This time.

Da Ye’s eyes couldn’t help but froze again.

Liu Yun This is… What ninjutsu did he perform again!?

At the same time, the giant black spirit was the same, and he couldn’t help but be stunned, the huge blue monster figure brought strong pressure to it!

Liu Yun turned the corners of his mouth up.

There is no doubt that the blue monster that appears behind him now is none other than Susano!

A powerful pupil technique unique to kaleidoscope chakra eyes!

This trick is too lost to the kaleidoscope wheel eye and cannot be easily performed, otherwise it is easy to cause the sequelae of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

But now that Liu Yun’s eyes have advanced into eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, naturally there is no such aftermath, so he has activated it!

After glancing at the giant black spirit, Liu Yun’s eyes suddenly turned cold!

Go, Susano!!!

At this moment, Susanoo behind him suddenly extended a long, thick blue arm, and then clenched into a blue giant fist, and blasted towards the giant black essence!

The furious wind exploded!

At that moment, feeling the oncoming suppressed fist wind, the giant black spirit finally came to his senses, and then he didn’t care about the shock, and he also clenched his fist and slammed out a pitch-black huge fist!


Two giant fists of different colors collided together.

But the result of the collision finally made the giant black spirit smile again.

With a bulge of its arms, it directly blasted back Susano’s fist!

Seeing this scene, Da Yan’s face also relaxed.

Although the Susanoo released by Liu Yun is amazing, it does not seem to be that powerful.

Or in other words, the current giant black spirit is already very powerful, even if Liu Yun suddenly comes to a weird ninjutsu, he can break it with force!

“Ho ho !!!”

The giant black spirit suddenly laughed proudly again, and immediately charged at Liu Yun again.

At this time, Liu Yun was not surprised to see Susanoo fall into the downwind in terms of strength.

Because he knows very well that the current Susanoo is only the initial stage!

Susanoo at this stage seems to be an amazing blue monster, but in fact, it has not even formed a skeleton, just a condensed energy, and its role can only be used as an extended limb.

It is okay to deal with some agile or weak opponents, but it is obviously not enough to deal with the current power-type giant black spirit.

But it doesn’t matter, he can continue to strengthen.

Thinking like this, Liu Yun’s eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes began to flicker again, and at the same time, his hands quickly froze.

At this moment, the giant black spirit had already rushed in front of Liu Yun, and a pitch-black giant fist with terrifying power quickly slammed in!


Da Ye’s eyes were suddenly stunned.

The giant black spirit blinked, and countless faces were also stunned.

As expected, Liu Yun was beaten and flew away, and he was hit by the pitch-black giant fist, but he was still standing firmly in place!


The giant black spirit lowered his fist in amazement, and suddenly found an abnormal situation!

I saw Susanoo that appeared on Liu Yun’s body, and his appearance was a little different from just now!

The original Susano, although it took on the image of a blue monster, looked more like an illusory blue energy.

But at this time, the giant black spirit can obviously see that in the blue energy, there is a huge skeleton skeleton, as if the blue monster is going to change from illusory to real!

Surprised, the giant black spirit did not stop moving, but raised his fists and continued to explode!


A dull sound exploded.

The giant black spirit’s pair of giant fists landed on Susanoo one after another, hitting the blue light violently, but it was never able to break its defense.

Seeing this, the giant black spirit, as well as the big eye, were shocked again.

What the hell is this, actually stronger than just now? Especially the defense !?

Seeing this, Liu Yun naturally smiled again.

There is no doubt that as he increases his power output, the current Susanoo has entered the first form!

In this form, Susanoo has already greatly increased his defense!

As a result, there is an amazing situation that the giant black spirit can’t attack now!

“Impossible, how can this damn thing be so strong!?”

However, the giant black spirit at this time is obviously not to be underestimated, after finding that it could not break Susano’s defense, its many white faces became hideous, and then its body split and multiplied again!

At that moment, his shoulders moved, and four pitch-black arms were born!

Immediately afterwards, those four arms also clenched their fists and joined the team that bombarded Susanoo!

Countless fists erupted, almost forming a misty black shadow.


Liu Yun’s eyes narrowed suddenly.

The current Susano, although his defense has greatly increased, is not too perverted.

If it is such a fierce attack, it seems that it is really possible to be broken…

And immediately afterwards, as if to prove Liu Yun’s idea, after the giant black spirit swung six fists and exploded, Susano, who was originally standing still and as stable as Mount Tai, suddenly appeared some tremor fluctuations, and its newly formed skeleton was even cracked!

“Ho ho, look, I just said you can’t resist my current power!”

Seeing this, the giant black spirit immediately lifted his spirits and bombarded even more violently.

Seeing this, Da Ye also nodded secretly, feeling that he still looked too high at Liu Yun, how could he be the opponent of the black spirit!?

It’s just that Liu Yun himself, seeing Susano’s skeleton cracked, is still indifferent.

“Your power can indeed!”

At this moment, even he had to admit the strength of the giant black spirit at this time.

But then he shook his head and laughed again.

“But my Susanoo can be stronger!”

As soon as the words fell, Liu Yun turned the Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye again, increasing the energy output, allowing Susa to enter the second form!

So, at this moment, the situation that shocked the giant black spirit and the big eye once again appeared!

Susano’s skeleton, which originally had more cracks because the giant black spirit continued to bombard, suddenly healed at this moment, and at the same time, its skeleton-like skeleton also gave birth to meridian flesh and blood, and in the blink of an eye, it seemed to become a real monster!

At this moment, the six giant fists of the giant black spirit could no longer shake its figure in the slightest!

Da Ye’s eyes were suddenly stunned.

The giant black spirit was also stunned, and the offensive slowed down.

And at this moment, Liu Yun suddenly closed his hands and made a seal again, and with his movements, Susano’s huge hands actually followed the seal, and then suddenly opened his mouth towards the giant black spirit in front of him!

“Fire Escape Hao Fire Lost!”

At this moment, Liu Yun once again cast this powerful fire ninjutsu. But this time, instead of spewing out of his mouth, a huge meteorite fireball suddenly spewed out from Susano’s mouth!

The terrifying heat swept away.

When that meteorite fireball slammed into the giant black spirit, it instantly scorched and melted its body!!

Seeing this, Da Yan was suddenly completely stunned!

The giant black spirit, it was actually solved like this!?

Seeing this, Liu Yun was not surprised.

In this form, Susanoo is already able to cast ninjutsu and use more powerful attacks, and it is much more powerful than before!

As a result, the fire he cast this time was lost, and his power directly soared several levels!

The giant black spirit can’t resist, it’s very normal.

Of course, the black spirit did not die out.

At this moment, Liu Yun clearly saw that the melting giant black essence, the cells were constantly dividing.

A strange golden color began to emerge!


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