In the face of real strength.

Strength alone is obviously not enough.

So, after Liu Yun opened the second form of Susano, he solved the giant black spirit with a simple fire escape.

Of course.

Black spirits are not so easy to destroy.

At this moment, Liu Yun clearly saw that the giant black essence who fell to the ground, the cells in its body began to divide.

A touch of gold began to emerge.

Liu Yun suddenly raised his eyebrows.

At the same time, Da Ye’s eyes were stunned.


It couldn’t help but exclaim.

Because even it has not seen the state of the black spirit.

Originally, Da Yan Eye thought that after the giant black spirit was solved, the black spirit was really done!

But now it seems that there is still a turnaround?

Thinking like this, Da Yan’s eyes also looked attentively.

And then, as if to prove its idea, the golden color on the body of the giant black spirit became more and more obvious.

Next moment!

Under the scorched black skin, it was as if it had transformed into a new life, and a golden body appeared!

The size of this body is not large, it is similar to the original black essence, and it looks like a black essence whose skin has turned gold!

But in terms of breath, it is clearly weird and terrifying!

Liu Yun’s eyes suddenly flashed.

There is no doubt that the black spirit at this time has entered the golden essence === sub-form!

And at this time, the black spirit who stood up again, looking at his body like a golden pour, suddenly laughed sinisterly: “Uchiha Ban, I really want to thank you, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be what I am now!” ”

“This is the only body left behind after the elimination of hundreds of millions of cells!”

“Now I’m not a black essence === son, but a gold essence === son!”

“How can I thank you, you say? Ho ho….”

As soon as the laughter fell, the figure of the golden essence === Zi [referred to as the yellow essence] suddenly disappeared!

In the next instant, in front of Susano, a golden flash appeared, it was Huang Jing!

At this time, with a sinister smile, it suddenly clenched its fists and bombarded Susano!

Its current fist is undoubtedly countless times smaller than when it was in its giant form just now, and it is impossible to describe it as a small fist.

But when that small fist landed on Susano’s chest, it caused an amazing effect!


A bang!

Susanoo’s huge body was suddenly shocked, and then even Liu Yun took a step back!

Seeing this, Da Yan’s eyes couldn’t help but lift his spirits.

This gold essence == sub-form, very strong!

Just now, the second form Susano, which the giant black spirit couldn’t shake with all his mighty attack, was actually repelled by its punch!

And then, an even more amazing situation emerged!

After Huang Jing blasted Susanoo and Liu Yun back, he was unforgiving, and the figure once again chased after him with lightning, and the small golden fist once again burst out with powerful and unparalleled power!


Loud bang after loud noise.

Susano, directly beaten back!

And what was even more amazing was that as that golden fist continued to pour, Susano’s seemingly tough huge body actually showed traces of cracking again!

“Very good!”

Seeing this, Da Ye’s face immediately became joyful.

The current yellow essence has a power that is really much stronger than the giant black spirit!

And the speed is like electricity, occupying a great advantage!

In this way, the battle situation seems to have been reversed again!

As for Huang Jing at this time, he was naturally full of excitement, and Dajue raised his eyebrows and exhaled.

This damn Uchiha spot, now you know how powerful it is, right?

However, just when Da Ye Eye and Huang Jing were proud, Liu Yun shook his head.

I thought how powerful Huang Jing would be, but now it seems that it is just that!

At this moment, Liu Yun’s eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye once again bloomed with strength!

Susano, third form, open!

As Liu Yun’s mind moved, at this moment, the scene that shocked Da Yan Eye and Huang Jing appeared again!

I saw Susanoo, who was bombarded back one after another, at a certain moment, the speed of retreat suddenly decreased, and even gradually, no longer moving, let the yellow essence bombard, huge figure, always motionless like a mountain!


Huang Jing’s face suddenly changed, and then he was shocked to see that the Susanoo in front of him changed again!

The original Susanoo was probably just a monster with a complete body, but at this time, on its body, the blue energy condensed, and it actually formed a tengu-like face armor, as well as a huge and hideous armor!

Huang Jing’s fist landed on it again, and it could no longer cause the slightest damage!

“How is that possible!?”

At the same time, Da Ye Eye was also shocked.

Yanagi Yun’s Susano, what kind of ninjutsu? And what is its existence!?

Black essence = == sub enhancement change again and again is also a change of enhancement, I didn’t expect this Susano, it is also an enhancement change again and again!

Until now, Huang Jing’s fist could no longer help it!

What the hell is going on here!?

Liu Yun did not give Huang Jing a chance to return to his senses, and after condensing a blue blue sword for Susanoo again, he slashed angrily towards Huang Jing!


At that moment, the air shook, as if the space was split by powerful and terrifying power!

Huang Jing’s face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly dodged out to avoid this blow.

Susanoo did not stop attacking, wielding the blue blue giant sword, constantly chopping up!

Huang Jing was shocked, did not dare to hard connect, and directly turned into a golden lightning, flashing everywhere.

At this time, it finally came back to its senses.

Seeing Susano’s somewhat bulky movements, he was relieved.

There is no doubt that Susanoo at this time is definitely another great increase in defense!

But maybe it’s because of wearing armor, so its speed has decreased, and it is even a little bulky?

Thinking of this, Huang Jing finally smiled again.

“Uchiha, this big guy you made is indeed very strong in defense, but so what, your speed is too slow, if you can’t attack me, I will find out your weakness sooner or later!”

Huang Jing’s combat touch is indeed very good, so saying that, it didn’t take a moment to notice the weak point in Susano’s defense, that is, the location of its body and Liu Yun’s connection.

Sensing this, it immediately turned into a golden lightning bolt and was about to attack there.

Seeing this, Da Ye immediately nodded.

It also vaguely notices this.

It’s just that what Daye didn’t expect was that Liu Yun, who was found to be Susano’s defensive weakness, did not panic in the slightest, but the corners of his mouth turned up, and his face once again showed a mocking look.

“Who said I can’t attack you?”

As soon as the words fell, staring at the golden lightning, traces of flames appeared in the eyes of Liu Yun’s eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel!

And that flame is black!


Then, just a second before he swept in front of Liu Yun, Huang Jing suddenly found in horror that his body was actually flooded, with an aura of destruction… Pitch black flame!


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