One Punch Man System In Naruto World

Chapter 6 - The after math

The explosion destroyed the entire village, a big crater had formed at the center of the village.

8 silhouettes wearing masks appeared on the trees near the burning village with body flicker technique, One of the leaders spoke " This might be a trap, every one be extra cautious... Adami and Himoto put down the fire, .... Aiga san please use your sensing technique to look for any hidden ambush... "

Aiga "Makishi san, ... why don't we wait for reinforcement first..."

Makishi " I think it would be too late by then... we need to act now if we want to save any suvivors.."

Aiga " ok... sensing jutsu ..."

Aiga " I can sens two kumo ninjas, escaping towards the west, they seems to be hurt... and there are only 3 weak chakras left in the village ..."

Makishi " we will split into two teams, Kyotaro and Eiji will follow me, to capture the escaping Kumo ninjas the others will follow Aiga san to help the survivors..."

After One hour, the ninjas ȧssembled back at the village. There were three bodies in front of them.

Aiga "... I have already applied first aid, but we need to move them back to the village and give proper treatment.... what about you Makishi..."

Makishi " ... those damn kumo ninjas, they escaped ... they were the remnants of the kinkaku force.... those beasts doesn't even spare innocent villagers for achieving their goals ... This was probably an ambush setup for us , but something went wrong... resulting in the destruction of the whole village ..."

Eiji " Makishi sensei the reinforcements are here...."


[ jiyuu can you hear me... Jiyuu wake up .....]

( where am I , what happened .... yes the explosion... father , mother...)

Jiyuu opened his eyes and and tried to sit up ... as his vision cleared he knew he was in a room, probably a hospital since he was bandaged all over the body. It was hurting all over his body.

A nurse came shouting, " doctor, doctor the patient is up... Dont try to sit up you are seriously hurt and burned, just lay down and rest..."

Doctor came in " The kid is awake ... amazing his body heals real fast and he[ is sober from the trauma ... I should take some blood and conduct some experiments ..."

Jiyuu ( What the hell does this guy think, I am some kind of guinea pig to run hi tests on..... Alpha what is the situation...)

Alpha [ Its real bad, we are in konoha hospital right now...]

Alpha[ this.... I am sorry jiyuu , only you, Kazumi and Hanari survived the explosion. All others including your parents died ...]

Jiyuu started trembling, he tightened his fist in anguish and blood started coming out of the bandages in his hands, tears started falling from his eyes.... he stayed silent closing his eyes...

The doctor and nurse saw this and pitied the small guy ....

doctor " kid don't be hard on yourself, your hands are injured badly don't exert any force with them ...Every one will pass away one day yesterday was their time, tomorrow maybe ours, so don't dwell on it too much... I believe your parents would want you to be happy and live your life to the fullest... rather than indulging into sorrow.... you should move on ...."

Jiyuu calmed down and replied with anger burning in his eyes " why should I move on, I will kill those bastards ... and bring back my loved ones "

The doctor and nurse felt real threat for a second and took a step back from Jiyuu, after looking into his determined gaze , they knew he was serious and they could not further persuade him.

jiyuu ( this world is not my old world, and I am not my old self either....If I can become strong enough ... I can surely bring them all back.... they never deserved to die like that ... those honest and peaceful villagers ,my loving and caring parents..... and all this was partially my fault, its the heavenly tribulation that brought this disaster... Alpha how strong should I be, to bring them all back and how long will it take me to reach such power... )

But the conversation was halted as some people entered the room. Jiyuu saw two Anbu following a middle aged man with shaggy hairstyle and an x-shaped scar on his chin, he had a vague feeling that he has seen this man somewhere ...

Middle aged man " that is exactly what you should do... you should deliver justice to your loved, by destroying the Kumo ninjas...but you need strength for this ... And you shall have the strength if you join us...."

Jiyuu ( no wonder he looked familiar, but without the bandaged right eye it is difficult to recognize this guy....and this guy looks handsome, unlike in his old age.... what does he want from me )

Alpha [ Your regeneration ability has already been noticed by the ninjas who brought you back and the doctor. There has been an hidden Anbu who was lurking around from the moment you and others were brought here, probably one of his spy. and after gaining intelligence on you and your amazing regeneration ability he is probably trying to recruit you into the roots... ]

Before Danzo could continue another voice interrupted him .

