One Punch Man System In Naruto World

Chapter 5 - Disaster approaches

Hirokatsu was going for little rest after the dinner, but suddenly he had a foreboding of something bad would happen, since he wasn't strong enough and his intuition wasn't as strong as a seasoned ninja, he thought the feeling, was irritating... and maybe he should have some sake before going to bed.

At the same time two other people where also having the same foreboding sensation , one was the village head Arihito who was a war veteran from warring state era , he had a good intuition toward danger and environment .... He knew something was wrong, so he asked the guards to be extra careful and make rounds of the village during night, he also made some other preparations

The other person who had premonition was Kazumi , as a genius and jonin level ninja ...she knew things weren't looking good , so after making sure Hanari and her husband was asleep, she went to the garden and dig out a ninja pouch and an arm and body protector, she wore it and waited for the night to pass...

It was reaching 10 pm, Alpha suggested Jiyuu do a radar scan using spiritual sens , As the scan was done , Alpha compiled all the data of each rotation together and put together a good picture of what was happening around a 40 meter radius circle. even though they couldn't get a complete scan of the village and its surrounding , what put jiyuu at a little ease was , Kazumi who was in her ninja armor and village head also seems to have put on his armor and was preparing for anything that might come...

As time passed 6 shadows were moving towards Hanami village at fast pace, they stopped moving about 500 meters from the village, they were 6 ninjas three jonin level and 3 chunin level ninjas wearing kumo head protectors .

The sturdy looking leader spoke " Dansui are you sure about the information that you gathered"

Dansui " After being a spy and intelligence operative for so long , please don't doubt my talents Goushou san "

Goushou " we will proceed as planned Dansui is with me, we will go to the village heads house and fight him allowing him to send the signal for help and then finish him off, while Harui, H, L and K , each of you will move from 4 direction and silently ȧssassinate each and every villagers , leaving only 10 villagers as hostage , whom we will use as the bait to lure the Konoha Patrol and intelligence team who are currently returning to their village through the north of this village.

We will use explosive to get them all in one shot , Harui you are the explosive expert make sure to keep all the explosive safe, i don't want any mishaps , we will take the positions first and begin the attack simultaneously at 1.15 am ok.."

Harui " Yes sir "

Goushou " And H i know you are very angry at the death of your father and mother by the hands of konoha, but don't act impulsively and jeopardize the mission .."

H " I rather massacre all the nearby villages and then set a trap for those bastards. It would be great if i could destroy the whole fire nation ... but don't worry i won't jeopardize the mission "

Goushou " now remember if there is any mishaps or alteration , all of you will retreat to northwest direction where the village head resides ... If everything goes right then the world will know, Even though Lord Kinkaku is dead, Kinkaku force remains and is not to be trifled with.. ok lets begin.."

woosh... the silhouettes disappeared...

Kazumi who was sitting in meditative position opened her eyes , made some hand signs ...

" sensory technique...chakra pulse "

" There seems to be 6 kumo Ninjas, Three shows high level chakra , one especially have very strong chakra even a little higher than me , they have split up , 2 strong ones are going to the village heads house , the others are surrounding the village from 4 sides , are they going to eliminate the whole time to think i will take down the lonely stronger one by surprise attack first, then the weaker three... i hope village head could hold on "

Alpha [It seems to be here ....radar scan initiated ]

[host it is an attack , from kumo ninjas , can detect 4 of them... 2 jonin level are going to the village heads house, the other 2 are each taking positon on 2 sides probably waiting for some signal, the chakra pulse that was detected earlier came from inside of the village, it must be kazumi using some sensory technique.. and she is most probably aware of the situation, that is why she is going for the only jonin level left alone, to take her down quickly and go after the chunin level ninja next.. but since the radars range is limited i am not sure of the other directions there can be more ninjas...]

Jiyuu ( I can see,what you are talking.. what can we do utilizing the primordial energy to protect every one )

Alpha [The best solution would be to make the host grow to 3 year old utilizing 13% of the reserve energy, with hosts bodily condition and spiritual sens and my aide , host can be considered an elite Taijutsu master of chunin level , we will wake hosts father up and make him engage the chunin that is attacking from this side of the village , host will hide in the shadow and do a surprise attack, by stunning the enemy with spiritual sens .. after that we will try to join up with Kazumi ....

But the problem is how hosts parent would take , the grown up you.... and making you grow is a painful process, you will be in hell for 3 minutes ... since host has been a grown up man ones adapting to grown up body would be easier..]

Jiyuu (we don't have time it.. we will deal with it as it comes )

As Alpha started the process , Jiyuu could feel an enormous energy traveling from his brain to spine and entering the bonemarrow and the bone marrow started producing more blood cells at a fast rate along with new fat, cartilage, and bones cells.....the process was heating jiyuu up and it was giving an acute pain like all over the body.. the newly formed ancient cells where destroying and recreating ordinary cells changing DNA it self , using the Ancient energy in them..

5 minutes passed as the pain came to an end , but it felt like days of torture for jiyuu but he endured gritting his teeth and he knew there was no going back, protecting what he loved required strength ....

As he came to his senses , he could feel the enormous strength coursing through his body like he could destroy a big boulder with a single punch , but he soon realized he was crumpled in the cradle and he was giving out a bad stench , he got out , swiped himself with some clothes in the shelf and took a pant which his mother has sewn for him as he reach 1 year old , it was short and a little tight...

