Jiraya started attaching Explosive tags on different trees and at last took out a big bundle of explosive tags which he hid among some rocks. This were all of jiyuu's backup resources. jiraiya attached the rest of the tags along the way and when they were almost out of the smoke, jiraiya exploded it.

The Explosion was humongous, the ninja that was following them, got caught up in the explosion and was hurt pretty badly. But luck was on team 9's side today, as the explosion covered the area it also absorbed the oxygen in the area and further enhanced the chemicals in the smoke. Making it effect the senses of the ninja's inside it, thankfully jiraiya and tsunade were almost outside and didn't get severely affected.

Jiraya, just used the explosive to stall for time, but the outcome was more unprecedented and highly in their favour. Tsunade was looking at jiraya with a weird face.

Tsunade [ did he do it intentionally or was it just an accident...]

but they didn't have time to discuss, they kept on moving forward.

About 15 minutes passed by and the enemy regrouped outside the smoke in a different area, The leader of the team was really angry and felt completely humiliated, being played by some children was a big strike to his pride, so the chase continued on in full force.


One more hour passed by

The enemy caught up with Jiraya and Tsunade they were cornered and the enemy was preparing to go for the final strike.

Jiraiya " ... I have been practicing and preparing, this technique for a long time, finally it's time to use it..."

Tsunade was stunned, she had been fighting alongside jiraya for a long time but she didn't knew he had any such hidden technique. The enemy had already been vigilant and seeing the confident smile on jiraiya, the leader ordered the rest of the team to take a step back...

Jiraya used the last of his smoke bomb to make his move more flashy and mysterious, then he bit his thumb and then pressing his left hand on the ground, slowly muttered "summoning jutsu " .

When the smoke cleared both Tsunade and enemy was taken aback to see there was no one inside it. The enemy was already vigilant and kept their distance seeing jiraiya disappear just like that. They knew he was good at Transparent Escape Technique which made him almost undetectable...

Tsunade didn't know what kind of technique jiraiya used, but she was confident he will not abandon her and jiyuu in this situation. So she also showed a confident expression.

The enemy team leader asked the sensory ninja in his group.

leader " Kana what do you think..."


ten minute passed by neither side made any move, they were in a stalemate... slowly the enemy was losing their patience and tsunade her confidence.

As the enemy was going to make the move they saw movement from afar, Ninjas were moving towards there direction and Orochimaru was leading them.

The enemy leader quickly gave the order to retreat, but jiraiya still didn't make an appearance. As the enemy left, tsunade called out

Tsunade " Jiraya come out we are safe...."

There was no reply, her face was red with anger and cracking sounds were coming from her clenched fist...

Tsunade " I knew it, .... i will gut him alive when I find him again..."


Somewhere in Mount Myōboku a weird white haired kid was looking around and he started sneezing all of a sudden.

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