10% of it , since he didn't take on the tribulation directly with his body. And even that 10% was because of the help of Alpha and the evolved seal , if it was the old seal then even 5% would be difficult. utilizing that 10% Ain was able to produce a small amount of Ancient god blood cells,

A new problem arose now , this was his body growing up really fast , he already looked like an 8 month old child when only 4 month old, in order to not create any unnecessary suspicion from the parents and villagers , alpha regulated the production of blood cells, as alpha has evolved it could easily control all the bodily function of hosts body .

Alpha could utilize the Primordial energy left within the seal to make the host's body grow rapidly to that of a 4 year old kid instantly , but since the seal couldn't reabsorb or store primordial energy into it any more, the remaining energy was kept as emergency security measure.

It was the 9th month, Alpha had collected enough information about the time period, from the talks between villagers .

The first Shinobi world war has ended and peace treaty has been signed The First Hokage has passed away , and about 6 months ago The second hokage also died at the hands of the kinkaku forces . according to Alpha's calculation the peace will last for about 18years more until The second shinobi world war begins .

But Alpha was always busy and kept silent most of the time during these 5 months, saying there was a mistake in its calculation of the behavior of the Natural laws and fate on the previous heavenly tribulation. And it couldn't figure out what was wrong ... this was also one of the reasons 17% energy reserve was kept intact .

Today Hagika was taking little jiyuu, for grocery shopping ,but her path was blocked by three people , two boys and a girl "show us the cute calamity Jiyuu, we want to check whether he has grown a cute little tail ..."

of course these where the neighboring brats Genma , Keichiro and Hanari , the only difference was the three had grown a little and their way of referring to jiyuu has changed from child of calamity to cute calamity...

Hanari began "see.. see I told you he has grown bigger and cuter....soon he will grow a cute tail... but don't worry little Jiyuu , even if you don't find a woman because of your tail, ....big sister Hanari will sacrifice and marry you.."

Genma said "I think he looks cute and will become a handsome man , then their will be many beauties willing to marry him..."

Bang..... a small mountain was growing on Genma's head now.

Hanari was the leader of the trio ,she was also the strongest of the trio and whatever she said was final ...

Hagika was laughing at all this when suddenly a shout was heard " what are you brats doing again... and Hanari I told you not to call little jiyuu, calamity ... it will bring bad luck to him.. see how I teach you brats a lesson "

A woman was running fast towards them holding a cane .... as the children saw her they started sweating .

Hanari shouted " Big calamity is here... run ....escape plan A "

The woman shouted again " who is the big calamity ....wait till i get my hands on you "

Hagika said " wait elder sister Kazumi , they are just kids..."

Kazumi " you are the only one who considers these little devils, kids... and do you know what she did 2 days ago , she made the two brats make some smoke behind Aiichirou sans inn and took him to the back of the inn saying there was a fire, while the two brats took three candies from the counter ... even though Aichirou san was only laughing at the prank and gave them more candies.... I gave them a good scolding and beating , but look they are already back to their old ways , and she is even making new escape plans , so that i can't catch them all together... and all other villagers are supportive of them, sometimes even helping them escape from me ...i think these brats would be the end of me.."

Hagika " Don't be like that elder sister, they are still kids , they will change ones they grow up.. and Hanari is really intelligent and bold kid.."

Kazumi snorted , but as she looked at Ain, her angry face changed to loving and doting look "my cute little jiyuu will never become like those little rascals " and she gave a small peck on his forehead .

Ain started thinking ( Aunt Kazumi is Hanari's mother and wife of uncle Akitoshi, who is the most handsome man in the village and always acts calm and composed. Maybe that is why Aunt Kazumi fell for him.

According to Alpha , Aunt Kazumi is the strongest person in the village she has the chakra level of a jonin , a genius to be at this level at this age , maybe a ninja who got fed up by war and settled here. The other people with chakra are village head and his wife, who have above genin level chakra reaching about chunin level.

The other people with chakra were his father Hirokatsu with above genin level chakra due to practice of some kenjutsu, to improve his sword smithing skills. Akitoshi san and the three of the village guards trained by the village head also reached genin level.)

In the evening Ain was laying in the cradle and thinking ( This life is good, I am really happy here, maybe living as an ordinary villager here is not at all bad... my loving parents , all these kind and caring villagers ...I will leave all the ancient god and strengthening stuff behind , either way it would take a long time for the bone marrow to absorb energy even with the aid of the seal... I have decided ... I will be jiyuu Kibagami from today on-ward's and will also become a weaponsmith and fulfill my parents wish, i will also help the village with all i can.... This place really is a paradise and I will protect it with everything....)

Night approached Jiyuu was lazing around the cradle , as his father and mother were having dinner, but for some reason he was feeling unwell like something bad is about to happen suddenly he heard Alpha's voice.

[ Host something is wrong the natural laws seems to be acting again... I think the heavenly tribulation never ended .... it just got postponed because when we used the primordial energy to defend, it also shielded the host from the eyes of natural la , resulting in the tribulation losing its target in the end, the last of the tribulation energy dispersed into the atmosphere , but resulted in bringing bad luck to host and its surrounding ... I think something bad is coming..]

(What are you saying Alpha ,will there be another lightning strike )

[ I can't predict what it will be , I can only predict it would happen tonight around 1 am, it can be a lightning strike or an earthquake , but not as powerful as tribulation lightning ... the problem is if the bad luck attracts some chakra beast or something similar ... the host would be able to protect himself or small area around him with the remaining energy reserves...but not your parents and other villagers , if they are not standing close to host ...and if it is a chakra beast how long the shield would hold can only depend on how strong the beast is....]

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