Hirokatsu " let me sleep a little more Hagika... hey who are you kid.. how did you come look a little familiar.."

Hagika woke up " Jiyuu.. how.."

Hirokatsu " jiyuu did you become so big..and why do you stink..."

jiyuu " Mom ,dad we don't have time the village is under attack ... i will explain everything later we need to move now "

Hirokatsu" What do you mean .."

Jiyuu " we will talk as we move .... mom you stay in the home lock it from inside... dad take out those katanas that you have kept in the hidden shelf behind the cabinet ... "

Hirokatsu "how did you know all that .... And even if it is an enemy attack its not your place to protect the village , its duty of a grown up man "

[ Host i have made another scan , Kazumi has already engaged the jonin and the other Ninjas has already started moving, there are two more chunin level ninjas and one of them is carrying a bag filled with a massive explosives .... host spiritual sense has further improved from 1meter to 10meter i can keep scanning but you need to hurry]

Hagika " What your father is saying is right you are still a child..."

Jiyuu " we don't have time any more , more we argue more villagers die .... trust me mom"

as he spoke he moved towards the other room, but as he increased his speed he couldn't control it and broke through the door...

Jiyuu (I need better control ..)

As he reached the cabinet he pushed it slowly the hidden shelf was reveled, there where two Katanas and one wakizashi, Jiyuu slowly jumped and took the wakizashi and a katana ..

Hirokatsu after getting out of the shock of his son breaking the door by pushing at it, ran after him

Hirokatsu " What are you doing ...breaking the house you.. my fathers katana..."

Jiyuu threw the katana towards his father and said " Follow me to Gaku sans house dad ... we don't have much time "

this time he opened the door slowly and disappeared ..

Hagika came to the hall and hit Hirokatsu in the head and said " what are you doing go and protect our child.."

Hirokatsu " I don't know what is happening ..but i will protect our child at any stay locked in "

(what is happening Alpha)

[its the jonin, Kazumi was able to kill her, but she used an explosive tag to warn her companion we need to hurry the ninja on the east side has already entered Gaku sans house ]

As jiyuu reached Gaku sans house he could smell blood.. he saw a kumo ninja coming out with a blood stained kunai , jiyuu's heart started beating faster as fear crept into his heart , After all he was an ordinary man in his previous life, he knew what might have happened but still


[They are all dead ]

He still used his spiritual sens to see for himself , Gaku san and his wife died in sleep, while his son and daughter in law had fear on their face, probably they woke up due to explosion and saw their killer... A memory flashed through Jiyuu's mind ...Gaku san carrying Hanari on his shoulder laughing while Keichiro and Genma, where pulling his clothes so that he would also carry them on his shoulder .. Gaku san was a kind old man who treated the three brats as his own grand children... and his wife made rice ball for them, they had a filial and obedient son who only recently got married...

Jiyuu " They didn't deserve this..."

As he spoke hatred and anger began filling his heart, the ancient blood started boiling , black and golden yellow aura started coming out of his body , his pupils turned pitch black with golden yellow boundary, it seemed like two black holes which will swallow everything , It was not the end as a small tear was forming on his forehead and , the black and golden yellow aura started leaking out of the tear ...

Kumo chunin L started shivering .." what kind of monster are you..."

Before he finished speaking half of his body was lying on the ground , his internal organs falling out of the upper half and the monster was standing behind him.

As Hirokatsu reached Gaku sans house he saw his son disappearing and appearing behind the ninja , as the ninja was split in half ... it took a while for Hirokatsu to come to his senses.. then he called out "Jiyuu...." and ran towards his son...

Jiyuu came to his senses as he heard his fathers call , and he turned back to normal ..but suddenly he felt weak all over his body , blood was coming out of his mouth , eyes and nose . He fell down ....

Hirokatsu held him up, Jiyuu was mumbling " i couldn't help them ...."

Hirokatsu understood what had happend , and the other villagers where also getting out of their houses after the commotion as he was going to carry jiyuu home he felt a special energy coursing through jiyuu ...

Jiyuu felt the nourishing energy and woke up ...

[Jiyuu wake up fast , that kumo ninja with explosive is moving towards the center of the village , you need to stop her ,she had been hurt badly by Kazumi but she escaped..]

Jiyuu opened his eyes and looked at his father " father you need to take mother and as many villagers you can to the east side of the village and escape as far as possible ..."

Hirokatsu " son.. you be safe "

At the same time H was holding a Dying Harui in his hand , he was crying " no.. you can't leave me too ... you are the only thing left in my life ..."

As Harui closed his eyes, H face became twisted and filled with hatred.. he started making hand seals and pressed his hand on Harui's bag " All you bastards should die along with my Harui ..."

Kazumi who reached the spot saw this and yelled "Nooo...Earth wall ....."

But it was too late ,

Jiyuu who was running towards the center was halted by the blinding light and fire ... ( alpha shield )

Alpha [only 2% energy remains, It can only shield host]

Jiyuu yelled "Nooo..."

As he yelled the thick energy shield covering him began to spread out according to his will, but it got thinned out.

[jiyuu stop this... jiyuu....]

All this happened within seconds.... but the shield didn't hold for much longer... Jiyuu also got blasted along with the explosion, the heat was burning him but the ancient blood was also giving out ancient energy and regenerating his body... and he slowly lost consciousness ....

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