One Punch Man System In Naruto World

Chapter 7 - Return to the village

Jiyuu was doing some slight bending and stretching in his room, when he heard a knock on the door. He opened the door to find three Anbu wearing animal-styled porcelain masks.

Squad leader " We are under the order of Hokage, to take you to the Hanami village and protect you on the way.... "

Jiyuu " lets go then ..."

Jiyuu has been conversing with Alpha in these three days, about how to gain power equal to that of a god and bring his family and villagers back, Alpha came to the conclusion that. the only method to gain such power was by going through hell and fully activating the Ancient gods power resting within him, and to activate it fully, the body should go through different extreme conditions. If he was to follow the normal training methods even Alpha didn't know how long it would take for him to reach that level, 1000 years may not even be sufficient.

As they got out of the village the anbu black ops transformed into ordinary looking villagers and started the journey towards the Hanami village along with Jiyuu, it took them about two days to reach the village .Jiyuu was training his body and getting adapted to his new powers through out the journey, The Anbu were astonished by the effort put forth by this child, they tried to stop him from non stop training many times, but the child was determined to exhaust even the last bit of his energy before stopping. The weird thing was the kid would get up with full vigour after resting for half an hour. The anbu did not know that, Jiyuu was still holding back. so that he would not slow down the journey.

As they reached nearer to the village Jiyuu's foot became slower and harder, the anbu also noticed this, but didn't say anything. This was not due to physical exhaustion but mental exhaustion, his heart rate started increasing . when he reached the boundary he could not move any further , it was only a big crater with many debris and some burned body parts here and there . Tears started leaking out of his eyes and his hands were shivering due to tightening of the fists, The memory of all the happy and kindhearted villagers doing their daily chores passed through his mind ... their laughter's, the kids making trouble, his father and mother and so on... he closed his eyes and remained silent for a long time, no one disturbed him, for some unknown reason a fierce aura started leaking out of him slowly, at first the Anbu did not notice it, but slowly they also started to feel the tension, they did not know what to do exactly, but they started preparing for a serious fight. The squad leader gave a signal and the other two anbu changed their stance, the squad leader was preparing to knock jiyuu out and bring him back to Konoha .

Squad leader [ what a powerful killing intent, what kind of monster is this kid...]

But before they made a move, Jiyuu opened his eyes and the aura disappeared as if it never existed, (Alpha, I want to find the remains of each and every one of the villagers )

Alpha [ I have already got it...]

Jiyuu turned back to the anbu and said " Squad leader san can you please help me bury my loved ones.."

Squad leader " what can we do to ȧssist kid "

Jiyuu " please create 36 stone coffins for me, ..."

Squad leader " Kayotaro create 36 stone coffins.."

Kayotaro " Earth style , Earth molding jutsu...."

Jiyuu himself went into the debris, and collected the remains with the guidance of Alpha and brought them back and put them in each coffins, when it came to the area where his parents remains were, he lost his strength and sat down without moving any further, It took him a long time to gain back his courage and determination, he encouraged himself ( no i will not waver, in order to become some one as powerful as a god, I should have a strong heart... this is not the end but the beginning.... as long as i am alive, my dreams and wishes are also alive and everything is possible, that means they are also alive with me.. and all this is just a bad dream.. )

Determined he stood up and walked forward, but his heart was slowly changing to that of a stone heart...

It was almost night, when he buried them all on a near by small hill and engraved their names on the tomb stone himself, he layed down nearer to his parents tomb and remembered their not so rich, but happy and satisfied life, the anbu had already gone to prepare food and a place to spent night after helping jiyuu with everything, they had also lost their loved ones so they understood his feeling and left him alone.....

After some time Jiyuu spoke ( Alpha to what extend will you go for me...)

Alpha [ You are the reason for my birth... I treat you as a friend and brother, I will gladly give my life if it will help you]

Jiyuu ( good... then I need you to die.....

and become the one punch man system, that was created to help me become some one as powerful as the one punch man, but now my goal has entirely changed to become a god, and for that the requirements are higher so I want you to transform into a completely robotic system without any emotions, ruthless and merciless, you should guide me through the most stringent and harshest methods without any care but with only one goal to gain more power with each seconds, you will become an ultimate one punch man system.... and your ultimate goal to make me powerful enough to revive them... and you will return to being Alpha when the mission is complete ..... or we will die trying... )

[ The ultimate one punch man system activated... scanning the host for data...]

The voice became more mechanical....


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