The next day jiyuu arrived at the meeting point and met with the team. They started moving after a short while. The journey was long, he had traveled out of the village before, but this was the longest journey that he had undertaken. The natural beauty of the Naruto world was something that he had only seen in pictures in his previous life.

When they finally entered the Land of lightning, Jiyuu was awe struck by the natural beauty of this place. There were sky high majestic mountains which kissed the sky, rivers that flowed from these mountains had there on beauty and all kinds of flora and fauna existed in this place. The team didn't move through the coast line so jiyuu didn't see the oceans which were much more beautiful than the mountains according to Haruto.

Jiyuu's mind was only mesmerized by the beauty of this land for a short while, when he remembered that this was the home of his enemy, coldness returned to his eyes.

After reaching a certain forested area they stopped, this was close to a village. When it was night someone came out of the village and brought two carts pulled by horse along. This was one of the spies that root have planted, this persons major task was to gather materials and equipments needed for the ninjas that were on mission here. After talking with Haruto for a while he left.

When the daylight arrived the whole team had changed their attire and was in poor commoners clothing and they got on the cart which was already loaded with some crops and vegetables. The materials were to be sold at the next town. Villagers coming to sell their product in the small town was a common thing so they didn't receive any unwanted attention.

After getting inside the town, they went to a textile shop, the owner of the shop welcomed them and closed the shop slowly after they entered, the owner was a long term spy of root. His name was Aito, he has been living the life of a clothe merchant for a long time.

He had special access to the village hidden in the cloud, as a supplier for some clothes shops in Kumo. For this very reason he was a highly valued ȧsset of the root.

The team was ȧssembled in a closed room along with Aito, this was a special room which didn't leak any sound out. After seating themselves around a table they started discussing the details of the mission.

A very prominent person from the country of lightning , the younger brother of the current Lightning Daimyō, was visiting the village hidden in the cloud. His name was Chimon and he was vocal advocator of strengthening the military might, his visit to the the Kumogakure didn't smell good for the other hidden villages especially for the leaf since the previous incident. The root wanted to know what was the purpose of his visit.

There were even some rumors that he had some dealings with the kinkau forces. When the discussion reached these parts a cold glint flashed through jiyuu's eyes. But the system reminded jiyuu to not lose his cool. jiyuu has been closely monitoring Kokoro through out the

journey and he had a really bad feeling about her. He had also found that she was closely monitoring him. The system reminded him again to not lose cool and give the enemy a chance.

The plan was finalized with, Haruto and Itsuki becoming Aito's servants and Konkoro Haruto's wife and their cook while jiyuu there innocent son. They will travel along with Aito to deliver the cloth materials this time to kumogakure. while Emica would stay out at a designated place in stealth outside the borders of the village hidden in the cloud. So that in case some mishaps happen she could provide some support and setup some trap in advance to aid in their escape.

At first jiyuu was suppose to stay with Emica and out of danger. But jiyuu insisted on going into the village. Since kumo wouldn't give much attention to a small kid in a party, Haruto agreed at last.


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