Jiraiya has been a team with Tsunade for a long time, so they knew each other very well. Tsunade was surprised by Jiraya's behavior, but she didn't indulge in it as both of them came up with a plan and moved forward.

Jiraiya " We will use the large smoke bomb that jiyuu created, and then hide him.... then we will take on one enemy at a time...hope this works.."

Tsunade " let's make the move ..."

By the time the four man squad caught up again , the area was fully covered in smoke... But since they were from the hidden mist, they were less affected. This smoke was from a smoke bomb jiyuu had specifically created to escape from a pursuit of large group of initial stage jonin's or low level ninjas. The effect on higher level ninjas and ninjas with specific skills were very low so he didn't use it earlier. But still it could hinder the vision and smell, and a specific pungent smell was added so that it would irritate the nose and other senses as they inhale more.... One had to wear a specific mask to stop this smoke from completely entering the nose.

As they entered the smoke the enemy started feeling irritated, they used wet clothes as mask but the effect was not that great as only specially created mask would deter the smoke.

The leader ordered to split up and search, and this was what jiraiya and Tsunade hoped for.

One of the enemies got closer to the location of jiyuu and saw him lying there, but before he could make a move a person came out of the tree, as if the tree itself came to life. It was jiraiya who had used Transparent Escape Technique, it was a high level stealth technique that jiraya developed for his certain personal endeavors. The enemy was caught off guard and before he could make any other move jiraiya locked down both his hands and tsunade came from the side and landed a hit on the enemy but the enemy was not ideal either he used his leg to land a kick on her stomach and sen her flying.

He used the same momentum to jump backward and sandwich jiraya with the tree, but he was surprised to see that even though he had jumped backward he was going forward and fell down face to the ground the fall was heavy, jiraiya let go of him.

The enemy again tried to roll away from jiraiya to create some distance, but to his surprise he was rolling towards jiraiya and the whole of his body coordination was in haywire. Jiraya didn't give the enemy any chance as his kunai stabbed through the other guy and then left without even looking back towards were Tsunade has fallen.

Tsunade was coughing and getting up, he helped her to get up...

Tsunade " did you get him..."

Jiraiya " of course, that move of yours is really amazing..."

Tsunade " I have not yet perfected the Body Pathway Derangement, the enemy might have gotten back to his normal self ,if you didn't kill him .... let's move, the sound might have alerted the others .."

But the enemy appeared before they could move.

" Water Release: Rising Water Slicer "

Jiraya and tsunade had to dodge to different directions to dodge the attack, Jiraya carried jiyuu along with him. While the enemy had deliberately used the technique to separate them and take down one at a time. The first the enemy went for was Tsunade, because she looked more hurt.

When Jiraya saw this he used body flicker, to reach the enemy and stab him from behind . The enemy was not idle he dodged to the side pulling out the sword from Tsunade. Even though her vitals were avoided she was in pain and used creation Rebirth jutsu. But it would only stop the bleeding and didn't completely heal her, after all she was not even a chunin yet.

Jiraya was not ideal, as he saw that the enemy had created some distance , he threw the dynamic shurikens and signaled Tsunade to take cover. Jiraya didn't even wait for the shurikens to reach closer to the enemy and exploded it.

The enemy was prepared and used substitution technique to avoid the explosion, but when he looked back Jiray and tsunade had already disappeared along with jiyuu. They were making a run for it.

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