It took two days for the cloth merchant caravan to arrive at the village hidden in the cloud, the security checks were stringent. But the root Anbu had their on ways of hiding their chakra, so did jiyuu, Everything went smoothly. They arrived a day earlier than their target and observed the situation.

The chunin itzuki had a special technique which made his stealth almost impossible to detect, he also had another special technique to enhance his hearing. With both these techniques he was very good at spy work. Itzuki was supposed to infiltrate the target Chimon's, guest residence and collect as much information as possible, while Haruto and Kokoro kept a watch out for any enemy movements.

Itzuki had already infiltrated the guest residence even before the guest arrived, and stayed in stealth inside the house. while Haruto and kokoro kept watch in different direction for any unusual movements.

Jiyuu on the other hand moved around the village collecting information, neither the ninjas or the common people gave much importance to a small boy who was playing around. Jiyuu had stayed around a bar while playing with a toy for sometime.

It was because jiyuu had found many people with chakra in this bar, this place was like drive bar and the frequent visitors where Kumo ninjas. Jiyuu listened in on there chatter for quite some time, but he didn't receive the information that he was specifically looking for.

He had not got what he wanted but he was able to collect many other information relating to a wide range of things but as he was returning to the place where the cloth merchant has arranged for them to stay. He heard someone speaking about a conflict that happened between some ninjas who were returning from their mission and possibly a remnant from the kinkaku force. The ninja from the kinkaku force was able to escape, even though he was pretty badly injured.

Jiyuu was able to get a general location from the discussion, jiyuu had to follow this lead. He was hoping to get some time to investigate this matter after the current mission was over.

When he returned to the place, he saw that the place was being observed and some ninjas have already captured Aito, he knew kokoro had made her move... he turned back and tried to make an escape when one of the kumo ninja noticed him and one of the employees started to say something after pointing at him.

Jiyuu didn't waste time, he ran for a crowded place. But kumo ninjas were not slow either, one of them was using body flicker and keeping an eye on jiyuu from above the buildings... jiyuu took an abrupt right turn and entered an ally.

But when the ninjas who thought they had cornered the prey arrive, they found that the ally was empty. They turned the place upside down and asked for more reinforcement to search the whole area.

Jiyuu was long outside the village boundaries, even before the first ninja arrived at the ally. This time he had used his new gained power the aura along with the ancient gods senses. He knew he was in one of the most dangerous places that he could be.

If he had delayed even a second he would be completely surrounded and the enemy would have a great advantage in every field. Not even with all the resources and strength he had acquired could he deal with such a situation... so he didn't even need to think before using his trump card, and it was really effective as the system suggested.

The experience of 0.5 second of unimaginable power was a new experience for jiyuu. he had used the power before, but always stopped before 0.3 seconds according to the systems suggestions... since his body and mind hadn't completely adapted to this power, he had to start by using smaller amount of time.

When he moved he felt like he was flash of the DC world and he didn't know where his speed limit would be if he kept accelerating. But blood started coming out of his nose as soon as he completed the 0.05 seconds. System had been recording every minute detail of his body through this whole process.

After resting for a while, he went to the gathering point but stayed in stealth. He had already noticed Emica who was also in stealth and waited along.

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