" Danzo what are you doing here ... The kid has not even recovered from the trauma of loosing his parents and you are already here to manipulate him...."

A short man wearing the customary hat of the hokage came in. As Jiyuu saw this man he instantly recognized him ( the third hokage, he is much shorter in real life ... I guess i am saved from Danzo for now... )

Doctor and nurse " Hokage sama.."

Danzo " Hiruzen , why are you here and don't accuse me of manipulation, I was just offering the kid an opportunity to do justice for his family ... .. "

Third " Enough .... you wont pester this kid anymore ... he has already been through so much..."

Danzo turned back and giving out a snort he said " You are still softhearted Hiruzen ... remember why you allowed the formation of Root.... and the root need special talents to complete its missions..." he was already gone when the sentence was finished.

Third gave out a long sigh and examined Jiyuu carefully " how are you feeling kid ... guess you already know what happened .... don't think too much .... just rest, no harm will come to you in here..."

Jiyuu " I wish to know who survived and see them..."

Third " you are still hurt, someone will take you to them when you are back on your legs..."

Jiyuu " No, now... "

and he started to get out of the bed. Seeing the 3-4 year old kids determination, Third hokage was surprised.

Hokage(the kid not only have a strong kekkei genkai, he is also determined and persistent....if the will of fire is ignited in him he will surely become, another layer of protection for the village )

Hokage "Bring a wheel chair , lets take him to meet the survivors ..."

Jiyuu was brought to the room were Kazumi and Hanari were , It kind of looked like an ICU with many equipment that he was seeing for the first time.

A lady was standing besides Kazumi's bed, she was looking at Kazumi with a sad expression....Her hair was pulled back in a twin bun, locked by a traditional Japanese hair pin with two pearls dangling off the side. She was beautiful and had a strong resemblance to Kazumi. But as Hokage walked in her expression disappeared and only a plane face remained.

Hokage " Koharu... how is she doing...."

Koharu " In pain i guess.... This is what a shinobi gets when they forget, who they are and idle around ...."

Koharu didn't stay , she turned around and walked out of the room.

Alpha [That is koharu Utatane, One of the members of the Konoha council... she is much younger and beautiful in real life ]

Hokage " Don't take it to heart what she said, She is actually very sad and a little dissapointed... Kazumi is her niece , and Kazumi was one of the most talented and genius ninjas of her generation, Koharu doted on her a lot and trained her herself.... but one day she left the village and shinobi world to live an ordinary life, with the man whom she loved... Koharu was greatly disappointed .... and now seeing Kazumi like this, aches her heart..."

Jiyuu [Kazumi wonder aunt Kazumi was so powerful....]

Hokage "You, Kazumi and Hanari are the only survivors from your village, the village was entirely destroyed ... Kazumi has just lost consciousness, she may wake up at any time , but Hanari is in a coma, she survived only because she stayed inside her house, Kazumi had set up a special barrier in her house to protect her family a long time ago, But for some unknown reason her husband was not inside the house when the explosion took place.... probably went looking for kazumi in worry.... now that you don't have a home, you can join our village and consider this your home, you don't need to worry about Kazumi and Hanari, we will take full care of them, rest ȧssured ...what do you think "

Jiyuu noded his head and said " But i wish to go back to Hanami village and bury every one properly ..."

Hokage after thinking for some time said " ok , I will arrange for a team to take you there after you are fully recovered ... and no argument about this ..."

Jiyuu just nodded without any resistance and moved nearer to Kazumi.

Kazumi had severe burn marks all over her body, her long and beautiful hair was no more, Jiyuu remembered the pretty and kind, aunt that doted on him so much, that kind smile.... tears started falling from his eyes, without his control .. .. he held her hand and and said [aunt Kazumi, I will make everything right... just rest easy...]

3 more days passed by, Jiyuu was back to his full health by now, and he grew a little taller, his facial features had changed... he gave out a calm and composed look every time, unlike the happy and cheerful children of his same age.

Today was the day he returned to the village...

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